[Haskell-cafe] Semantics of ForeignPtr Finalizers

2011-06-19 Thread Bas van Dijk

I have a question about the semantics of finalizers of ForeignPtrs:

If an in scope value has a reference to a ForeignPtr is the foreign
object always kept alive, even if that reference is not used? Or do I
always need to wrap each computation, which needs to have the foreign
object alive, inside withForeignPtr?

To make my question more concrete, I will give a simplified example
from my usb library (a high-level binding to the libusb C library):


To use the library you first need to initialize libusb which will
yield a context:

newtype Ctx = Ctx {getCtxFrgnPtr ∷ (ForeignPtr C'libusb_context)}

When you're finished with libusb you need to exit the library. This is
done automatically using a ForeignPtr:

newCtx ∷ IO Ctx
newCtx = mask_ $ do
   ctxPtr ← libusb_init
   Ctx $ newForeignPtr p'libusb_exit ctxPtr
  libusb_init ∷ IO (Ptr C'libusb_context)
  libusb_init = alloca $ \ctxPtrPtr → do
  handleUSBException $ c'libusb_init ctxPtrPtr
  peek ctxPtrPtr

I provide a handy internal utility function for accessing the pointer
to the context:

withCtxPtr ∷ Ctx → (Ptr C'libusb_context → IO α) → IO α
withCtxPtr = withForeignPtr ∘ getCtxFrgnPtr

Because this function uses withForeignPtr it's guaranteed that the
context is kep alive during the duration of the given function. For
example, in the following, it is guaranteed that c'libusb_set_debug is
always given a live context:

setDebug ∷ Ctx → Verbosity → IO ()
setDebug ctx verbosity = withCtxPtr ctx $ \ctxPtr →
   c'libusb_set_debug ctxPtr $ genFromEnum verbosity

There are also types which are derived from a context. For example:
getDevices ∷ Ctx → IO [Device] is a function which given a context
returns a list of USB devices currently attached to your system.

The requirement is that when you need to use a device the context has
to be kept alive. Therefor I keep a reference to the context inside
the device:

data Device = Device
{ getCtx ∷ !Ctx
, getDevFrgnPtr ∷ !(ForeignPtr C'libusb_device)
, deviceDesc ∷ !DeviceDesc

The idea is that as long as you have a reference to a device you also
keep the context alive because the device references the context.
(Note that a device, in turn, also contains a ForeignPtr)

getDevices ∷ Ctx → IO [Device]
getDevices ctx = ...
  mkDev ∷ Ptr C'libusb_device → IO Device
  mkDev devPtr = liftA2
   (Device ctx)
   (newForeignPtr p'libusb_unref_device devPtr)
   (getDeviceDesc devPtr)

Again I provide a handy internal utility function for accessing the
pointer to a device:

withDevicePtr ∷ Device → (Ptr C'libusb_device → IO α) → IO α
withDevicePtr = withForeignPtr ∘ getDevFrgnPtr

And now my question. Is it guaranteed that when the device is in scope
the context is always kept alive? For example, is the context kept
alive in the following:

openDevice ∷ Device → IO DeviceHandle
openDevice dev = withDevicePtr dev $ \devPtr →
   alloca $ \devHndlPtrPtr → do
 handleUSBException $ c'libusb_open devPtr devHndlPtrPtr
 DeviceHandle dev $ peek devHndlPtrPtr

Or do I also need to call withCtxPtr inside withDevicePtr as such:

withDevicePtr (Device ctx devFP _) f = withCtxPtr ctx $ \_ →
 withForeignPtr devFP f



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Best Linux Distro for =

2011-06-19 Thread Joachim Breitner

Am Sonntag, den 19.06.2011, 15:33 +1000 schrieb Mark Wright:
 Fedora, Debian, FreeBSD:
 I don't use them, however I think they have very good support for
 Haskell packaging.  For example, Fedora updates the haddock documentation
 index as pkgs are installed and removed 

same on Debian, file:///usr/share/doc/ghc-doc/html/libraries/index.html
is one of the most-visited locations in my computer :-)

For Debian, you can check where we deviate from the Haskell Platform on
gives you an idea of our coverage of Hackage.

And, something that we are proud of: The dependencies between the
Haskell library packages include the ABI hash, so an apt-get upgrade
will never break installed Haskell libraries, but only upgrade if all
depending packages have been rebuilt.


Joachim nomeata Breitner
Debian Developer
  nome...@debian.org | ICQ# 74513189 | GPG-Keyid: 4743206C
  JID: nome...@joachim-breitner.de | http://people.debian.org/~nomeata

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Best Linux Distro for =

2011-06-19 Thread Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
On 19 June 2011 20:26, Joachim Breitner nome...@debian.org wrote:

 Am Sonntag, den 19.06.2011, 15:33 +1000 schrieb Mark Wright:
 Fedora, Debian, FreeBSD:

 I don't use them, however I think they have very good support for
 Haskell packaging.  For example, Fedora updates the haddock documentation
 index as pkgs are installed and removed

 same on Debian, file:///usr/share/doc/ghc-doc/html/libraries/index.html
 is one of the most-visited locations in my computer :-)

 For Debian, you can check where we deviate from the Haskell Platform on
 gives you an idea of our coverage of Hackage.

 And, something that we are proud of: The dependencies between the
 Haskell library packages include the ABI hash, so an apt-get upgrade
 will never break installed Haskell libraries, but only upgrade if all
 depending packages have been rebuilt.

Are these binary or source packages that you use the ABI hash?  Also,
how do you manage to update the documentation index on package

Ivan Lazar Miljenovic

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Best Linux Distro for =

2011-06-19 Thread Joachim Breitner

Am Sonntag, den 19.06.2011, 20:31 +1000 schrieb Ivan Lazar Miljenovic:
  same on Debian, file:///usr/share/doc/ghc-doc/html/libraries/index.html
  is one of the most-visited locations in my computer :-)
  For Debian, you can check where we deviate from the Haskell Platform on
  gives you an idea of our coverage of Hackage.
  And, something that we are proud of: The dependencies between the
  Haskell library packages include the ABI hash, so an apt-get upgrade
  will never break installed Haskell libraries, but only upgrade if all
  depending packages have been rebuilt.
 Are these binary or source packages that you use the ABI hash?

The binary packages. Here is an example for how we make sure that an ABI
incompatible change to web-routes requires a rebuild of yesod, and that
until that happens the user will not get the new web-routes package

$ apt-cache show libghc-yesod-dev|grep Depends
Depends: libghc-base-dev-,
libghc-bytestring-dev-, libghc-cereal-dev-,
libghc-email-validate-dev-0.2.6-c13c2, libghc-failure-dev-,
libghc-hamlet-dev-, libghc-neither-dev-0.1.0-0adb6,
libghc-network-dev-, libghc-old-locale-dev-,
libghc-parsec-dev-3.1.1-33474, libghc-persistent-dev-,
libghc-puremd5-dev-, libghc-random-dev-,
libghc-text-dev-, libghc-time-dev-,
libghc-transformers-dev-, libghc-wai-dev-,
libghc-wai-extra-dev-, libghc-web-routes-dev-0.23.4-ab46a,
libghc-xss-sanitize-dev-0.2.6-b2c10, libc6 (= 2.7), libffi5 (= 3.0.4),
libgmp10, zlib1g (= 1:1.1.4)
$ apt-cache show libghc-web-routes-dev|grep Provides
Provides: libghc-web-routes-dev-0.23.4-ab46a

 how do you manage to update the documentation index on package

The ghc-doc package installs a dpkg trigger that watches certain
directories (the directories where library install their package
descriptions and .haddock files). If such a change
happens, /usr/lib/ghc-doc/gen_contents_index is run, which can be seen


Joachim nomeata Breitner
Debian Developer
  nome...@debian.org | ICQ# 74513189 | GPG-Keyid: 4743206C
  JID: nome...@joachim-breitner.de | http://people.debian.org/~nomeata

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Best Linux Distro for =

2011-06-19 Thread Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
On 19 June 2011 20:51, Joachim Breitner nome...@debian.org wrote:
 The binary packages. Here is an example for how we make sure that an ABI
 incompatible change to web-routes requires a rebuild of yesod, and that
 until that happens the user will not get the new web-routes package

 $ apt-cache show libghc-yesod-dev|grep Depends
 Depends: libghc-base-dev-,
 libghc-bytestring-dev-, libghc-cereal-dev-,
 libghc-email-validate-dev-0.2.6-c13c2, libghc-failure-dev-,
 libghc-hamlet-dev-, libghc-neither-dev-0.1.0-0adb6,
 libghc-network-dev-, libghc-old-locale-dev-,
 libghc-parsec-dev-3.1.1-33474, libghc-persistent-dev-,
 libghc-puremd5-dev-, libghc-random-dev-,
 libghc-text-dev-, libghc-time-dev-,
 libghc-transformers-dev-, libghc-wai-dev-,
 libghc-wai-extra-dev-, libghc-web-routes-dev-0.23.4-ab46a,
 libghc-xss-sanitize-dev-0.2.6-b2c10, libc6 (= 2.7), libffi5 (= 3.0.4),
 libgmp10, zlib1g (= 1:1.1.4)
 $ apt-cache show libghc-web-routes-dev|grep Provides
 Provides: libghc-web-routes-dev-0.23.4-ab46a

So the Debian Haskell team then has to update the apt package when
there's an ABI mismatch (that is, a dependency has been updated or
rebuilt with a new ABI)?  Or is this done automagically somehow for
the user?

Ivan Lazar Miljenovic

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Best Linux Distro for =

2011-06-19 Thread Joachim Breitner

Am Sonntag, den 19.06.2011, 20:59 +1000 schrieb Ivan Lazar Miljenovic:
 So the Debian Haskell team then has to update the apt package when
 there's an ABI mismatch (that is, a dependency has been updated or
 rebuilt with a new ABI)?  Or is this done automagically somehow for
 the user?

we have to semi-manually start a binNMU (Debian slang for: Leave the
source untouched, but rebuild the binary package). We have a script that
detects which packages need to be rebuilt, which I run occasionally or
when I have reasons to assume that it is needed (usually, you know that
you broke some depending packages). The user can then not upgrade or
install the broken packages for a day or two.

We never build something on the users machine. After all, we are not
Gentoo ;-). Well, besides the documentation index :-)


Joachim nomeata Breitner
Debian Developer
  nome...@debian.org | ICQ# 74513189 | GPG-Keyid: 4743206C
  JID: nome...@joachim-breitner.de | http://people.debian.org/~nomeata

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell *interpreter* on iPad? (Scheme and Ocaml are there)

2011-06-19 Thread Malcolm Wallace

On 18 Jun 2011, at 20:19, Jack Henahan wrote:

 but the dev would either be forced into Hugs, or they'd have to implement a 
 more portable GHC. Does such a thing exist already?

Just as a point of interest, the original nhc compiler was original written for 
an ARM architecture machine (Acorn Archimedes) with 2Mb of memory.  Its 
successor, nhc98, can be bootstrapped from C sources, and always aimed to be as 
portable as possible.  The project is largely unmaintained now, so there is 
likely to be some bitrot, but it would probably work OK with some effort.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Class instances in haddock documentation missing

2011-06-19 Thread Joachim Breitner

the haddock information generated on hackage lists class instances per
class and per data type e.g. on

For some reason, the documentation generated on Debian does not. Does
anybody have an idea why that could be? We use
./Setup haddock --hyperlink-source
to build the documentation, using the haddock that is shipped with ghc
(2.9.2 at the moment).


Joachim nomeata Breitner
Debian Developer
  nome...@debian.org | ICQ# 74513189 | GPG-Keyid: 4743206C
  JID: nome...@joachim-breitner.de | http://people.debian.org/~nomeata

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Semantics of ForeignPtr Finalizers

2011-06-19 Thread wren ng thornton
On 6/19/11 3:52 AM, Bas van Dijk wrote:
 I have a question about the semantics of finalizers of ForeignPtrs: If
an in scope value has a reference to a ForeignPtr is the foreign object
always kept alive, even if that reference is not used? Or do I always
need to wrap each computation, which needs to have the foreign object
alive, inside withForeignPtr?

I know that the Ptr obtained by withForeignPtr will _not_ keep the foreign
object alive (though withForeignPtr itself will be sure to keep it alive
until the function using the Ptr exits). For instance, this shows up with
ByteStrings if you try to save the Ptr somewhere and then use it after
withForeignPtr exits.

I believe that ForeignPtr itself does promise to keep the foreign object
alive, since it's what holds the finalizers. The documentation claims that
the finalizers are run only once the ForeignPtr becomes unreachable, which
implies that keeping the ForeignPtr is sufficient to keep the foreign
object alive. I haven't used ForeignPtr for truly foreign objects, only
for pseudo-foreign objects like ByteString, but in my experience just
having the ForeignPtr is enough to keep the target alive.

Live well,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Semantics of ForeignPtr Finalizers

2011-06-19 Thread Bas van Dijk
On 19 June 2011 14:13, wren ng thornton w...@freegeek.org wrote:
 The documentation claims that
 the finalizers are run only once the ForeignPtr becomes unreachable, which
 implies that keeping the ForeignPtr is sufficient to keep the foreign
 object alive.

Right, that was also my thinking when designing the usb library. What
made me doubt this was the implementation of storable vectors:


Note that a storable vector stores both a foreign pointer and a
pointer (presumably so that you don't need to add an offset to the
pointer, inside the foreign pointer, each time you use it):

data Vector a = Vector !(Ptr a) !Int !(ForeignPtr a)

Now, if we follow the above semantics we don't need to call
withForeignPtr when we need to read the memory because the foreign
pointer is referenced by the vector.
However the vector library still calls withForeignPtr. For example:

  basicUnsafeIndexM (Vector p _ fp) i = return
  . unsafeInlineIO
  $ withForeignPtr fp $ \_ -
peekElemOff p i

So is the withForeignPtr redundant so that this function can be
rewritten to just:

  basicUnsafeIndexM (Vector p _ _) i = return
  . unsafeInlineIO
peekElemOff p i



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Best Linux Distro for =

2011-06-19 Thread Felipe Almeida Lessa
On Sun, Jun 19, 2011 at 12:59 AM, Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
ivan.miljeno...@gmail.com wrote:
 On 19 June 2011 13:48, Tom Murphy amin...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi List,
   If my choice of Lunix distro depended 100% on its solidness as a
 Haskell devel platform (I am), what would you all recommend?

 In no particular order, the following seem to have good Linux support:
 Gentoo, Arch, Fedora and Debian (I think Testing).

It seems that NixOS also has nice support, although I haven't used it
myself yet.



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Probably type checker error.

2011-06-19 Thread Serguey Zefirov
Right now I write a quite heavy transformation of Haskell source code
and found some strange behaviour of typechecker.

Some prerequisites:
-- dummy class. My own class is much bigger, but I
-- could reproduce that behaviour with that class.
class ToWires a

-- a type with phantom type arguments.
data E ins outs = E

-- a function that relates E and its inputs.
projectInsType :: E ins outs - ins
projectInsType = error projectInsType gets evaluated.

-- register function.
register :: a - a - a
register def a = def

-- a simple addition.
add2 :: (ToWires a, Num a) = (a,a) - a
add2 (a,b) = a+b

First I have a function:
func :: (ToWires a, Num a) = Maybe a - a
func mbA = currentSum
x = case mbA of
Just a - a
Nothing - 0
nextSum = add2 (x,currentSum)
currentSum = register 0 nextSum

It typechecks and works just fine after some transformation.

The transformation I work on transform code into something like that:
func_E :: (ToWires a, Num a) = E (Maybe a) a
func_E = r
r = E
-- here we relate mbA and r.
mbA = projectInsType r
x = case mbA of
Just a - a
Nothing - 0
nextSum = add2 (x,currentSum)
currentSum = register 0 nextSum

Note the absence of input of func in transformed func_E. I relate mbA
with it's proper type using binding mbA = projectInsType r.

Then suddently ghc loses all of the context associated with mbA. And
find type error at the calling of add2.

If I drop ToWires from contexts of func_E and add2 types, all works
fine. If I change add2 to simple addition (x + currentSum), all works

Full source code is in attachment.

I found it using ghc 6.12.1. I asked colleagues, they told me that the
same error manifests itself in ghc 7.0.3.

Should I fill a bug report or maybe I misunderstood something?

Description: Binary data
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Best Linux Distro for =

2011-06-19 Thread Tom Murphy
On 6/19/11, Arlen Cuss cel...@sairyx.org wrote:

 In no particular order, the following seem to have good Linux support:
 Gentoo, Arch, Fedora and Debian (I think Testing).

 Please allow me to register my amusement at the idea of a distribution
 with good Linux support. :D

I was very surprised when I realized that this is sort of true. I had
assumed that most coders are using Linux/BSD, and so the best (most
recent, most stable) version of the Haskell Platform would be the (a)
Linux one.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Semantics of ForeignPtr Finalizers

2011-06-19 Thread Bas van Dijk
 On Jun 19, 2011 9:58 AM, Antoine Latter aslat...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'd be afraid of optimizations getting ride of the constructor, and since
 I'm not using all of the fields I would no longer have a reference to the
 foreign ptr.

 Since withForeignPtr touches the foreign pointer the optimizations won't
 make it go away no matter how it transfoms the function.

Good point.

I already made the necessary fixes to my usb library in the
ForeignPtrFix branch:


I think I'll merge it with master.



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Probably type checker error.

2011-06-19 Thread Serguey Zefirov
Cool. It works.

Thank you very much!

2011/6/19 Miguel Mitrofanov miguelim...@yandex.ru:
 Seems like let-generalization is at work here.

 Types of all values in the where section are inferred basically as if they 
 are declared at the top level. Therefore, inheritance fails without 

 There is a proposal (from Big Simon) to remove let-generalization: 

 On 19 Jun 2011, at 18:26, Serguey Zefirov wrote:

 Right now I write a quite heavy transformation of Haskell source code
 and found some strange behaviour of typechecker.

 Some prerequisites:
 -- dummy class. My own class is much bigger, but I
 -- could reproduce that behaviour with that class.
 class ToWires a

 -- a type with phantom type arguments.
 data E ins outs = E

 -- a function that relates E and its inputs.
 projectInsType :: E ins outs - ins
 projectInsType = error projectInsType gets evaluated.

 -- register function.
 register :: a - a - a
 register def a = def

 -- a simple addition.
 add2 :: (ToWires a, Num a) = (a,a) - a
 add2 (a,b) = a+b

 First I have a function:
 func :: (ToWires a, Num a) = Maybe a - a
 func mbA = currentSum
               x = case mbA of
                       Just a - a
                       Nothing - 0
               nextSum = add2 (x,currentSum)
               currentSum = register 0 nextSum

 It typechecks and works just fine after some transformation.

 The transformation I work on transform code into something like that:
 func_E :: (ToWires a, Num a) = E (Maybe a) a
 func_E = r
               r = E
               -- here we relate mbA and r.
               mbA = projectInsType r
               x = case mbA of
                       Just a - a
                       Nothing - 0
               nextSum = add2 (x,currentSum)
               currentSum = register 0 nextSum

 Note the absence of input of func in transformed func_E. I relate mbA
 with it's proper type using binding mbA = projectInsType r.

 Then suddently ghc loses all of the context associated with mbA. And
 find type error at the calling of add2.

 If I drop ToWires from contexts of func_E and add2 types, all works
 fine. If I change add2 to simple addition (x + currentSum), all works

 Full source code is in attachment.

 I found it using ghc 6.12.1. I asked colleagues, they told me that the
 same error manifests itself in ghc 7.0.3.

 Should I fill a bug report or maybe I misunderstood something?
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell *interpreter* on iPad? (Scheme and Ocaml are there)

2011-06-19 Thread Tom Murphy
On 6/18/11, Alexander Solla alex.so...@gmail.com wrote:

 Since the iPhone OS is pretty much OS X for ARM, and GHC apparently now
 supports cross-compilation, you can compile GHC for iOS.

Can you provide a link for info? I don't understand how this would be done.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Semantics of ForeignPtr Finalizers

2011-06-19 Thread Antoine Latter
Sending to the list as well.
On Jun 19, 2011 9:58 AM, Antoine Latter aslat...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Jun 19, 2011 7:49 AM, Bas van Dijk v.dijk@gmail.com wrote:

 On 19 June 2011 14:13, wren ng thornton w...@freegeek.org wrote:
  The documentation claims that
  the finalizers are run only once the ForeignPtr becomes unreachable,
  implies that keeping the ForeignPtr is sufficient to keep the foreign
  object alive.

 Right, that was also my thinking when designing the usb library. What
 made me doubt this was the implementation of storable vectors:


 Note that a storable vector stores both a foreign pointer and a
 pointer (presumably so that you don't need to add an offset to the
 pointer, inside the foreign pointer, each time you use it):

 data Vector a = Vector !(Ptr a) !Int !(ForeignPtr a)

 Now, if we follow the above semantics we don't need to call
 withForeignPtr when we need to read the memory because the foreign
 pointer is referenced by the vector.
 However the vector library still calls withForeignPtr. For example:

 basicUnsafeIndexM (Vector p _ fp) i = return
 . unsafeInlineIO
 $ withForeignPtr fp $ \_ -
 peekElemOff p i

 So is the withForeignPtr redundant so that this function can be
 rewritten to just:

 basicUnsafeIndexM (Vector p _ _) i = return
 . unsafeInlineIO
 peekElemOff p i

 I'd be afraid of optimizations getting ride of the constructor, and since
 I'm not using all of the fields I would no longer have a reference to the
 foreign ptr.

 Since withForeignPtr touches the foreign pointer the optimizations won't
 make it go away no matter how it transfoms the function.




 Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell *interpreter* on iPad? (Scheme and Ocaml are there)

2011-06-19 Thread Jack Henahan
Well, strictly speaking, GHC only supports self-cross-compilation, id est 
porting[1], cf. [2]. For more information on cross compilation generally, refer 
to the wiki page[3]. Does that answer your question, or did you have something 
else in mind?


On Jun 19, 2011, at 11:44 AM, Tom Murphy wrote:

 On 6/18/11, Alexander Solla alex.so...@gmail.com wrote:
 Since the iPhone OS is pretty much OS X for ARM, and GHC apparently now
 supports cross-compilation, you can compile GHC for iOS.
 Can you provide a link for info? I don't understand how this would be done.
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Probably type checker error.

2011-06-19 Thread Miguel Mitrofanov
Seems like let-generalization is at work here.

Types of all values in the where section are inferred basically as if they 
are declared at the top level. Therefore, inheritance fails without 

There is a proposal (from Big Simon) to remove let-generalization: 

On 19 Jun 2011, at 18:26, Serguey Zefirov wrote:

 Right now I write a quite heavy transformation of Haskell source code
 and found some strange behaviour of typechecker.
 Some prerequisites:
 -- dummy class. My own class is much bigger, but I
 -- could reproduce that behaviour with that class.
 class ToWires a
 -- a type with phantom type arguments.
 data E ins outs = E
 -- a function that relates E and its inputs.
 projectInsType :: E ins outs - ins
 projectInsType = error projectInsType gets evaluated.
 -- register function.
 register :: a - a - a
 register def a = def
 -- a simple addition.
 add2 :: (ToWires a, Num a) = (a,a) - a
 add2 (a,b) = a+b
 First I have a function:
 func :: (ToWires a, Num a) = Maybe a - a
 func mbA = currentSum
   x = case mbA of
   Just a - a
   Nothing - 0
   nextSum = add2 (x,currentSum)
   currentSum = register 0 nextSum
 It typechecks and works just fine after some transformation.
 The transformation I work on transform code into something like that:
 func_E :: (ToWires a, Num a) = E (Maybe a) a
 func_E = r
   r = E
   -- here we relate mbA and r.
   mbA = projectInsType r
   x = case mbA of
   Just a - a
   Nothing - 0
   nextSum = add2 (x,currentSum)
   currentSum = register 0 nextSum
 Note the absence of input of func in transformed func_E. I relate mbA
 with it's proper type using binding mbA = projectInsType r.
 Then suddently ghc loses all of the context associated with mbA. And
 find type error at the calling of add2.
 If I drop ToWires from contexts of func_E and add2 types, all works
 fine. If I change add2 to simple addition (x + currentSum), all works
 Full source code is in attachment.
 I found it using ghc 6.12.1. I asked colleagues, they told me that the
 same error manifests itself in ghc 7.0.3.
 Should I fill a bug report or maybe I misunderstood something?
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell *interpreter* on iPad? (Scheme and Ocaml are there)

2011-06-19 Thread Alexander Solla
On Sun, Jun 19, 2011 at 8:44 AM, Tom Murphy amin...@gmail.com wrote:

 On 6/18/11, Alexander Solla alex.so...@gmail.com wrote:
  Since the iPhone OS is pretty much OS X for ARM, and GHC apparently now
  supports cross-compilation, you can compile GHC for iOS.

 Can you provide a link for info? I don't understand how this would be done.

This was news to me too.  I haven't read anything relevant in the GHC manual
(but then, I haven't looked for quite a while).  I said apparently,
because of the contents of this link:

Haskell-Cafe mailing list