Hi Vanessa,

Sorry that the Charting Dense Timeseries section of the Scene 4 section of the 
Workbench Tutorial is not working. There was a major update to charting 
features in wb_view with the release of WB v1.3.0+. Due to other priorities we 
have not updated the WB Tutorial to incorporate those changes.

However, you can get around the problem using the "Chart Old" view by replacing 
the first 3 steps:

• Select FileNew Tab (shortcut Cmd/Ctrl + T). A new Viewing Tab will be 
created (3) Montage. Click Yes on the warning.

• Select ViewTile Tabs ConfigurationEdit Tile Tabs Configurations...  to and 
swtich to Custom with dimensions Rows 2 and Columns 2 to show the new tab in 
Tile Tabs.

• Change the View in the Toolbar to Chart Old. The Charting tab is 
automatically activated in the Overlay Toolbox.

• Click the Select checkbox in the Overlay Toolbox:Charting:Loading tab to turn 
on charting of the loaded CP10101 dense time series (*dtseries) file when 
brainordinates are selected.

proceed with the rest of the instructions in that section....

We can also answer questions on charting here on the list if you are interested 
in using this feature for your own work.



Jennifer Elam, Ph.D.
Scientific Outreach, Human Connectome Project
Washington University School of Medicine
Department of Neuroscience, Box 8108
660 South Euclid Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63110

From: hcp-users-boun...@humanconnectome.org 
<hcp-users-boun...@humanconnectome.org> on behalf of DE CASTRO Vanessa 
Sent: Tuesday, April 2, 2019 8:26 AM
To: hcp-users@humanconnectome.org
Subject: [HCP-Users] TR : tutorial: resting state fMRI Scene is not working 
well with Connectome Workbench 1.3.2

Sorry, the tittle of the object from the previous message is not correct.... :/ 
I mean that is not working well with Connectome Workbench 1.3.2


Vanessa DeCastro, PhD

Centre de Recherche Cerveau et Cognition - UMR 5549 - CNRS
Pavillon Baudot CHU Purpan
31052 Toulouse Cedex 03, France

De : DE CASTRO Vanessa
Envoyé : mardi 2 avril 2019 14:48
À : hcp-users@humanconnectome.org
Objet : tutorial: resting state fMRI Scene is not working well with SPM 12

Tutorial v.1.0.pdf. Page 23: Charting dense timeseries

1- New tab: Is not the CortexLeft, just Montage

2- When I change the View to Charge, I must disable Tile Tabs to see the graph, 
but I really don't know to what correspond

3- Click the Select checkbox in the Overlay Toolbox:Charting:Loading = I can't 
click because is disable the tab. So then, I can't go further to next steps 
through this Scene.

Yours Sincerely

Vanessa DeCastro, PhD

Centre de Recherche Cerveau et Cognition - UMR 5549 - CNRS
Pavillon Baudot CHU Purpan
31052 Toulouse Cedex 03, France

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