Vimal <> wrote:

> The above are some of the features which I believe are necessary for
> packet analysis (or, analytics maybe?). There could be more. I was
> wondering if Haskell would be a good language to achieve these things.
> I had a brief idea and started writing an application in C and I
> realised the need for such a framework. The ease of parallelism
> offered by Haskell prompted me to think about using it. I would like
> to hear your comments.
I think it's a perfect fit, not only because of parallelism. Mentally
combining parser combinators and state collectors a la quickcheck makes
me wonder why anyone would use atrocities like iptables[1]...

> Also, would this qualify as a project that someone in the Haskell
> community would be willing to mentor for GSoC 2009? (Assuming Haskell
> would be on the list of mentoring organisations, although I have no
> reason to doubt it wouldn't.)
ZOMG! Don't ask, copy and paste your mail to the proposals!

[1] says someone who actually likes iptables

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