Hi Manuel,

After your tip, I check the file, it permissions and it content, and find that this specific file looks for perl in an existing place; this is a fresh Leopard and I just installed a few things using binaries.

It seems GHC expects perl to be installed through macPorts or Fink and i have neither of them.

Just changing the first line of the file
solves the problem.

Thanks for the help.

Miguel Vilaça

Em 2008/09/17, às 05:51, Manuel M T Chakravarty escreveu:


I tried to compile some code on Mac Os X (Intel) Leopard.
I have GHC 6.8.3 installed - the installer from GHC webpage (GHC-6.8.3-i386.pkg).

But when I run make I get this error

ghc-6.8.3: could not execute: /Library/Frameworks/GHC.framework/ Versions/608/usr/lib/ghc-6.8.3/ghc-asm

This is not a common problem. I suspect that either your installation somehow got corrupt or you somehow changed your Perl installation. (The file in question is a Perl script.)


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