
Source:   (AP)
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Refrigerator duck plays
Lazarus again
Bird that lived 2 days in fridge after being shot
flat-lines in surgery, revives
€ Duck still alive after brushes with death  (Video at Link)

Jan. 29: A ring-necked duck nicknamed "Perky" is garnering international
fame after surviving at least three brushes with death. Mike Vasilinda

NBC News Channel

Updated: 3:26 p.m. MT Jan 29, 2007

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. - Call her Lazarus ‹ and then some.

The ring-neck duck has been shot by a hunter, rescued from two days in a
refrigerator by his wife and ‹ in its latest brush with death ‹ resuscitated
on a veterinarian's operating table.

The one-pound female duck stopped breathing Saturday during an operation to
repair gunshot damage to her wing, said Noni Beck of Goose Creek Wildlife
Sanctuary. Veterinarian David Hale performed CPR and managed to get the
fractured fowl breathing again after several tense moments.

"I started crying, 'She's alive!'" Beck said.

Perky grabbed national attention last week after a hunter's wife opened her
refrigerator door and the supposedly dead duck lifted its head and looked at
her. The duck had been in the fridge for two days since it was shot and
mistaken for dead on Jan. 15.

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Shot duck survives 2 days in refrigerator (below)

Perky, who now has a pin in hers wing, will probably not undergo any more
surgery because of a sensitivity to anesthesia, Hale said. The duck is
recovering from its latest ordeal.

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Source:   (AP)

'She's alive!': 
Duck ducks death a third time
Perky is one tough bird.
Last update: January 29, 2007 ­ 7:19 AM

Perky is one tough bird.

The ringneck duck survived being shot and spending two days in a hunter's
refrigerator -- and now she's had a close brush with death on a
veterinarian's operating table.

The one-pound female duck stopped breathing Saturday during surgery to
repair gunshot damage to one wing, said Noni Beck of the Goose Creek
Wildlife Sanctuary in Tallahassee, Fla.

Veterinarian David Hale revived the bird by performing CPR. Said Beck: "I
started crying, 'She's alive!' "

Perky entered the headlines last week after a hunter's wife opened her
refrigerator door and the should've-been-dead duck lifted its head and
looked at her. The bird had been in the fridge for two days since being shot
and presumed killed Jan. 15.

Perky is recovering with a pin installed in the fractured wing, and probably
will not have more surgery because of her sensitivity to anesthesia, Hale


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Shot duck survives 2 days in refrigerator

Updated: 4:31 p.m. MT Jan 20, 2007

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. - Neither gunfire nor two days in a refrigerator could
slay this duck.

When the wife of the hunter who shot it opened the refrigerator door, the
duck lifted its head, giving her a scare.

The man¹s wife ³was going to check on the refrigerator because it hadn¹t
been working right and when she opened the door, it looked up at her,² said
Laina Whipple, a receptionist at Killearn Animal Hospital. ³She freaked out
and told the daughter to take it to the hospital right then and there.²

The 1-pound female ringneck ended up at Goose Creek Wildlife Sanctuary,
where it has been treated since Tuesday for wounds to its wing and leg.

Sanctuary veterinarian David Hale said it has about a 75 percent chance of
survival, but probably won¹t ever be well enough to be released back into
the wild.

He said the duck, which has a low metabolism, could have survived in a big
enough refrigerator, especially if the door was opened and closed several
times. And he said he understands how the hunter thought the duck was dead.

³This duck is very passive,² Hale said. ³It¹s not like trying to pick up a
Muscovy at Lake Ella, where you put your life in your hands.²

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