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From: S. (Daru) Prihatmoko <sd...@indo.net.id>

LUNCH TALK: A New Era of Project Economics and Investment Decision Techniques


MGEI-IAGI is proudly arranging this luncheon talk that hopefully will
enhance the valuation knowledge with the various techniques from
conventional to modern methods for improved investment decision
making, based on a new published book written by Nuzulul Haq.

Who should attend? Managers, engineers, and professionals associated
with the petroleum and mining industry who are evaluating or managing
projects or are assessing investment risk.

SPEAKER: Nuzulul Haq (Strategic Planning Analyst — PT Medco Energy Mining Int.)

MODERATOR: Iwan Munajat (Head of Exploration — PT Medco Energy Mining Int.)

Date: Monday, 30 November 2009

Time: 11:00 - 14:00

Location: Intercontinental Mid Plaza Sudirman, Jl.Jend Sudirman Kav.

MGEI/IAGI Members w/Reservation Rp. 250,000.00

Non-Members w/reservation Rp. 300,000.00

All Walk-ins (assuming availability) Rp. 300,000.00

No-shows will be charged because we must guarantee head count to restaurant

Member of other professional associations are also welcome

Payment: On-site, or via Bank Transfer, To: Masyarakat Geologi Ekonomi
Indonesia, Bank Mandiri cabang Wisma Alia Acc. 103 000 531 3024 and
faxed copy transfer to: 021- +62 21 83702848

Note: Maximum 100 participants. For early registration please contact
the following:

Contact: Bp. Sutar, mobile: +62811162476; phone/fax: +62 21 83702848;
Email : iagi...@cbn.net.id


Key Highlights:

• Break away from the commonly used "one size fits all" single
corporate discount rate method of valuing uncertainty to a
market-based method that tunes the value of uncertainty in a
disciplined, consistent and controllable way to the actual types and
amounts of uncertainty in each asset

• Move beyond the static "now or never" decision frame work that is
implicit in most current analyses to an explicit modeling
and analysis using modern real options approach

• The effects of the contingent decision sequences that actually occur
in most business situations.


About the presenter:

Nuzulul Haq, is a Strategic Planning Analyst. He was graduated from
Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) in 1996, and completed his
master of management in Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia
in 2001. His career started as engineer in multinational mining
companies and joint with planning and economics group in Oil and Gas
Company after he finished his master degree in financial management.
His expertise focus on technical to business integration for improved
asset investment decision making using portfolio and optimization
study, Econometric forecasting modeling, risk analysis, real options /
market base valuation. His technical papers had been presented in
International Energy Economics Association (IAEE) Conference in Perth
(2008), Berlin (2006) and Zurich (2004). He created
http://ExploreRealOptions.com to promote Real Options methodology to
assist business practitioners in Indonesia for making investment
decision in the uncertainty condition.

PP-IAGI 2008-2011:
ketua umum: LAMBOK HUTASOIT, lam...@gc.itb.ac.id
sekjen: MOHAMMAD SYAIFUL, mohammadsyai...@gmail.com
* 2 sekretariat (Jkt & Bdg), 5 departemen, banyak biro...
Ayo siapkan makalah....!!!!!
Untuk dipresentasikan di PIT ke-39 IAGI, Senggigi, Lombok NTB, 4-6 Oktober 2010
Deadline penyerahan makalah - 15 Februari 2010
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