[Haskell-cafe] Re: List of all powers

2007-11-16 Thread apfelmus

Calvin Smith wrote:

I really look forward to apfelmus' consistently outstanding
explanations on haskell-cafe.

If some of the especially good ones were bundled up as book --
*Intermediate/Advanced Functional Programming with Haskell* -- I would
buy it sight unseen (hint, hint).


I intend the Haskell wikibook


to be(come) the one Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced Functional
Programming book and the mailing list can also be seen as a marvelous 
source of materials, like real world questions, problems, techniques 
etc for that. The wikibook hasn't gained much momentum yet, but I guess 
that's also partly to the fact that writing a good tutorial is time 
consuming and harder than I imagined, mailing list rants are far easier :)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: List of all powers

2007-11-15 Thread apfelmus

Brent Yorgey wrote:

apfelmus, does someone pay you to write so many thorough, insightful and
well-explained analyses on haskell-cafe?  I'm guessing the answer is 'no',
but clearly someone should! =)

Depending on length, my prices for posts range between λ9.99 and λ29.99 ;)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: List of all powers

2007-11-14 Thread apfelmus

Brent Yorgey wrote:

Kurt Hutchinson wrote:

As part of a solution I'm working on for Project Euler problem 119, I
wanted to create an ordered list of all powers of all positive
integers (starting with squares).

The merging can be done much more simply and efficiently (this is code I
wrote when computing squarefree numbers in a blog
few months ago):

-- merge two nondecreasing lists.
( # ) :: (Ord a) = [a] - [a] - [a]
[] # ys = ys
xs # [] = xs
xs@(x:xt) # ys@(y:yt) | x  y = x : (xt # ys)
  | x  y = y : (xs # yt)
  | otherwise = x : (xt # yt)

-- merge an infinite list of lists, assuming that each list
-- is nondecreasing and the lists occur in order of their first
-- element.
mergeAll :: (Ord a) = [[a]] - [a]
mergeAll ([] : zs) = mergeAll zs
mergeAll (xxs@(x:xs) : yys@(y:ys) : zs)
| x  y = x : mergeAll (xs : yys : zs)
| otherwise = mergeAll ((xxs # yys) : zs)

Then you can simply define

powers = 1 : mergeAll powertable

I wrote some code to sum the first n powers and print the result, and
compiled (using -O2) first with your method, then with mergeAll.  Summing
the first 7000 powers took ~8s and ~0.1s respectively, so that's a pretty
big speedup. Based on seeing how the times scale, I suspect that your code
is O(n^2) or something of that sort, whereas mergeAll is essentially linear,
although without scrutinizing your code more closely I'm not exactly sure
why that would be the case.

In principle, both Kurt's and even your  mergeAll  are O(n^2), but that 
depends on the actual distribution of the numbers in the powertable. In 
both cases, the optimization over a naive implementation is to increase 
the number of rows to be considered only if the next output came from 
the last row. This is ok since of the last row, only the head element 
was considered so far and the non-considered elements all have to be 
bigger than this.

Kurt's code is slower because it takes the minimum over _all_ the 
considered rows at every step. This is unnecessary since only one 
element changed, many comparisons can be cached. In other words, this 
calls for a heap. Brent's code does not produce a heap, but I it's still 
able to cache lots of comparisons.

Kurt may want to transpose the  powertable  to

  2^2 3^2 4^2 5^2 ..
  2^3 3^3 4^3 5^3 ..
  2^4 3^4 4^4 ..

instead of the current

  2^2 2^3 2^4 2^5 ..
  3^2 3^3 3^4 3^5 ..
  4^2 4^3 4^4 ..

since the first elements of the rows of the former grows far steeper 
than the ones of the latter. This means that only few rows are to be 
considered each turn.

However, Brent may not want to transpose the  powertable  since the 
steep increase in every single row (as opposed to across rows) is 
exactly what makes his code fast. During evaluation, his tower of calls 
to  #  will compare something like the following numbers:

  2^5   3^4   4^3   5^2

Thanks the form of the tower, the comparisons of the first elements are 
cached. It looks like

  mergeAll $ (2^5:(__ # 3^4:__) # 4^3:__) : (5^2:xs) : __

The winner is 5^2 and  mergeAll  will proceeds by expecting the head of 
xs . But this one will first be compared to  2^5 = minimum [2^5,3^4,4^3] 
 that's what I mean with cached. Similarly, the winner  3^4 = minimum 
[2^5,3^4] is cached, too. In other words, the minimum of every initial 
segment of the numbers considered is cached. The crucial point now is 
that those initial numbers quickly become very large (2^7 jumps 
exponentially to 2^8 and so on) and the winners are mostly to be found 
at the end of the list. With the caching, this is cheap to check. If 
Brent were to transpose the  powertable , winners are more to the front 
of the list and the caching is useless, most likely rendering his 
implementation inferior to Kurt's one.

Now, back to the heap and O(n*log n). There is no need to use an 
explicit heap data structure, it's possible to arrange the merges to 
form an implicit heap, i.e. using the best form of caching. Here's an 
explanation of the technique with mergesort

  http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg19980.html

(Hm, does gmane gradually forget old messages?). The only problem is to 
make this work on an infinite list. Dave Bayer discovered a great way to 
do this, here's an explanation



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: List of all powers

2007-11-14 Thread Brent Yorgey
apfelmus, does someone pay you to write so many thorough, insightful and
well-explained analyses on haskell-cafe?  I'm guessing the answer is 'no',
but clearly someone should! =)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: List of all powers

2007-11-14 Thread Calvin Smith
On 11/14/2007 03:19 PM,, Brent Yorgey wrote:
 apfelmus, does someone pay you to write so many thorough, insightful and
 well-explained analyses on haskell-cafe?  I'm guessing the answer is
 'no', but clearly someone should! =)

Agreed. I really look forward to apfelmus' consistently outstanding
explanations on haskell-cafe.

If some of the especially good ones were bundled up as book --
*Intermediate/Advanced Functional Programming with Haskell* -- I would
buy it sight unseen (hint, hint).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: List of all powers

2007-11-14 Thread Don Stewart
apfelmus, does someone pay you to write so many thorough, insightful and
well-explained analyses on haskell-cafe?  I'm guessing the answer is 'no',
but clearly someone should! =)

Having met apfelmus last month in Freiburg I can inform the cafe that he
is thorough and insightful not just in writing, but in person too :)

-- Don
Haskell-Cafe mailing list