[Hobo Users] Re: gem, no plugin, i broke it?

2008-09-01 Thread Tom Locke
The Hobo gem does not install a plugin in the vendor folder since Pre1. At least this is what I'm experiencing. Correct - Hobo can now run as a gem, or can be frozen in vendor/ plugins, much like Rails can be frozen in vendor/rails. To activate Hobo in a Rails app, you just need the

[Hobo Users] Re: Issue while saving date

2008-09-01 Thread Tom Locke
I have a resource that has a 'datetime' field with the name 'date'. The date must be filled, so I placed a validate_presence_of :date in the model. Whenever I try to create a new instance with the date filled, the application says that Date can't be blank. I'm unable to create a an instance

[Hobo Users] Re: hobo_user_model and STI

2008-09-09 Thread Tom Locke
When using STI with hobo_user_model, which is quite common afaik, I get a stack overflow. What version of Hobo? Tom --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Hobo Users group. To post to this group, send

[Hobo Users] Re: :index auto action lists items with no permissions on it

2008-09-12 Thread Tom Locke
Sounds like a bug - I will investigate --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Hobo Users group. To post to this group, send email to hobousers@googlegroups.com To unsubscribe from this group, send email to

[Hobo Users] Re: multi model forms

2008-09-12 Thread Tom Locke
Well, rails 2.2 has some stuff for this, but it won't be complete(no handling of editing/creating/deleting has_many I believe) So do you want to wait for 2.3/3.0 ? Not necessarily. TBH I took my attention off this area of Hobo when I saw that some work was going on amongst the Rails guys.

[Hobo Users] Re: lifecycle/create runs validations?

2008-09-12 Thread Tom Locke
Is it supposed to? I've got a model with a lifecycle/create, and validations, and it happily creates a new record even when all the fields are missing. I think this is fixed. Are you on the latest code or on 0.8.1? 0.8.2 coming soon! Tom

[Hobo Users] Agility tutorial updates

2008-09-14 Thread Tom Locke
Hi All, The Agility tutorial has been updated to fix some of the issues that have been mentioned recently in hobousers, such as the lost New Project link. Have a look on github if you want to see exactly what has changed. Tom --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You

[Hobo Users] Re: automatic collections on user show-page

2008-09-16 Thread Tom Locke
Well, /stories/456 should still be available. /projects//123/stories/456 can display some message saying the story isn't available on that project anymore and offer a link to /stories/ 456 or to /projects/246/stories/456 if some preference says stories should be scoped through projects.

[Hobo Users] More stuff on the 0.8 upgrade page

2008-09-16 Thread Tom Locke
Hiya http://github.com/tablatom/hobo/wikis/upgrading-to-08 Has a bunch more stuff on it as of just now. If you haven't upgraded yet, it's definitely the place to start Tom --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the

[Hobo Users] Re: problems installing with sudo gem install hobo - any suggestions???

2008-09-26 Thread Tom Locke
I would suggest asking the gem crowd for help with this one. Tom On 26 Sep 2008, at 03:48, greghauptmann wrote: I'm getting this error when I try to do this Macintosh-2:myequity greg$ sudo gem update --system --debug Password: Exception `NameError' at

[Hobo Users] Re: Gem 1.3.0

2008-10-08 Thread Tom Locke
I recently tried to install Hobo and I can't with the current Gem version, which is 1.3.0. I can't back gem down to 1.2 without a hassle. Anyone know of the problem and a quick fix? Well I can't even upgrade to rubygems 1.3 : ) Seems to be broken Could be a gem problem rather than a Hobo

[Hobo Users] Re: Strategies for sharing what we learn

2008-10-12 Thread Tom Locke
Perhaps a wiki The github wiki is ready and waiting if anyone wants to start making use of it! or better yet a cookbook. Yes - that's pretty much the same as the how-to format, which is what I'm hoping to focus strongly on as soon as I can get some essential app-dev work out of the

[Hobo Users] Re: duplicating objects

2008-10-14 Thread Tom Locke
How would I go about adding a form element (a checkbox) that is not related to an object? I think I'm on the right track with this DRYML, but I don't know how to add the field itself: new-page form: after-field-list: Duplicate goes here

[Hobo Users] Re: Page Customisation - Custum Layout

2008-10-14 Thread Tom Locke
Is it just me or do none of the previous layout examples work any more in 0.8? It's not just you. Please see the various blog posts, wiki page, forum posts surrounding the 0.8 release Tom --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are

[Hobo Users] Upgrade prototype

2008-10-14 Thread Tom Locke
Hi Folks Please note that some of the Hobo javascript stuff has problems in IE unless you are on the latest version of Prototype - Please download from prototypejs.org and replace the one you have in public/javascripts Tom --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You

[Hobo Users] Re: Changes in auto_actions :all between hobo 0.5.3 and 0.7.5

2008-10-15 Thread Tom Locke
All the hobo magic... I'm writing the view code now to make it work like it used to, but I'll talk to my boss about switching to edge rails if that's all it takes You don't need to be on edge Rails. Rails 2.1.1 is fine. I think blizz was talking about using the latest Hobo code from

[Hobo Users] Re: Disabling default dryml class names

2008-10-16 Thread Tom Locke
Is there a way to stop dryml from appending class names to the html elements it's creating? No, that's not optional I'm afraid. Why don't you want it? It's never caused any trouble in my code. Tom --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you

[Hobo Users] Re: table params generated from field attributes

2008-10-17 Thread Tom Locke
I don't understand what the names of the autogenerated params for the 'doc.title' field would be. If they are supposed to be doc-title- view: and doc-title-heading:, those don't work for me. Am I (probably) doing it wrong? I think it's just title-view, which could run into problems

[Hobo Users] Re: DRYML: How to not show tag parameters that are empty

2008-10-20 Thread Tom Locke
all_parameters[:title] will be slightly more efficient. Your version will actually evaluate the parameter and discard the result. Tom --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Hobo Users group. To post to

[Hobo Users] Re: Agility Tutorial - Part 5 - Status

2008-10-20 Thread Tom Locke
Hi Jeff Problem with having the 'status' field get removed from the stories model/table according to the tutorial instructions. Here is what I did. Sounds like you missed this step (3rd paragraph under Have a configurable set of statuses): Next step, we can remove the ‘status’ field

[Hobo Users] Re: DRY and forms not backed by ActiveRecord objects

2008-10-22 Thread Tom Locke
I've had a bunch of ideas on this over the weekend but my comments on hobo-dev aren't getting through. Yeah I've turned the moderate new members option on so as to eliminate spam. I've marked you as a regular member now. Tom --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You

[Hobo Users] Re: filter-menu options

2008-10-22 Thread Tom Locke
I have successfully an filter-menu on an index view like this: Filter by owner: filter-menu param-name=owner options=Model.all/ How i can populate the filter with an custom query? something like Model.skinny ? In your model named_scope :skinny, :conditions = ... Read up on named scopes

[Hobo Users] Re: Agility Tutorial - Part 5 - Status II (cont.)

2008-10-22 Thread Tom Locke
3. The first that I entered was 'new' and then three others. Only the three others display on the home page. Yeah the home-page just shows a preview. It's not really supposed to be a workable home-page, just a throwaway placeholder. Come to think of it it might be better (less confusing)

[Hobo Users] Re: filter-menu options

2008-10-25 Thread Tom Locke
When the filter is set to a particular species, the data in the table changes correctly, but the filter menu reads All instead of the chosen species. This sounds like a bug in filter-menu. Can you post a ticket please. By the way, does table-plus paginate? Yes it should do Tom

[Hobo Users] Re: Non-Autogenerated Primary Key in Hobo

2008-10-27 Thread Tom Locke
AFAIK Rails does not assume the primary key is auto-generated as such. If you specify your own ID when creating an ActiveRecord object, that ID should be used. Have you tried just adding an input:id to the form? Or just include the ID in the list of fields you want edited: new-page

[Hobo Users] Re: Autogenerated files belong into tmp folder

2008-10-27 Thread Tom Locke
As far as I kown these are only generated in development mode after a change is made to an app. This shouldn't be an issue for test and production servers. Actually it will generate them in production mode too if it needs to. Maybe that should be disabled. You should be able to work

[Hobo Users] Re: Non-Autogenerated Primary Key in Hobo

2008-10-27 Thread Tom Locke
I have another question in this vein: I have a model acting as a local reference (called LocalDoc) to a model based on a remote legacy table (called Doc) whose primary key is, gulp, a string. The LocalDoc model has a belongs_to :doc declaration, which makes hobo_migration want to

[Hobo Users] Re: hobo_render missing, how to do wants.xml

2008-10-28 Thread Tom Locke
NameError in AdvertsController#show wrong constant name HTML? Hmmm - no idea what that's about. I'll investigate Tom --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Hobo Users group. To post to this group, send

[Hobo Users] New recipe: Make a private Hobo app

2008-10-28 Thread Tom Locke
Hobo Cookbook has no RSS at the moment, so I'll posy in here to let y'all know about any new recipes I've written. Make a private Hobo app http://cookbook.hobocentral.net/recipes/10-make-a-private-hobo-app Let me know if this is too spammy : ) Tom

[Hobo Users] New recipe: Change the way non-editable fields are handled in forms

2008-10-28 Thread Tom Locke
This one is fresh of the press, showing how to use a feature I just this second pushed. http://cookbook.hobocentral.net/recipes/12-change-the-way-non-editable-fields Note this is a breaking change, field-list show-non-editable/ is gone (see the recipe). Tom

[Hobo Users] Re: getting hobo ajax working with part and update

2008-10-28 Thread Tom Locke
Looks like the right JS files. Not sure what your problem is I'll put a complete recipe on doing part updates, starting from a fresh app, at some point! Tom On 28 Oct 2008, at 17:24, adamski wrote: I have never been very successful with getting the Hobo built-in ajax to work. The app

[Hobo Users] Re: Dynamically populated select menus ?

2008-10-31 Thread Tom Locke
Apart from the odd typo, I'm wondering if this is an error at the start of 'Put the city menu in a part' section Add a do part=city-menu should that not be Add a do part=country- menu: perhaps ? As the do city-menu tag is not actually in the following code ? It was the code that is

[Hobo Users] Re: Edit button in table-plus

2008-10-31 Thread Tom Locke
Tom, is this the right way to do it? No, that's something entirely different. I don't really understand what you are trying to achieve. You want a button that links to an edit page? The gods of web development are frowning down on you : ) Do what James suggested - use CSS to make the

[Hobo Users] The DRYML Guile

2008-11-01 Thread Tom Locke
...is now available on the increasingly poorly titled Hobo Cookbook. There's some new content too, added yesterday, on attributes. Now we need the contents in the sidebar... Tom --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the

[Hobo Users] Re: has_and_belongs_to_many and hobo fields

2008-11-01 Thread Tom Locke
Is there any way to have hobo fields generate the join table declaration? Sorry - no support for that right now. Would be a nice feature to add sometime... In fact hobofields will want to keep dropping the join table -- you'll have to add it to the ignored tables:

[Hobo Users] Fix to polymorphic tags in taglib reference

2008-11-03 Thread Tom Locke
Hi Folks Is anyone paying enough attention to notice that the taglib reference we added to the cookbook was entirely broken wrt polymorphic tags? : ) Well it was. No longer. The polymorphic tags are now all grouped onto single pages, e.g.:

[Hobo Users] Re: DRYML Guide updated

2008-11-04 Thread Tom Locke
Also, I noticed that when at the above two urls, the app says logged in as Tom. Ha! Thought for a minute you had hacked my account. It's just the page cacheing I will disable account-nav for those pages... To easy : ) http://github.com/tablatom/hobocookbook/commit/c39f4116b Tom

[Hobo Users] Re: Powered by Hobo graphic

2008-11-04 Thread Tom Locke
but how to add for every page? Fresh of the press http://cookbook.hobocentral.net/recipes/17-add-a-footer-to-every-page Tom --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Hobo Users group. To post to this

[Hobo Users] Taglib reference updates

2008-11-04 Thread Tom Locke
Hi Folks FYI: just added a bunch of material to the taglib reference, in Rapid Editing and Rapid Forms. Tom --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Hobo Users group. To post to this group, send email to

[Hobo Users] DRYML Guide update

2008-11-05 Thread Tom Locke
Hi Folks Just added a couple of sections to the DRYML Guide http://cookbook.hobocentral.net/manual/dryml-guide One on extending tags, and one (short!) on aliasing tags Only six to go. Polymorphic tags is kind of a biggie but the others are fairly small. There's light at the end of the

[Hobo Users] Re: Hobo getting in the way of Rails ajax?

2008-11-06 Thread Tom Locke
Otherwise some tips on getting Hobo ajax to work would be great too. Does the dynamic menus recipe work for you? Tom --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Hobo Users group. To post to this group, send

[Hobo Users] Re: hobocentral.net is down?

2008-11-09 Thread Tom Locke
Still down :( I can't even get into their reboot console. I've got a support email in to them but no response. Terrible service - I'll have to switch to to a new provider. Yet another chore... Tom --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you

[Hobo Users] New recipe: deploy a Hobo app on Heroku

2008-11-10 Thread Tom Locke
http://cookbook.hobocentral.net/recipes/19-deploy-a-hobo-app-on-heroku Tom --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Hobo Users group. To post to this group, send email to hobousers@googlegroups.com To

[Hobo Users] Re: hobocentral.net is down?

2008-11-12 Thread Tom Locke
It appears to be partially up. The forum archive is still down. Back now Tom --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Hobo Users group. To post to this group, send email to hobousers@googlegroups.com To

[Hobo Users] Re: Unremovable New Model link in index page?

2008-11-12 Thread Tom Locke
I can't find the way (hobo way) to change the New Model link in the index page, under the taglibs it's defined as: a action=new to=model merge-params/ That's a mistake, it should be a action=new to=model param=new-link/ I am about to push the change, which should solve your problems Tom

[Hobo Users] Re: duplicate ids generated by collections with part attr

2008-11-12 Thread Tom Locke
I noticed that using part with an id on a collection, like this: collection part=notes id=#{this_parent.typed_id}-notes ... /collection gives the id above to both the part div and the ul inside: div class='part-wrapper' id='list_item_11-notes' ul class=collection notes

[Hobo Users] Re: Rapid view/ tag and presenters

2008-11-15 Thread Tom Locke
Off hand I'm not sure why this_parent is wrong, but I'm just wondering why you're not using Hobo's features for this kind of thing? e.g. using rich types, defining view tags or other tags... repeat do with=this.formatterview:foo//do /repeat Ah but this doesn't work. Why? Digging through

[Hobo Users] Re: Rapid view/ tag and presenters

2008-11-17 Thread Tom Locke
And if no HoboField, then no polymorphic view tag. (Maybe I'm wrong about this). You can do def foo ... end declare_attr_type :foo, :markdown And, if you want just a simple getter/setter attr_accessor :foo, :type = :markdown My ultimate dream, by the way, is for Hobo to have a kind of

[Hobo Users] New recipe - applying a look and feel

2008-11-17 Thread Tom Locke
Hi Folks, This new recipe: http://cookbook.hobocentral.net/recipes/11 Takes you through the process of implementing an existing look-and- feel the Hobo way. It concludes by showing you how to make the look into a plugin that you can then use in multiple apps. I didn't use the theme

[Hobo Users] Re: Activation Lifecycle Problems

2008-11-21 Thread Tom Locke
I'm *just* about to push some big changes to lifecycles, so you might want to hang on for that. (with docs!) Tom On 21 Nov 2008, at 18:39, sol wrote: Hey, I tried using the activation lifecycle posted in another thread, which changes to use the new syntax with acting_user:

[Hobo Users] Re: Lifecycle update

2008-11-22 Thread Tom Locke
Thanks Tom, you forgot one entry though :) http://github.com/tablatom/hobo/tree/master/hobo/lib/hobo/lifecycles/lifecycle.rb#L43-43 Oops - teach me to push changes in a rush. Fixed now. Tom --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are

[Hobo Users] Re: cookbook not showing recipes

2008-11-23 Thread Tom Locke
oops - fixed now Tom On 23 Nov 2008, at 18:05, GamaFranco wrote: Hello, Whenever I try to read a recipe the error page is shown - We're sorry, but something went wrong TF --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed

[Hobo Users] Re: Agility Tutorial

2008-11-24 Thread Tom Locke
I thought the only xml invalid is when using the tag:with syntax. foo:baa is a valid XML opening tag (: is allowed in XML names), but dryml allows you to close the tag with with either /foo:baa, which is valid, or just /foo, which is not. So you have the choice You can also have

[Hobo Users] Rails 2.2 compatibility

2008-11-24 Thread Tom Locke
Hi Folks I just pushed the changes to get Hobo working with Rails 2.2 Of course there may be more problems that I've not noticed yet - just post about them in here. Tom --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google

[Hobo Users] Re: Strange behavior with DRYML generator

2008-11-24 Thread Tom Locke
Hi Tiago I'm not seeing these problems. What platform are you running on? In development, hobo generates the pages.dryml file when the server starts and on every request. It's not supposed to do that - it should only regenerate the file if something has changed. Tom

[Hobo Users] Re: Discovering Hobo

2008-11-25 Thread Tom Locke
The other thing that Paul's two favourite pieces reminds me about -- HoboFields (field declarations in the model) is available as a separate plugin and has been for a while. We've intended for a long time that DRYML would be too, but we haven't done that work yet. That would probably make it much

[Hobo Users] Re: Discovering Hobo

2008-11-25 Thread Tom Locke
One thing that would be important in the documentation, in my opinion, is a small list of tags in the core taglibs that provide support for associations. I think this will be in the Rapid Tag Library chapter of the manual. I do :P it's a great source of information in my opinion :) I think

[Hobo Users] Re: Discovering Hobo

2008-11-25 Thread Tom Locke
I discovered Hobo while researching scaffolding frameworks, actually after trying Streamlined a bit, when I read a post by Dr. Nic that basically said Hobo is where it's at. Really? I missed that one. Was it a blog post, or on a forum somewhere? Once I started to grasp the concept of

[Hobo Users] Re: Ajax form callbacks

2008-11-25 Thread Tom Locke
When did they get added? Are those part of 0.8.x only or were they in the 0.7.x version? I think 0.5 or 0.6 or something :) Tom --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Hobo Users group. To post to this

[Hobo Users] Re: add a draft theme for early user feedback

2008-11-27 Thread Tom Locke
Could you please integrate such icons/borders/colours in hobo? Who is you? Maybe it's YOU : ) Tom --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Hobo Users group. To post to this group, send email to

[Hobo Users] Questions on hobocookbook

2008-11-27 Thread Tom Locke
Hi Folks It seems to me that the questions feature of the cookbook is not working that well - there's too much overlap with this google group. I think what I really wanted, speaking for myself, was a way to keep track of recipes that I intend to write. And I wanted to do that in public so

[Hobo Users] Re: Question about the logic of hidden-fields tag

2008-11-27 Thread Tom Locke
if you do something like this in your controller: m = Model.new m.foo = non-default-value You basically get #foo as a hidden field on your form. Probably not what you expected. My take is that if you're setting a field, then you want that field to be set, both on the new page and later

[Hobo Users] Re: agility tutorial broken? (with hobo 0.8.3)

2008-11-27 Thread Tom Locke
Hi I think you're on Rails 2.2? Hobo 0.8.3 isn't compatible with Rails 2.2. You could: - Use Rails 2.1 - Grab edge hobo using git - Wait for Hobo 0.8.4 which should be available v soon Tom --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you

[Hobo Users] Re: patch for autocomplete

2008-11-27 Thread Tom Locke
I don't know if this is the right place to post this, so please tell me if there is a better place, but I fixed the autocompletion on edge by changing hobo/lib/hobo/controller.rb:83 to be: renderer = Hobo::Dryml.page_renderer(@template, [], page_path,

[Hobo Users] Re: patch for autocomplete

2008-11-27 Thread Tom Locke
I just pushed a fix to that problem related to 2.2. On a quick attempt I wasn't able to replicate your problem, but this fix is needed anyway. Tom --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Hobo Users group. To

[Hobo Users] Re: nested resources, collection select, etc.

2008-11-27 Thread Tom Locke
I've tried reading through the DRYML documentation but I'll admit it's so different from what I'm used to that I haven't a clue how it is deriving my views. It makes a web-service call out to the Amazon mechanical-turk service, and a team of guys in China then figure out a nice web page

[Hobo Users] Re: nested resources, collection select, etc.

2008-11-27 Thread Tom Locke
p.s. I *was* going to send a proper reply too. But James has covered it now I think. T On 27 Nov 2008, at 18:09, sol wrote: It makes a web-service call out to the Amazon mechanical-turk service, and a team of guys in China then figure out a nice web page based on the metadata we send.

[Hobo Users] Re: getting error from update form on edge hobo

2008-11-27 Thread Tom Locke
Oh hang on a minute - I just twigged what was going on. input type=file doesn't work with XMLHttpRequest. To do ajax image uploaders you need a completely different approach. YUI has some support for this. You can see an example in the hobo cookbook source code. Tom

[Hobo Users] Re: RedCloth is not a class

2008-11-28 Thread Tom Locke
RedCloth is not a class It means you've got the wrong version of the RedCloth gem. Tom --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Hobo Users group. To post to this group, send email to

[Hobo Users] New permission system

2008-11-28 Thread Tom Locke
Hi Folks I've released the new permission system. It's in a separate branch for now, but will be merged into master next week. The branch is new_permissions - it's available in the github repo. If anyone wants to give it a try I'd be grateful for any feedback / bug reports etc. Docs:

[Hobo Users] Re: Question about the logic of hidden-fields tag

2008-11-28 Thread Tom Locke
If you wanted it to just be a constant value that you set, why not set it after form submission in a before_save callback or something? After all, a malicious client can still submit a value for that property. Well - the permission system should catch changes you don't want. I've never

[Hobo Users] Re: Questions on hobocookbook

2008-11-28 Thread Tom Locke
I find the questions interface easier to find recipes on than the google groups Can you expand on that a bit? Tom --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Hobo Users group. To post to this group, send

[Hobo Users] Re: cookbook signup broken

2008-11-28 Thread Tom Locke
I'm trying to sign up and log into the cookbook to add some recipes, but I can't seem to sign up. We're sorry, but something went wrong. Sorry about that - Rails 2.1 vs. 2.2 woes Should be OK now Tom --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because

[Hobo Users] Re: Unable to run Agility Tutorial

2008-12-01 Thread Tom Locke
Try Rails 2.1 Tom On 1 Dec 2008, at 04:12, jconti wrote: Hi all, After seeing a recent demo of hobo, I wanted to try it. I uninstalled all rails versions, rebooted, then did a gem install hobo to get 0.8.3. Things went smoothly. I then tried the agility tutorial. This too went well,

[Hobo Users] Re: issue with update on table-plus when button becomes available/unavailable

2008-12-01 Thread Tom Locke
I have a table-plus with registrations. ... When the user registers, the new model correctly object is created but I get a nasty ajax exception. When the user removes the registration, the model object is deleted from the database but I get a nasty ajax exception. Long delay responding

[Hobo Users] Case insensitive search

2008-12-01 Thread Tom Locke
Finally getting to this issue: Since we are on the subject of the hobo search facility, I'd also like to mention that it would be great if there would be a Case Sensitive/Case Insensitive toggle for searches of this kind. We have looked into possibly hacking but it looks like it would be

[Hobo Users] Re: Agility table-plus

2008-12-01 Thread Tom Locke
On 10 Nov 2008, at 19:06, Edmund wrote: Yes, I have an app which is using table-plus and same thing happens when entering a search string after a first search has returned results. When the second search returns results, the url has two search= params. Now, try doing a third search and when

[Hobo Users] Re: Case insensitive search

2008-12-01 Thread Tom Locke
Unfortunately there is no db independent way for case sensitive/insensitive searches. OK forget that then : ) Tom --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Hobo Users group. To post to this group, send

[Hobo Users] Re: auto_actions_for and polymorphics

2008-12-01 Thread Tom Locke
And if you use auto_actions_for :parent I think it cannot guess the name of the other class Oh of course. We'll have to enhance auto_actions_for so you can pass a list of classes that you want routed. In the mean time you'll have to code the action and define the routes yourself Tom

[Hobo Users] Hobo contributions

2008-12-01 Thread Tom Locke
Hi Jakob You've been submitting some good tickets along with fixes. I'm happy to make you a contributor on github so you can commit these directly. I monitor the changes via my github news feed. Let me know Tom --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this

[Hobo Users] Re: auto_actions_for and polymorphics

2008-12-01 Thread Tom Locke
I saw that there is only a similar ticket: http://hobo.lighthouseapp.com/projects/8324/tickets/313-require-same-version-of-hobofields-and-hobosupport Wrong link? Tom --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google

[Hobo Users] Re: Agility table-plus

2008-12-02 Thread Tom Locke
On 26 Nov 2008, at 15:19, reiner23fx wrote: ...i tried that for a moment aand .. hm .. nope not finished yet :-/ problem: the params for the filters are uri encoded Can you clarify what the problem is here? I wasn't able to find anything wrong (on the latest master branch)

[Hobo Users] Re: issue with update on table-plus when button becomes available/unavailable

2008-12-02 Thread Tom Locke
Hi Tiago This is the issue related with our last e-mails. I think that the problem is in the create-button. It can not update parts of a section that contains the button itself. I can't replicate this problem. The following: div part='asda' pcount with=Thing//p

[Hobo Users] Re: Ajax form callbacks

2008-12-02 Thread Tom Locke
Odd, cause I'm not getting any response with any of them on a delete- button. It's just supposed to be something like this right? delete-button complete=alert('test') / How right you are. My mistake - delete-button does not support these callbacks. The others should be OK. Ideally we want

[Hobo Users] Re: Should if/unless work on extend

2008-12-03 Thread Tom Locke
But it doesn't seem like if or unless would be respected on extend. Is this a bug or intentional? Intentional - you have to use if/unless inside the definition Tom --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups

[Hobo Users] Re: Agility table-plus

2008-12-03 Thread Tom Locke
i had the problem with using filter values like all new messages. it encoded the string and wrote the encoded string in the hidden field for the search form with all%20new%20messages. Thanks for reporting this. The problem was with the query_params helper which should have URI decoded the

[Hobo Users] Dropping Rails 2.1 support

2008-12-03 Thread Tom Locke
Hi Folks There's just too much grief trying to support both Rails 2.1 and 2.2, so Hobo 0.8.4 (and edge Hobo as of any today) will require Rails 2.2 From your point of view hardly anything has changed, so moving to Rails 2.2 should be simple. Heroku also have support for Rails 2.2 now (one

[Hobo Users] Merging new_permissions branch

2008-12-03 Thread Tom Locke
Today I'm merging the new_permissions branch into master. What does that mean to you? It means you have work to do if you want to keep up with the latest and greatest. Stuff like this: def creatable_by?(user) user.administrator? end needs to change to def create_permitted?

[Hobo Users] Re: Merging new_permissions branch

2008-12-03 Thread Tom Locke
One thing I have been wanting to ask ? Is the 'Last Updated Date' on the three manuals stuck on the 21st of November ? Yeah I noticed that - weird... Will investigate Tom --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the

[Hobo Users] Re: Hobo migration generator

2008-12-03 Thread Tom Locke
Could you raise a ticket? Ta Tom On 3 Dec 2008, at 17:43, kevinpfromnm wrote: will change :timestamp to :datetime but will then attempt to generate a change column every run afterwards. --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are

[Hobo Users] Re: Dropping Rails 2.1 support

2008-12-04 Thread Tom Locke
we made a decision to delay moving to Rails 2.2 for as long as we could. OK looks like a Rails 2.2 upgrade can be a bit more work than I'd realised. I've upgraded several apps very easily though. The only problems I've hit (so far!) were in Hobo itself, and those are fixed now.

[Hobo Users] new_permissions merged

2008-12-04 Thread Tom Locke
Hi Folks The new_permissions branch is now merged into master If you want to remain on edge you must now - Switch to Rails 2.2 - Change all your permissions to the new style Apologies for the inconvenience. It won't be the last time. But things *are* settling down a lot. Ask Solars!

[Hobo Users] Re: Agility fixes

2008-12-05 Thread Tom Locke
The part I couldn't figure out was this: Also, this section wipes out the new story link and the header becomes Memberships. Can you clarify which part of the tutorial causes this problem Thanks Tom --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because

[Hobo Users] Re: using render_tag in rjs

2008-12-05 Thread Tom Locke
If you're doing RJS then you are already rendering, so you don't want to call render_tag. Instead you want to call call_tag(tag_name, ...attributes...) Tom --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Hobo

[Hobo Users] Re: Possible optimization

2008-12-06 Thread Tom Locke
The other possibility I can think of would be useful in production mode, adapting initial loads for a particular controller/action based off what gets loaded after the controller. DRYML tends to blur the line between view and controller and sometimes it makes it quite difficult to keep it

[Hobo Users] Re: DRYML/permissions DB calls

2008-12-06 Thread Tom Locke
CACHE (0.00) SELECT * FROM users WHERE (users.id = 1) Also note that whenever you see CACHE like that, it didn't actually go out to the DB. It did however have to reconstruct the objects from the result-set that was returned from a previous query, which is quite a lot of work. So

[Hobo Users] Re: 0.8.4 problem

2008-12-07 Thread Tom Locke
Yep - something wrong here! Looks like I'll be doing a 0.8.5 bugfix release! Watch this space... Tom On 6 Dec 2008, at 18:19, Jason Wong wrote: I'm getting an intermittent stack too deep issue on OS X with the agility tutorial, which also results in a blank screen on the server. On

[Hobo Users] Re: Subsite urls

2008-12-07 Thread Tom Locke
Is there a way to get an part of a page to link to controllers in a subsite without having to manually write the links? Like say off the front page for models that only have access via a subsite. You have to add subsite=foo to each link - there's no way to do it for a whole section of a

[Hobo Users] Re: 0.8.4 problem

2008-12-07 Thread Tom Locke
, 2008, at 10:09 AM, Tom Locke wrote: Hi Folks The problem with blank pages and exceptions when rendering are only present when running Hobo from the gem. Which explains why I missed them. While you're waiting for a fix you can freeze Hobo into vendor/ plugins/hobo and it works OK

[Hobo Users] Re: new_key on create on 0.8.4

2008-12-08 Thread Tom Locke
create :send_email, :params = [:contact ], :become = :viewable, :new_key = true do This worked with 0.8.3 but with 0.8.4 errors out because state is not available in create: I am guessing this should work with 0.8.4 too or am I doing something wrong? Indeed it should. Fixed

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