Hello Heinrich,

On Tue, Dec 27, 2011 at 1:09 PM, Heinrich Apfelmus <
apfel...@quantentunnel.de> wrote:

> Sebastian Fischer wrote:
>> all functions defined in terms of `ListTo` and `interpret`
>> are spine strict - they return a result only after consuming all input
>> list
>> constructors.
> Indeed, the trouble is that my original formulation cannot return a result
> before it has evaluated all the case expressions. To include laziness, we
> need a way to return results early.
> Sebastian's  ListTransformer  type does precisely that for the special
> case of lists as results,

Hmm, I think it does more than that.. (see below)

but it turns out that there is also a completely generic way of returning
> results early. In particular, we can leverage lazy evaluation for the
> result type.

This is nice! It would be cool if we could get the benefits of ListConsumer
and ListTransformer in a single data type.

I know that you chose these names to avoid confusion, but I would like to
> advertise again the idea of choosing the *same* names for the constructors
> as the combinators they represent [...] This technique for designing data
> structures has the huge advantage that it's immediately clear how to
> interpret it and which laws are supposed to hold.

I also like your names better, although they suggest that there is a single
possible interpretation function. Even at the expense of blinding eyes to
the possibility of other interpretation functions, I agree that it makes
things clearer to use names from a *motivating* interpretation. In
hindsight, my names for the constructors of ListTransformer seem to be
inspired by operations on handles. So, `Cut` should have been named `Close`

> Especially in the case of lists, I think that this approach clears up a
> lot of confusion about seemingly new concepts like Iteratees and so on.

A share the discomfort with seemingly alien concepts and agree that clarity
of exposition is crucial, both for the meaning of defined combinators and
their implementation. We should aim at combinators that people are already
familiar with, either because they are commonplace (like id, (.), or fmap)
or because they are used by many other libraries (like the Applicative

A good way to explain the meaning of the combinators is via the meaning of
the same combinators on a familiar type. Your interpretation function is a
type-class morphism from `ListTo a b` to `[a] -> b`. For Functor we have:

    interpret (fmap f a)  =  fmap f (interpret a)

On the left side, we use `fmap` for `ListTo a` on the right side for `((->)
l)`. Similarly, we have the following properties for the coresponding
Applicative instances:

    interpret (pure x)  =  pure x
    interpret (a <*> b)  =  interpret a <*> interpret b

Such morphism properties simplify how to think about programs a lot,
because one can think about programs as if they were written in the
*meaning* type without knowing anything about the *implementation* type.
The computed results are the same but they are computed more efficiently.

Your `ListTo` type achieves space efficiency for Applicative composition of
list functions by executing them in lock-step. Because of the additional
laziness provided by the `Fmap` constructor, compositions like

    interpret a . interpret b

can also be executed in constant space. However, we cannot use the space
efficient Applicative combinators again to form parallel compositions of
sequential ones because we are already in the meaning type.

We could implement composition for the `ListTo` type as follows

    (<.) :: ListTo b c -> ListTo a [b] -> ListTo a c
    a <. b = interpret a <$> b

But if we use a result of this function as argument of <*>, then the
advantage of using `ListTo` is lost. While

    interpret ((,) <$> andL <*> andL)

runs in constant space,

    interpret ((,) <$> (andL <. idL) <*> (andL <. idL))

does not.

The ListTransformer type supports composition in lock-step via a category
instance. The meaning of `ListTransformer a b` is `[a] -> [b]` with the
additional restriction that all functions `f` in the image of the
interpretation function are incremental:

    xs `isPrefixOf` ys  ==>  f xs `isPrefixOf` f ys

Composition as implemented in the ListTransformer type satisfies morphism
properties for the category instance:

    transformList id  =  id
    transformList (a . b)  =  transformList a . transformList b

As it is implemented on the ListTransformer type directly (without using
the interpretation function), it can be combined with the Applicative
instance for parallel composition without losing space efficiency.

The Applicative instance for `ListTransformer` is different from the
Applicative instance for `ListTo` (or `ListConsumer`). While

    interpret ((,) <$> idL <*> idL)

is of type `[a] -> ([a],[a])`

    transformList ((,) <$> idL <*> idL)

is of type `[a] -> [(a,a)]`. We could achieve the latter behaviour with the
former instance by using an additional fmap. But

    uncurry zip <$> ((,) <$> idL <*> idL)

has the same disadvantages regarding space efficiency as referred to above
because the computation of `zip` cannot occur in lock-step with another

The meaning of the Applicative instance of `ListTransformer` can again be
described using morphism properties on Applicative structures. The
corresponding structure on the meaning type `[a] -> [b]` is the following
combination of the Applicative instances for functions and for ZipLists.

    fmap f a = liftA (fmap f) a
    pure x = pure (getZipList (pure x))
    a <*> b = getZipList <$> liftA2 (<*>) (ZipList <$> a) (ZipList <$> b)

I have a gut feeling that the laziness provided by the `Fmap` constructor
is too implicit to be useful for the kind of lock-step composition provided
by ListTransformer. So I don't have high hopes that we can unify
`ListConsumer` and `ListTransformer` into a single type.

Do you have an idea?

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