In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Ex-Italian President: Intel Agencies Know 9/11 An Inside Job

Man who set up Operation Gladio tells Italy’s
largest newspaper attacks were run by CIA, Mossad

Paul Joseph Watson

<>Prison Planet


Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Former Italian President and the man who revealed
the existence of Operation Gladio Francesco
Cossiga has gone public on 9/11, telling Italy’s
most respected newspaper that the attacks were
run by the CIA and Mossad and that this was
common knowledge amongst global intelligence agencies.

Cossiga was elected President of the Italian
Senate in July 1983 before winning a landslide
1985 election to become President of the country in 1985.

Cossiga gained respect from opposition parties as
one of a rare breed - an honest politician - and
led the country for seven years until April 1992.

Cossiga’s tendency to be outspoken upset the
Italian political establishment and he was forced
to resign after revealing the existence of, and
his part in setting up,
Gladio - a rogue intelligence network under NATO
auspices that carried out bombings across Europe in the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s.

Gladio’s specialty was to carry out what they
coined “false flag operations,” terror attacks
that were blamed on their domestic and geopolitical opposition.

Cossiga’s revelations contributed to an Italian
parliamentary investigation of Gladio in 2000,
during which evidence was unearthed that the
attacks were being
by the U.S. intelligence apparatus.

In March 2001, Gladio agent Vincenzo Vinciguerra
stated, in sworn testimony, “You had to attack
civilians, the people, women, children, innocent
people, unknown people far removed from any
political game. The reason was quite simple: to
force … the public to turn to the state to ask for greater security.”

Cossiga’s new revelations
last week in Italy’s oldest and most widely read
newspaper, Corriere della Sera. Below appears a rough translation.

“[Bin Laden supposedly confessed] to the Qaeda
September [attack] to the two towers in New York
[claiming to be] the author of the attack of the
11, while all the [intelligence services] of
America and Europe … now know well that the
disastrous attack has been planned and realized
from the CIA American and the Mossad with the aid
of the Zionist world in order to put under
accusation the Arabic Countries and in order to
induce the western powers to take part … in Iraq [and] Afghanistan.”

Cossiga first expressed his doubts about 9/11 in
2001, and is
in Webster Tarpley’s book as stating that “The
mastermind of the attack must have been a
“sophisticated mind, provided with ample means
not only to recruit fanatic kamikazes, but also
highly specialized personnel. I add one thing: it
could not be accomplished without infiltrations
in the radar and flight security personnel.”

Coming from a widely respected former head of
state, Cossiga’s assertion that the 9/11 attacks
were an inside job and that this is common
knowledge amongst global intelligence agencies is
highly unlikely to be mentioned by any
establishment media outlets, because like the
hundreds of other sober ex-government, military,
air force professionals, allied to hundreds more
professors and intellectuals - he can’t be
sidelined as a crackpot conspiracy theorist.


Learn more about Operation Gladio and false flag
terrorism by
Alex Jones’ Terror Storm in high quality.

The full story in


-muslim voice-

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