Hi everyone,

I'm pleased to announce the first pre-beta-candidate-release of the
LambdaCube 3D engine [1] and the bindings for the Bullet physics
library [2].

The packages are just a cabal-install away. You should be able to
install lambdacube-engine and lambdacube-examples right away. In order
to get the physics engine running, please check the instructions on
the wiki. After compiling bullet, you can try the lambdacube-bullet
package as well, which shows how to combine the two.

It can't be stressed enough that this project is in a very early
stage, and everything is bound to change and improve a lot. I just
made this publicly available in order to attract contributions, so if
you have anything to share, be it bugfixes, code improvements or more
and prettier examples, feel free to join in!



[1] http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/LambdaCubeEngine
[2] http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/Bullet
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