Re: tabs in source code

2006-06-20 Thread Sean Conner
It was thus said that the Great A. Pagaltzis once stated: * Smylers [2006-06-20 00:20]: Also, I'm not that bothered how big indentation levels are, but I do care that source code lines don't exceed 80 characters: I want them to fit in a standard size terminal, to be

Re: Start - Shut Down - Log Out

2006-07-13 Thread Sean Conner
It was thus said that the Great Peter da Silva once stated: Like I said, you _can_ do this, but it won't work in IE. The spec is eight years old, so blame Microsoft, not the W3, though they should be shot for other reasons (XSLT, for instance). Just read the damned link:

Re: Spreadsheet::ParseExcel

2006-08-01 Thread Sean Conner
It was thus said that the Great Jeremy Stephens once stated: I ran into problems with UCS2 a couple weeks ago. I exported some data from MS SQL into a CSV file, which I then read from a scripting language (R, a statistical language) to do some stuff. R doesn't know how to read UCS2,

Re: Spreadsheet::ParseExcel

2006-08-01 Thread Sean Conner
It was thus said that the Great Nicholas Clark once stated: return pack('C*', unpack('n*', $sTxt)); No. That's not a valid way to convert ucs2 text to anything, let alone ISO-8859-1 But ... but ... but ... it works for me! [1] -spc (We don't need to steeeking accented letters!) [1]

Re: yum and its stupid config files

2006-11-07 Thread Sean Conner
It was thus said that the Great Matt McLeod once stated: On 11/6/06, Daniel Pittman wrote: Except, of course, that I hate the fact that it can do about one thing, install a package. If it wasn't already. Because having anything else, like reinstall or search or whatever

Re: yum and its stupid config files

2006-11-07 Thread Sean Conner
It was thus said that the Great Matt McLeod once stated: yum searches repositories. 'rrdtool' isn't in any of the ones it was searching in your example so it's no great shock that it can't find it. I get the same gpg-pubkey package when I run the same thing on my CentOS box, but I also

Re: yum and its stupid config files

2006-11-07 Thread Sean Conner
It was thus said that the Great once stated: I'm _hoping_ this one is really not a software error, there are some basic pieces of functionality I expect software to usually get right, like transmitting data without modification.

Re: perl

2006-12-27 Thread Sean Conner
It was thus said that the Great Yoz Grahame once stated: Aristotle is actually being remarkably kind to PHP here, failing to mention the TWO THOUSAND FUNCTIONS IN THE MAIN NAMESPACE, many of which are synonyms for each other, and most of which have wildly inconsistent invocation patterns.

Re: perl

2006-12-22 Thread Sean Conner
It was thus said that the Great David Cantrell once stated: On Sun, Dec 17, 2006 at 09:36:52PM -0800, Aaron J. Grier wrote: this is exactly what I hate about perl. there's more than one way to do it invariably means that some dumbfucks out there will attempt to do it every single way

Re: perl

2006-12-22 Thread Sean Conner
It was thus said that the Great Anton Berezin once stated: On Fri, Dec 22, 2006 at 02:43:08AM -0500, Sean Conner wrote: Um ... raises hand ... I'd like somethimg a bit more consistent. A typical programic idiom I use (when programming in C) is: if (argc == 1

Re: perl

2006-12-22 Thread Sean Conner
It was thus said that the Great Earle Martin once stated: The software that I hate the most is often the software I have to do maintenance on. I'll agree to that 100%. I'm a 100% Perl guy, and spend a lot of time with other people's Perl. One of my pet hates is seeing this:

[offlist] Re: perl

2006-12-22 Thread Sean Conner
It was thus said that the Great A. Pagaltzis once stated: * Sean Conner [2006-12-22 21:35]: But *neolithic code*? Yeah. What? I should do map { open INPUT $_; do_some_process; close INPUT; } @ARGV

Re: We know what you need, and we'll push it down your throat.

2006-12-22 Thread Sean Conner
It was thus said that the Great Abigail once stated: You are right that Perl 6 is less friendly (you could say hostile) for people with different whitespace styles than Perl 5 was. Yep. Were one of the features of Perl1 to Perl5 was the fact that people coming from different schools

Re: C#, .Net, and Mono

2006-12-29 Thread Sean Conner
It was thus said that the Great Yossi Kreinin once stated: Can I ask you again - why did Windows 3.11, which had a totally dysfunctional parody on the concept of kernel, won the desktop market, and Unix, which was 2 decades ahead in it's development, lost that market, despite it's

Re: Some quick bookmark hate

2007-01-24 Thread Sean Conner
It was thus said that the Great Michael Leuchtenburg once stated: Spake Adam Atlas: Am I the only one who finds it hateful that most web browsers add new bookmarks/favourites to the BOTTOM of the list? Not only that, but the features which make it possible to actually organize bookmarks

Re: Denial of denial of service

2007-01-29 Thread Sean Conner
It was thus said that the Great Yossi Kreinin once stated: Let's make it simple: did you actually see it /done/? I tried it with gcc 3.3.1 on x86 and exceptions do translate to overhead (I don't know x86 assembly either, but I can see when 2 additional instructions are emitted). Green

Re: Denial of denial of service

2007-01-29 Thread Sean Conner
It was thus said that the Great Tony Finch once stated: On Mon, 29 Jan 2007, Sean Conner wrote: It was thus said that the Great Yossi Kreinin once stated: Can you name a platform where no extra instructions in the normal flow path are generated when exceptions are enabled? VMS

Re: Denial of denial of service

2007-01-29 Thread Sean Conner
It was thus said that the Great David Cantrell once stated: On Mon, Jan 29, 2007 at 02:54:21PM -0500, Sean Conner wrote: VMS. Or rather, VMS on the VAX architecture Ahh, the pinnacle of CISC. I have learnt to never be surprised at Weird Shit in the VAX instruction set. I expect

Re: Denial of denial of service

2007-01-29 Thread Sean Conner
It was thus said that the Great Yossi Kreinin once stated: The problem is that a lot of calling code *doesn't* bother to check the status. People don't like to do that, especially when they can't abort right there and must propagate status up the call chain, so they deny the existence of

Re: those bits can have 2 values for a reason

2007-02-07 Thread Sean Conner
It was thus said that the Great peter f miller once stated: On 2/7/07, Robert Rothenberg wrote: * An optimisation which gives a 20% performance boost that imposts a limit on the software, but one which will not affect 95% of the users (and which most of the other 5% can

Re: The most hateful thing is the world is ...

2007-04-03 Thread Sean Conner
It was thus said that the Great David Cantrell once stated: The hateful software part of it is, of course, that the software decides to waste the time of people posting to mailing lists to which its master has subscribed by ignoring the List-Id header. But tbh, I hate Daniel more than I

Re: Evince Blocking Sound

2007-08-16 Thread Sean Conner
It was thus said that the Great Chris Devers once stated: On Aug 15, 2007, at 6:43 PM, David Cantrell wrote: Close, but no cigar. What really is spectacularly hateful is that the latest and greatest (and most expensive, of course) version of Acrobat can infest documents with sounds and even

Re: Evince Blocking Sound

2007-08-16 Thread Sean Conner
It was thus said that the Great Jonathan Stowe once stated: On a previous laptop, unloading the ALSA drivers would cause firefox to crash, it appears that for some reason it was linked with the ALSA library EVEN THOUGH IT COULD NOT AND IS NOT DESIGNED TO MAKE SOUND BY ITSELF. Ah, did

Re: Perl

2008-01-15 Thread Sean Conner
It was thus said that the Great Peter da Silva once stated: On the other hand, for me, 1.5.4 versus 1.5.2 does tell me something useful. If a script worked on 1.5.2, it will work on 1.5.4 and it's supposed to work on 1.6, and unless you hit a bug fixed in 1.5.2 it'll work on 1.5.1

Re: Perl

2008-01-15 Thread Sean Conner
It was thus said that the Great Abigail once stated: Man, sometimes I feel so tempted to put things like $VERSION = 'yellow'; in my modules. Quick! Can someone tell me which is older---Mac OS Tiger or Mac OS Jaguar? I remember a bunch of years ago a Linux module that would

So much hate, spread across so much software, it's incredible

2008-02-28 Thread Sean Conner
It all started some five hours ago with my own hateful blogging software, when the web interface (which is something I rarely use it's so loathsome, but that's my own fault) didn't work. It took me the better part of three and a half hours to track down the actual problem deep within Apache.

Re: So much hate, spread across so much software, it's incredible

2008-02-28 Thread Sean Conner
It was thus said that the Great Sean Conner once stated: Postfix, for setting a return path of spc at even though I told it to use a myorigin of mydomain and not myhostname? Oh, I almost forgot. I just learned that if you aren't running Postfix

Re: emacs hate (was Re: qmail hate -- or love ( and the new KDE hate))

2008-03-02 Thread Sean Conner
It was thus said that the Great Peter da Silva once stated: On 2008-03-02, at 05:50, demerphq wrote: *Nix editors are laughingly hateful across the board. Lots of features, too bad about the goddamned USER INTERFACE. What's an example of an editor that isn't hateful? For me, it's IBM's PE

Re: So much hate, spread across so much software, it's incredible

2008-02-29 Thread Sean Conner
It was thus said that the Great Gerry Lawrence once stated: Sean Conner wrote: So, can anyone here explain the rather hateful practice of ezmlm ofignoring the From: header and using the Return-Path: header? I've read DanBernstein's justification for this [1], but while the individual words

Re: Hating broken mailers!

2008-07-05 Thread Sean Conner
It was thus said that the Great Aristotle Pagaltzis once stated: That's *all* you need in mail. There is absolutely zero need for any fancy layouting. Email is supposed to be something where you can hit Reply and reasonably respond to pieces of the message inline. An email is not a fracking

Re: Kill. All. Hippies^W Database people

2008-09-30 Thread Sean Conner
Tell me about it. At work, I inherited some PHP application written for MySQL. My boss wants to use PostgreSQL. It can't be that hard to convert it, says I. SQL is SQL, right? Stop laughing back there, I'm trying to tell a story. First off, the PHP code is littered with mysql_this()

Re: PHP (Kill. All. Hippies^W Database people)

2008-09-30 Thread Sean Conner
It was thus said that the Great Joshua Juran once stated: On Sep 29, 2008, at 7:39 PM, Sean Conner wrote: -spc (Holding back the bile on a whole bunch of PHP hate ... ) No, no, by all means bring it forth! :-D Oh, you mean how modules in PHP applications are installed by modifying

Re: PHP (Kill. All. Hippies^W Database people)

2008-10-01 Thread Sean Conner
It was thus said that the Great Peter da Silva once stated: [10] Someone who thinks views are for wimps. Someone who's never had to deal with SQL until told get this working under PostgreSQL. Or ... Views? Whatcha talking 'bout, Willis?

Re: Auto Cue

2008-10-30 Thread Sean Conner
It was thus said that the Great Tony Finch once stated: On Wed, 29 Oct 2008, Sean Conner wrote: Section 4.4.3 of RFC-822 seems to allow it, but for those of you who consider RFC-822 a bit outdated, I did try checking up on RFC-2822, RFC 5322 is the latest revision. Reply

Re: File Hate (was Re: Gnome focus-follows-mouse)

2009-07-10 Thread Sean Conner
It was thus said that the Great Martin Ebourne once stated: On Thu, 2009-07-09 at 20:20 -0400, Sean Conner wrote: 5 text/x-c 3 text/x-c++ file attempts to identify C versus C++? I'm going to be depressed all day now, maybe there isn't any hope out

Re: Metadata (Re: Gnome focus-follows-mouse)

2009-07-10 Thread Sean Conner
It was thus said that the Great Philip Newton once stated: (Also: it's not for nothing that MSIE does content sniffing for certain MIME types [IIRC, including text/plain and application/octet-stream], simply because there are/were web servers that sent the wrong content type so that MS

Re: kill all Linux weenies

2009-08-16 Thread Sean Conner
It was thus said that the Great Philip Newton once stated: 2009/8/15 Peter da Silva The bestest make replacement ever would be one that uses XML and requires a different version of Java than the program you're building! Except that it doesn't actually use an XML parser

Re: gnome terminal

2009-09-14 Thread Sean Conner
It was thus said that the Great Nicholas Clark once stated: Copy a block of text. Paste it back in. This is *not* something that Gnome Terminal can do reliably. Sometimes it decides that it will paste carriage returns first time, but paste it again (without changing the selection) and it

Re: Hatefulness-as-a-Service

2010-12-08 Thread Sean Conner
It was thus said that the Great Peter Corlett once stated: Dammit, I've driven the stake into many systems using software written by a certain author, gaining many Brownie points in the process when the load drops 90%, but I'm going to need a fully-automatic intercontinental stake-launching

Re: Client Security solutions

2011-08-06 Thread Sean Conner
It was thus said that the Great Peter Corlett once stated: On 5 Aug 2011, at 21:32, Roger Burton West wrote: [...] A few years back I went to a network security show at Olympia. It rapidly became clear that what most of the punters wanted, but nobody quite dared to