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                             CALL FOR PAPERS

                      9th International Workshop on
             Logic-based Program Synthesis and Transformation

              Venezia, Italia, 22 - 24 September 1999

LOPSTR'99 is the ninth in a series of international workshops on
logic-based  program synthesis and transformation.  In 1999, it will be
held in parallel to the Symposium on Static Analysis (SAS'99).

LOPSTR'99 will continue the tradition of being a lively and friendly forum
for presenting recent and current research as well as discussing future
trends in the synthesis and transformation of programs.
The scope includes any computational-logic-based techniques, languages, and
tools for the interactive or automated development of programs, with no
preference for a specific language.  Also, papers discussing
programming-in-the-large issues, or presenting practical applications, or
convincingly arguing for the practical applicability of given theoretical
results are encouraged.

The  _mode_of_operation_ is as follows.  Based upon submitted extended
abstracts, the programme committee will invite authors to present their
research at the  workshop.  Pre-proceedings with the accepted extended
abstracts will be available at the workshop as a technical report.  Shortly
after the workshop, the programme committee will invite the authors of the
most promising abstracts and presentations to submit full papers.  After
another round of refereeing, the best full papers will be included in the
post-workshop proceedings.

At this point, extended abstracts of at most eight pages are thus solicited
about, but not limited to, the following topics:

        specification                  analysis
        synthesis                      verification
        composition                    reuse
        transformation          schemas
        specialization          industrial applications

Every submission must clearly exhibit the relationship to the scope of the
workshop, and must really be an extended abstract. It must thus be a
miniature research paper with the key motivations and ideas, with outlines
of the proofs of the key theorems, with references and comparisons to
related work, but without full details of proofs or implemented systems,
without the description of future work, without ramifications that are
irrelevant to the key ideas. 

 Submission of extended abstracts   1 May 1999
 Notification to authors            10 June 1999
 Submission of full papers          31 October 1999
 Notification to authors            20 December 1999

 Annalisa Bossi, University of Venice, Italy (programme chair)
 Yves Deville, Universite' Catholique de Louvain, Belgium 
 Mireille Ducasse, IRISA, Rennes, France 
 Sandro Etalle, Universiteit Maastricht, The Netherlands 
 Pierre Flener, Uppsala University, Sweden
 Patricia Hill, University of Leeds, UK
 Kung-Kiu Lau, University of Manchester, UK
 Baudouin Le Charlier, University of Namur, Belgium
 Michael Leuschel, Universityof Southampton, UK
 Michael Lowry, NASA Ames, USA
 Ali Mili, Institute for Software Research, USA, and University of Tunis
II, Tunisia
 Lee Naish, Melbourne University, Australia
 Alberto Pettorossi, University of Roma Tor Vergata, Italy
 Dave Robertson, University of Edinburgh, UK

Electronic submissions are strongly encouraged. Address all correspondence
(email preferred: uuencoded, compressed, postscript file) to:
 Annalisa Bossi 
 Dipartimento di Matematica Applicata e Informatica 
 Universita' "Ca' Foscari" di Venezia 
 Via Torino 155, 30173 Venezia Mestre, Italy 
 Tel: (39) 41 2908421 Fax: (39) 41 2908419 

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