Selamat dan salut untuk Hasan, Herman, dan semua penulis Indonesia yang terlibat. Ini 
buku tentang sebagian besar wilayah kita, sudah waktunya kita yang paling berperan. 
Semoga makin meningkatkan profesionalisme kita bersama.
Awang - BP Migas


SEPM Special Publication #76:

Tropical Deltas of Southeast Asia
Sedimentology, Stratigraphy, and Petroleum Geology

Edited By: F. Hasan Sidi, Dag Nummedal, Patrice Imbert, Herman Darman, and Henry W. 

The early years of process-response sedimentological research were strongly focused on 
deltas, for a variety of reasons. They were important for accumulation of oil, gas, 
and coal; they were environmentally sensitive; they were readily accessible to 
academic communities; and consequently they were intensely studied. With the shift in 
emphasis towards predictive stratigraphy and the stacking of depositional systems, and 
away from the stratigraphic architecture of depositional systems themselves, research 
on deltas reached a plateau in the 1980s and early 1990s. Today, however, the 
widespread use of shallow- as well as deep-penetration seismic data, cores from 
subsurface reservoirs, vibracores from modern environments, sophisticated 
oceanographic tools, and numerical modeling has resulted in a rejuvenation in delta 
research. In addition, a global province that hitherto had received relatively little 
attention increasingly became a focus for research-the equatorial zone of Southeast
 Asia. It is the objective of this volume to bring to the fore a category of deltas 
with which many sedimentologists and stratigraphers are, at best, vaguely familiar. It 
is expected that this volume also will stimulate new research on tropical deltas by 
highlighting how their facies and stratigraphic architectures differ from mid- and 
high-latitude ones, by emphasizing their significance to the global sediment budget, 
and by stressing their uniqueness within a petroleum systems framework.

This special publication emphasizes the need for models intrinsic to tropical deltas 
of Southeast Asia to supplement the more conventional general models currently in 
vogue, based on past studies of large and small mid-latitude deltas. The tropics are 
different. They differ from the mid-latitude climate belts in almost all the 
fundamental physical factors that shape depositional systems. The climate is warm and 
equable, so weathering rates and sediment yields are high; rainfall is abundant, so 
rivers have high discharge. In Southeast Asia especially, this high discharge is 
readily conveyed to the sea because of abundant small and steep drainage basins. 
Low-latitude tides are strong and play an effective role in the exchange of sediment 
from continental to marine environments. Storms, which are remarkably effective agents 
for marine sediment dispersal in many mid-latitude regions, are hardly present in 
equatorial zones because of the weak Coriolis effect. Because of low storm
 intensity combined with the limited wind fetch within the confined seas that 
characterizes this region of peninsulas and archipelagos, Southeast Asian seas have 
the lowest wave energies on earth.

The papers in this book explore how the combination of these complex factors has 
shaped deltas in this region. In many instances their morphology and stratigraphic 
architecture differs significantly from the (mid-latitude) norm in part because of the 
intimate linkage of carbonates and clastics in this climate zone. Sedimentological 
surprises such as distributary channels floored by thick accumulations of fluid mud 
lend a bit of "mystery" to tropical deltas. We hope that, rather than being merely a 
summary of tropical deltas, this book may open the door to a new and active phase of 
sedimentological and stratigraphic research in tropical environments across the globe. 
Almost all of our continents, at one geologic time or another, have migrated through 
the earth's tropical zone. Consequently, the active pursuit of research on modern 
tropical depositional environments has the potential to improve our interpretation of 
ancient rocks beyond the limits of today's tropics. 

Available: October 2003
Catalog Number: 40076
276 pages
ISBN: 1-56576-086-7

Order your copy in the SEPM 
Online Bookstore TODAY! click here


A Framework for Deltas in Southeast Asia-Dag Nummedal, Hasan Sidi, and Henry 

Quaternary Systems

Deltas in the Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia: Forms, Processes And Products
Brian Jones, Colin Woodroffe and Glenn Martin

Sediment Dispersal Pattern of an Eroding Delta on the West Coast of Taiwan
James T. Liu, Ray T. Hsu, Jeong-shang Huang, and Shenn-yu Chao

Late Quaternary Sedimentation and Peat Development in the Rajang River Delta, Sarawak, 
East Malaysia
James R. Staub and Robert A. Gastaldo

A Depositional Model and the Stratigraphic Development of Modern and Ancient 
Tide-Dominated Deltas in NW Borneo
Joseph J. Lambiase, Abdul Razak Damit, Michael D. Simmons, Raden Abdoerrias, and Azhar 

Latest Quaternary Baram Prodelta, Northwestern Borneo
Richard N. Hiscott

Late Quaternary Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of the Offshore Mahakam Delta, East 
Kalimantan (Indonesia)
Harry H. Roberts and Johan Sydow

Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of a Tide-dominated Foreland-basin Delta (Fly River, 
Papua New Guinea)
Robert Dalrymple, Elaine Baker, Peter Harris, and Micahel Hughes

Delta Evolution Model Inferred from the Holocene Mekong Delta, Southern Vietnam
Susumu Tanabe, Thi Kim Oanh Ta, Van Lap Nguyen, Masaaki Tateishi, Iwao Kobayashi, and 
Yoshiki Saito

The Stratigraphic Evolution of the Sunda Shelf during the Past Fifty Thousand Years
Till J.J. Hanebuth and Karl Stattegger

Quaternary Sedimentation in The Molengraaff Paleo-Delta, Northern Sunda Shelf 
(Southern South China Sea)
H. K. Wong, T. Lüdmann, C. Haft, and A.M. Paulsen

Tertiary Systems

Sequence Stratigraphy and Syndepositional Tectonics of Upper Miocene and Pliocene 
Deltaic Sediments, Offshore Brunei Darussalam
Arthur H. Saller and Gregg Blake

Reservoir Heterogeneity of Miocene-Pliocene Deltaic Sandstones from Attaka and Serang 
Fields, Kutei Basin, Offshore East Kalimantan, Indonesia
Arthur S. Trevena, Yoseph J. Partono, and Tom Clark

Paleocurrents and Reservoir Orientation of Middle Miocene Channel Deposits in Mutiara 
Field, Kutei Basin, East Kalimantan
Tobias H.D. Payenberg, F. Hasan Sidi, and Simon C. Lang

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