On Monday 29 Sep 2008 1:52:22 pm Edward Cherlin wrote:
> Anybody know anything about this?
I usually pass up such articles. There are too many weasel words like "plans 
to ..." and "sources say ...". If this were a properly researched article or 
press release, then it would have specific details.

300m USD in one year is a big money by local standards (=INR 14b). As a 
comparison, SSA (ssa.nic.in), the federal group in charge of universalizing 
primary education to more than 200m children, had an outlay of INR 64b for 
2007-08. They have the deepest pockets.

Selling 1m units into a market of 300m children is not difficult. But ensuring 
that the 1m goes to the most needy is a challenge.

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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