2. Solution by lobbying western governments

* The second solution presented to the Muslims is to lobby the kuffar
western governments.

* Let us examine this proposed solution in the light of what Allah
says in the Qu'ran in Surah al-Nisa, verse 141:

(And Allah will never grant an authority to the disbeliveers over the

* From this ayat, Allah (swt) has made it completely haraam for the
Ummah to refer her affairs, as an Ummah, to the kuffar.

* She has the final revelation, the haqq, from which to look for a

* Furthermore, when we look to the history of the kuffar, which state
was that in November 1917 that drafted a bill called the Balfour Declaration
which mandated the existence of Israel? We all know that it was Britain.
* Which state was it that formally aided in the creation of Israel in
1948? We all know that it was Britain.

* We are behaving like the orphan, who does not know how to behave
after the death of his parents. Like we go to the butcher who murdered our
parents, and ask for his help, whilst he is still holding the bloody
dagger dripping in his hands that was used in the killing of our parents.

* No my brothers, Allah prohibits this, and we are not allowed to go
with a begging bowl to kufr, as this adds insult to the humiliation that
we are already suffering.

3. Solution by holding long demonstrations

* The third solution presented to this Ummah is to do demonstrations.
* We have seen this Ummah protest and demonstrate over the last 25

* We saw over 1 million people demonstrate in Rabat in Morocco, and
even in this country we have seen demonstrations in London at 10 Downing Street.

* We have seen many demonstrations, up and down the Muslim world over
the last few weeks, born out of frustration and despair at the blood being spilt.

* Demonstrations are in themselves a good way for the establishment in
this country to allow the Muslims to vent their anger and frustrations.

* It allows the Muslims to channel their anger, which would otherwise
be channelled towards Islam to find the solution that Allah Taala commands.

* It gives an outlet for the Muslims to scream and shout, within a
police controlled environment, and also to build confidence in the eyes of
the Muslims, that Tony Blair cares for the Muslims because he allowed it.

* My brothers, a demonstration that would add value, and be with
purpose, would be a demonstration declaring:

1. The state of Israel is illegitimate and is not worthy to exist;

2. The solution is Jihad via an army;

3. The Muslim rulers are corrupt because they prevent the armies, the
sincere sons of this Ummah, from doing their duties;

4. These rulers and their corrupt systems need to be removed;

5. The Khilafah needs to be established that will be the shade of Allah
on this earth, and be the shield that protects the Muslims.

* Yes, my brothers, a demonstration with purpose, with value, with
honour, is to declare that the only solution that is acceptable to Allah,
is Jihad via an army, and not as individuals.

4. Solution by simply giving charity

* The fourth solution presented to the Ummah is to solely give charity
to the Muslims in Palestine, including money, clothes and medical equipment.

* By Allah, this Ummah is not poor, and does not need money, whether
this be in the form of clothes, food, or even money to buy arms.

* Our money, is not the pounds in our pockets, or the thousands of
pounds in our banks, but the trillions and billions of dollars in the
banks of New York, London and Paris.

* Yes brothers, our money is being hoarded by these rulers, and not
being used for the benefit of our Ummah.

* Is it not shameful for these Arab countries, to raise a billion
dollars for the Muslims in Palestine, money which already is theirs by
right of the Sharaah, and give it as a form of Sadaqah?

* It is humiliating indeed!

* A brother from Palestine said that the Muslims in Palestine do not
need money because they are already rich, far richer than Egyptians and
Jordanians, what they need, is for the money that had already been spent
To buy weapons by the Muslims armies, for these armies to be released and
Used against the Jews.

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