[Haskell-cafe] Fwd: Cabalized, Self-Demoing, HStringTemplate-using HAppS Tutorial

2008-06-24 Thread tphyahoo
-- Forwarded message --
From: tphyahoo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Jun 24, 7:26 pm
Subject: Cabalized, Self-Demoing, HStringTemplate-using HAppS Tutorial
To: HAppS

Hello HAppSers!

I have created a self-demoing, HStringTemplate-using intro to HAppS.

There is a live demo at


It is cabalized at


and should install fine with sudo cabal install happs-tutorial.

There is a darcs repo at


And a google project at


which currently isn't used, but who knows, maybe for the wiki or issue
tracking. (I started at google hosting before migrating to darcs.)

I have all kinds of additional lessons planned, but under the release
early/release often motto I'm letting it out in its embryonic state.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Fwd: Cabalized, Self-Demoing, HStringTemplate-using HAppS Tutorial

2008-06-24 Thread tphyahoo

-- Forwarded message --
From: tphyahoo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Jun 24, 7:46 pm
Subject: Cabalized, Self-Demoing, HStringTemplate-using HAppS Tutorial
To: HAppS

There are some issues with the cabalized project -- templates are
missing. Doh.

Use darcs for now.


On Jun 24, 7:26 pm, tphyahoo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello HAppSers!

 I have created a self-demoing, HStringTemplate-using intro to HAppS.

 There is a live demo at


 It is cabalized at


 and should install fine with sudo cabal install happs-tutorial.

 There is a darcs repo at


 And a google project at


 which currently isn't used, but who knows, maybe for the wiki or issue
 tracking. (I started at google hosting before migrating to darcs.)

 I have all kinds of additional lessons planned, but under the release
 early/release often motto I'm letting it out in its embryonic state.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] HaskellForge?

2007-01-11 Thread tphyahoo

I think people want something like CPAN. This implies a centralized
official repository, somewhere that isn't going to go away, ever, because
too many people would scream. It should probably be mirrored, too, like with

Maybe darcs.haskell.org is ok for this roll already. Not sure. (Still a
haskell nube.)

Cheapo repo hosting is for projects where the owners don't feel secure
enough, or don't want the responsibility, of committing to the official

Committing to the social repo gets you status, but it's work too because of
maintenance, bug reports, etc. So, like with cpan, some will, some won't.

Module chasing should carry on in the context of that repo. External
dependency chasing -- like you need to install some c library... well, I'm
not sure. 

Right everyone?
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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] why can't you surround (+) in backticks and have it be infix?

2007-01-08 Thread tphyahoo

Issues: In Haskell, any function or constructor can be enclosed in backticks
and then used as an infix operator. 

from http://www-users.cs.york.ac.uk/~mfn/hacle/issues/node2.html

But this seems to be contradicted by...

from #haskell

-- 09:19  tphyahoo   let func = (+) in 1 `func` 2
-- 09:19  lambdabot  3
-- 09:20  tphyahoo but ..
-- 09:20  tphyahoo 1 `(+)` 2
-- 09:20  tphyahoo  1 `(+)` 2
-- 09:20  lambdabot  Parse error

(+) is a function, is it not?

Where's the rub?

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] trouble installing ghc 6.6: xargs: /usr/bin/ar: terminated by signal 11

2007-01-07 Thread tphyahoo

Yes, it's repeatable.

As I mentioned, this is an ubuntu, virtual server (user mode
linux). I'm thinking this may have to do with the exoticness of my system.

So, I will repeat this question at the linode forum (linode is my
virtual hoster, and the forum there has a lot of knowledgable users), and
report back here if I learn anything useful.
Worse case, I'm stuck with ghc 6.4 on my server, which I can
(grouchily) live with.

If anyone out there has installed ghc 6.6 on any kind of virtual
linux, or better yet user mode linux (as opposed to XEN, or virtuozzo,
or the other flavors), would be useful to know that as well.

Thanks for pointing me in a likely right direction.

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] trouble installing greencard -- -fno-prune-tydecls flag ( was Re: trivial function application question )

2007-01-06 Thread tphyahoo

Very, very helpful Chris; thanks; and thanks also to the many other helpful

 They have (hopefully working) cabal files to make compiling and installing

Unfortunately, not so easy, for PCRE.regex. But hopefully this is just due
to my ignorance and there's a simple workaround.

At any rate, after darcs --getting as you suggested, I ran make, and got
various complaints. I installed haddock, happy, alex, hat, c2hs, and cpphs
with apt-get.

But was unable to find a deb repository for greencard, the final requirement
with apt-cache search.

I then downloaded the latest version of greencard 

wget http://www.haskell.org/greencard/downloads/greencard-latest-src.tar.gz

and ran sudo make install install-pkg

It chugged along for a while, but finally errored out with

ghc -package-name greencard -cpp -fglasgow-exts -fno-prune-tydecls  -prof -c
Foreign/GreenCard.hs -o Foreign/GreenCard.p_o -hisuf p_hi
ghc-6.4.1: unrecognised flags: -fno-prune-tydecls

I then googled, but found nothing for no-prune-tydecls or no-prune-typedecls
(thinking it might be a typo)

Anybody out there can help me get greencard working, so I (and all us
perlers) can start using PCRE from haskell?


Chris wrote: 
 I think if you paste the subRegex code above underneath an import
 Text.Posix.PCRE declaration then you get what you are looking for.

 To install:

 The regex-* package hosting is via darcs and has been copied/moved to

 http://darcs.haskell.org/packages/   (The stable regex-* versions)
 http://darcs.haskell.org/packages/regex-unstable/  (The unstable regex-*

 so darcs get --partial http://darcs.haskell.org/packages/regex-pcre;
 might b\

 They have (hopefully working) cabal files to make compiling and installing
  Note that regex-pcre and regex-tre need libpcre and libtre to be
 separately.  regex-posix needs a posix library, but GHC already provides
 package with a working libary.

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[Haskell-cafe] trouble installing ghc 6.6: xargs: /usr/bin/ar: terminated by signal 11

2007-01-06 Thread tphyahoo

I'm having trouble installing ghc 6.6. On ubuntu, virtual server (user mode

Something seems to be killing the process, no idea why.

Anyone seen this? 

I looked around with ps to see if anything looked suspicious. I do have a
lot of screens open, but I don't see why that should matter. There is no
instance of haskell or gnci running.

after running configure with no problem.

~$ cd ghc-6.6/
~/ghc-6.6$ sudo make makeOut
~/ghc-6.6$ tail -n8 makeOut
(echo Control/Concurrent_stub.o System/CPUTime_hsc.o System/Time_hsc.o ;
/usr/bin/find Control/Applicative_split Control/Arrow_split
Control/Concurrent_split Control/Concurrent/Chan_split 
...long mess...
Text/PrettyPrint/HughesPJ_split Text/Printf_split Text/Read_split
Text/Read/Lex_split Text/Show_split Text/Show/Functions_split -name '*.o'
-print) | xargs /usr/bin/ar q libHSbase.a
/usr/bin/ar: creating libHSbase.a
xargs: /usr/bin/ar: terminated by signal 11
make[2]: *** [libHSbase.a] Error 125
make[2]: *** Deleting file `libHSbase.a'
make[1]: *** [all] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/thartman/ghc-6.6/libraries'
make: *** [stage1] Error 2

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] trivial function application question

2007-01-04 Thread tphyahoo

So the core question (speaking as a perler) is how do you write

  my $s= 'abcdefg';
  $s =~ s/a/z/g;
  $s =~ s/b/y/g;
  print $s\n;

 in haskell? There are various haskell regex libraries out there,
 including ones that advertise they are PCRE (Perl Compatible Reg Ex).

 But which one to use? How hard to install? With the libs mentioned
 above, the PCRE-ness seems only to be for matching, not for


 So, I would like to know a good answer to this as well.


brad clawsie-2 wrote:
 greetings to this helpful and informative list
 i have a small problem that will be certainly trivial for almost
 everyone reading this, i would appreciate a little help
 lets say i have a string
 s = abcdefg
 now i have two lists of strings, one a list of patterns to match, and
 a list of replacement strings:
 patterns = [a,b]
 replace = [Z,Y]
 from which my intent is that a be replaced by Z, b by Y etc
 now using the replace function from MissingH.Str (which i know is now 
 renamed), i wish to apply replace to s using (pattern[0], replace[0]), 
 (pattern[1], replace[1])...(pattern[N], replace[N]).
 i am sure there is an elegant way to apply replace to s for all of
 these argument pairs without composing replace N times myself, but the
 solution escapes me.
 thanks in advance for any help you can provide for this trivial issue
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] some way to reverse engineer lambda expressions out of the debugger?

2006-12-31 Thread tphyahoo

I am a newbie learning haskell. (First forum post.)

I am wondering if there is a trick to get debugging information about
functions out of the environment (which for me, for now, is ghci).  

In this example, 

*UnixTools :t map (*) [1,2]
map (*) [1,2] :: (Num a) = [a - a]

This is very nice, but I would *really* like to see something like 

*UnixTools explodeLambda( map (*) [1,2] )
[(\x - 1*x),(\x - 2*x)]

Yes, maybe I'm dreaming, but I would like haskell to reverse engineer /
pretty print lambda expressions for me.

(Note that: 

*UnixTools map ($ 5 ) [(\x - 1*x),(\x - 2*x)]
*UnixTools map ($ 5) ( map (*) [1..2] )

So these expressions really are the same, only it could be argued that the
first expression is in some sense easier to read if you are debugging
something complex.

I would like to have something like Data::Dumper from perl, but of course,
on steroids.

Is something like this possible, or be worked on? Or probably never going to

Cheers, thomas.
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