
I'm forwarding this to cafe, in case some of you are interested in this as well but not subscribed to libraries. Again, feedback is most welcome.

I've almost finished integrating Language.C with c2hs too (fixing a few bugs along the way), so there will be a quite complex example available soon.

Thanks for your interest.

Begin forwarded message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
From: Benedikt Huber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 13. August 2008 15:45:50 GMT+02:00

I'm pleased to announce the first release of Language.C, a library for analysing and generating C code.

This release features

* A reasonably well tested parser handling and recording all of C99 and most GNU extensions, most notably gcc's attribute syntax.

* A pretty printer generating source code from the AST, covering the same language subset as the parser.

* A preview of the analysis framework, including functionality for dissecting C's cruel type and variable declarations.


* The project's homepage is located at http://www.sivity.net/projects/language.c (Getting Started, Bug Tracker)

 * The package is available via hackage (language-c-0.3)

 * darcs repo: http://code.haskell.org/language-c

 * API docs: http://code.haskell.org/~bhuber/docs/language-c-latest/

The library originated from the C-related code in c2hs (http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~chak/haskell/c2hs/ ), and is the topic of my SoC project, mentored by Iavor Diatchki. (Iavor, Don Steward and Duncan Coutts provided great support, thank you)

Feedback and suggestions in any form are most welcome, especially because there is a large range of features which could be implemented. The current status and a few ideas for the next releases are summarized at http://www.sivity.net/projects/language.c/wiki/ ProjectPlan.

best regards,

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