Salaam.. pilihanraya.. masa untuk kita mengembalikan maruah Melayu Islam, 
Maruah Rakyat Malaysia, Menegakkan kebenaran, melawan kebathilan.. amar ma'ruf 
nahi mungkar.. menolak kehidupan sia sia hedonisma, meningkatkan kehidupan yang 
sihat dan tidak berpura-pura atau lakonan sahaja.. Bangkitlah Melayu Muslim, 
Bangkitlah Rakyat Malaysia.. Rakyat adalah penentu hala tuju negara, duit 
rakyat untuk rakyat, keselesaan rakyat, kegunaan rakyat. Tidak mahukah kita 
menaiki kenderaan menggunkan jalan raya yg tidak perlu kita bayar kerana duit 
rakyat pada kerajaan telah membayar kosnya? 50 tahun kita membiarkan duit 
rakyat dipergunakan untuk pembangunan yang tidak memberi manfa'at kepada orang 
ramai. Tidak mahukah kita hidup dalam keadaan selamat tanpa memikirkan rumah 
kita akan dirompak, anak akan diculik kerana pihak polis telah memantau dan 
menjaga keamanan kawasan kita daripada sibuk mengikut telunjuk individu2 
mengacau dan menganggu ceramah parti atau menyibukkan diri menghalang
 demonstrasi aman yg hanya ingin menyerahkan memorandum. Tidak mahukah kita 
mempunyai hak untuk bersuara dan menyatakan ketidak puasan hati dalam masa yg 
sama berasa selamat kerana tidak akan ditekan, diganggu oleh SB atau nama kita 
disenarai hitamkan atau kita dikenakan tindakan melampau spt ISA. Tidak mahukah 
kita melihat generasi muda kita sibuk dengan berpelajaran, bergiat dalam 
aktiviti2 sihat dan memberi manfa'at kepada diri dan masyarakat, saling tolong 
menolong dan hormat menghormati daripada melepak, berbuat maksiat, merempit, 
melacur dsbnya. sampai bila kita harus membiarkan orang lain yang menentukan 
masa depan kita dan anak2 kita juga ekonomi negara dsbnya.terhutang budi 
mempunyai hadnya, jangan sampai kita terlewat untuk mengatur hala tuju negara. 
Sampai bila harus kita Melayu, Cina dan India juga bangsa lain harus rasa 
cemburu, iri hati, perkauman dalam kehidupan. Semua mempunyai hak keistimewaan 
sebagai rakyat malaysia, marilah kita mengubahnya.. Malaysia dan
 duit rakyatnya bukan milik Barisan Nasional. 50 tahun telah terlalu lama 
memberi mandat besar dan membiarkan mereka berbuat sesuka hati dalam apa jua 
bidang tanpa sesiapa menghalang kerana mereka memiliki kekuasaan 2/3 majoriti. 
Kita boleh mengubahnya.bak kata Obama
  " A Change We can Believe In".. lets  Change. Mari berubah, semua hak kita 
akan terjamin dan lebih terjamin insha ALlah.
  Seperti setiap kali Pilihanraya.. HeavyWeight Champion Gedebe BN with their 
mighty Power MegaValve Quad Core Media kasi hantam itu Negeri Kelantan as well 
as comparing continously and tiredlessly with Terengganu.. How Much la UMNO has 
allocated just to win in Kelantan? so to some example for all the brainwashed 
"Obey My BN Master" malaysian..bacalah skit..
  Mengapa kita harus malu dengan tulisan jawi melayu tetapi berbangga dengan 
membudayakan bahasa penjajah?
  taken without consent from the blog..
    Kelantan - The contrary in reality Posted by admin on Saturday, December 
15, 2007   
  With its contentious rulings, the Islamic state of Kelantan receives plenty 
of flak from the media. But what is life really like there? 
  The fragrant aroma of ayam percik wafted through the air as my friend, Kuen, 
and I strolled around Medan Selera Buluh Kubu, an open-air eating square smack 
in the middle of Kota Baru. 
  The huge array of Kelantanese delicacies on sale was mind-boggling – nasi 
kerabu, laksam, satar (fish paste wrapped in banana leaves) and mouth-watering 
kuih (local cakes). After some frenzied buys, we ordered some drinks and chowed 
down at one of the food stalls. 
  Suddenly, a guy armed with a loud hailer strode into the food centre and 
announced in Malay: “Please leave the area immediately. Muslims have to perform 
their prayers.” 
  We later found out that during Maghrib (evening prayer), all Muslims are 
supposed to be praying, hence no business transaction can take place. 
                 Maya Karin in tudung on a billboard — only in Kelantan.
Some hawkers covered their food with plastic sheets and walked towards the 
mosque while a few ladies just hung around their stalls. 
  We wrapped up our half-eaten food, scurried out of the square and waited for 
the place to re-open 30 minutes later. 
  As a couple of unsuspecting tourists strolled into the now-deserted Medan, 
the loud hailer guy yelled: “Please get out! This place is closed!” 
  Kelantan, with its capricious PAS (Parti Islam Se-Malaysia) government, is 
notorious for initiating controversial rulings since the party took over the 
state 17 years ago. 
  Entertainment spots like bars, dance clubs and karaoke joints and concerts, 
gambling and alcohol are banned. Even traditional performing arts like wayang 
kulit and mak yong are deemed un-Islamic. 
  Female retail and restaurant workers have to follow strict dress codes – the 
headscarf is mandatory for Muslims and cleavage and navel-baring clothing is a 
no-no for non-Muslims, too. 
  At supermarkets, men and women use separate checkout counters, and cinemas 
have a lights-on ruling to prevent “unsavoury” activities between the sexes. 
  In reality 
  But over three visits to Kelantan in the last six months, this writer found a 
few surprises. 
  The Medan Selera incident was an eye-opener but it was an isolated case. 
Other restaurants and eating places around Kota Baru don’t suspend their 
business during Maghrib. 
  Non-Muslims can still drink beer at hotel bars or Chinese coffee shops and 
restaurants. And if you really need to dance the night away or sing your heart 
out at a karaoke joint, you can head to Sg Golok, a 20-minute drive from Kota 
Baru across the Thai border. 
  Supermarkets still have separate checkout counters but we do see men standing 
at the “women-only” counters so there’s no enforcement. All cinemas are closed 
(a common phenomenon in small towns since the proliferation of pirated DVDs and 
VCDs), hence the lights-on ruling doesn’t apply anymore. 
                 The Kelantanese are proud of their dialect.
As for dress codes, we did see some female stall owners wearing fitting jeans 
and a few without the tudung (headscarf). Outside of the workplace, Muslim 
women can choose not to wear a headscarf. At the Grand River View Hotel where I 
stayed, some Chinese ladies attending a wedding banquet were clad in sexy, 
short dresses and stiletto heels. 
  PAS has also “relaxed” the ban on some of the traditional performing arts 
like wayang kulit (shadow puppet play). Visitors and locals alike can catch 
performances at Kota Baru’s Gelanggang Seni (Cultural Centre) though the 
stories have to be based on real-life than the Hindu epics. 
  Chinese tok dalang (master puppeteer) like Eyo Hock Seng of the Pasir Mas 
district, are exempted from the rule and still play to jam-packed crowds of 
Chinese and Malay people during kenduri (feasts) and Chinese celebrations. 
  Last year, the state lifted a 16-year ban on pop concerts by inviting 
celebrities like Mawi, M.Nasir and Aishah to perform to sell-out crowds. Aishah 
and four other female performers regaled 3,000 fans at a female-only concert 
while Mawi and his gang sent the 15,000 concert-goers into a frenzy, never mind 
that male and female audiences had to be segregated while families sat 
  ‘Bangsa Malaysia’ ? 
  Where else in Malaysia can you find Malays and Chinese mingling in Chinese 
coffee shops? 
  At the White House kopitiam next to Istana Jahar, Malay and Chinese patrons 
sip thick Hainanese coffee, enjoy kaya and butter on toast, and tuck into nasi 
berlauk and nasi dagang for breakfast. At a popular Malay restaurant below the 
Craft Museum, we saw Malay and Chinese locals relishing their nasi ulam budu 
(rice with raw vegetables and fermented anchovy sauce). 
  The Chinese in Kelantan are a unique breed. Though they only make up about 4% 
of the 1.2 million population, they are well integrated with their Malay 
neighbours. In the rural areas especially, it’s common to find Chinese villages 
tucked amid Malay kampung. The Chinese speak fluent Kelantanese and a 
distinctive Hokkien dialect, sprinkled with Malay and Thai words. 
  Like their Malay neighbours, the Chinese love traditional Malay pastimes like 
kite-flying, top-spinning, dikir barat and wayang kulit. The older generation 
of Chinese and Malays, especially, forge life-long friendships. And when they 
are out of the state or the country, they proudly identify themselves as 
  On the last night of our stay, as we drove from Pantai Cahaya Bulan back to 
Kota Baru, we passed Kampung Cina. Families and kids dressed in their finery 
strolled into a Chinese temple adorned with strings of red lanterns. 
  It was the night before Chap Goh Meh, the 15th day of the Chinese Lunar New 
Year, and the 227-year-old Tokong Mek was hosting a two-night festivity. 
  Worshippers lit joss-ticks, prayed to the Gods and savoured free vegetarian 
fare served by temple volunteers. Festival-goers checked out the stalls 
peddling Chinese cakes and goodies outside the temple. 
  Across from the temple in a community hall, four female dancers clad in mini 
dresses and knee-high boots entertained the crowd with upbeat Chinese New Year 
songs sung in Hokkien. 
  Long chastised by friends as the most “un-Chinese” person they know, I don’t 
pray and would never think of setting foot in a Chinese temple during festive 
  But in Kelantan – of all places – Kuen and I joined in the revelry. We were 
reminded of a proud tradition that has made us who we are today.


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    Jalan2 Cari Makan - Kueh Nik Yae Posted by admin on Tuesday, October 30, 
    The most authentic and worth-buying Kelantanese traditional cakes/sweets or 
" kuih " is Nik Yam's
( pronounce : " Nik Yae " ) at Jalan Kelocor ( somewhere very close to the 
famous Pasar Besar Siti Khadijah )
in Kota Bharu.

~Look for Jalan Kelocor, and just 20 mtrs from this signboard~

Unlike any other Kelantanese "kuih maker" whom you often found at " pasar malam 
" or even by the roadsides, the " kuih "s here is obviously made for the sake 
of quality and customers' satisfaction ! . Nik Yam's kuihs are indeed 

~ enter the compound & you'll then notice this pastry kitchen ~

She makes, among the famous, the " Royal Murtabak " ( only available if booked 
earlier ), Akok, Jala Mas, Tahi Itik ( or politely known as Putih Telur ), Buah 
Tanjung, Che Mek ( similar to the usual Nekbak but smaller and harder by 
texture, Nik Yam's innovation? ), Pauh Selayae and Piyana to name some, and she 
even caters for the Istana Kelantan's royal banquets and orders from the local 

~ this is an RM 5 set Akok ie 3 for RM 1 ~

If you come to Kelantan and want to bring back something of Kelantanese which 
are really worth bringing home, try go and search for Nik Yam's - but note 
that, she only sells them from her house, limited and mostly made to order.

via: raykinzoku
  The humble Kelantan Chief Minister Nik Aziz Nik Mat (Ayah Zid) and JKR 10 
residence  by CJCM on December 16th, 2007 
  This pious Kelantan Chief Minister, known as Ayah Zid among the Kelantanese 
(yours truly included), actually has an official Chief Minister residence more 
popularly known as JKR 10 in Kota Bharu. But being a humble Menteri Besar he 
is, Ayah Zid chooses not to live at the official Chief Minister residence. 
Instead he chooses to live in his own house in Pulau Melaka (where yours truly 
was born and grew up). Ayah Zid only stays at the official residence JKR 10 
  Ayah Zid proves he is a worthy Islamic leader yet again when he allows his 
official residence JKR 10 to be used to provide shelter for the current flood 
victims in Kota Bharu.
HarakahDaily reported 265 flood victims from a total of 69 families had been 
staying at the hall of the formal Menteri Besar residence since the last three 
    Mungkin tidak berlaku di tempat lain, namun ianya berlaku di negeri 
Kelantan, apabila Menteri Besarnya, Tuan Guru Dato’ Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat, 
menjadikan kediaman rasminya JKR 10, sebagai tempat perpindahan mangsa banjir. 
  Seramai 265 orang dari 69 keluarga telah bermalam di dewan kediaman rasmi 
Menteri Besar, yang terletak di Kampung Sireh sejak tiga hari lalu. 
  Rumah rasmi tersebut sudah dua kali dijadikan tempat perpindahan mangsa 
banjir di mana buat kali pertamanya pada tahun 2004. 
  Mangsa yang kesemuanya tinggal di Kampung Sireh termasuk sekeluarga dari 
masyarakat Cina bersyukur kerana diberi peluang berada di situ. 
  Rata-rata mangsa banjir ditemui melahirkan rasa seronok berada di situ 
sehingga dapat melupai masaalah yang berlaku pada mereka. 
  Seorang warga Cina, Kang King Liean, ketika ditemui melahirkan rasa seronok 
ditempatkan di situ. 
  Katanya, walaupun hanya beliau bersama ibu serta anaknya Robert Lim, yang 
berbangsa Cina, namun mangsa yang lain melayan keluarganya begitu baik sekali. 
  “Saya tidak menghadapi sebarang masaalah di sini, mereka yang senasib dengan 
saya, semuanya baik dan tidak ada masalah langsung.
  Source HarakahDaily
  Despite Ayah Zid’s humbleness, there were many occasions where Pak Lah and 
other BN leaders outside Kelantan visited the state without paying courtesy 
visit to Ayah Zid, the No 1 man in-charge of the state of Kelantan. Imagine 
when you visit some one’s house and totally ignore the man who owns the house 
while you are busy around his house. 
  That aside, if only Pak Lah or other BN Chief Ministers will do the same with 
their official residences. Now who is the best Chief Minister and political 
leader in Malaysia when it comes to working for the people? You decide.
  [tags]Nik Aziz Nik Mat, Pak Lah, JKR 10[/tags]

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