Dear IAGI,


Terlampir bukti transfer iuran anggota IAGI tahun 2017 dan update data anggota.


Terima kasih & salam,




JCM (Joint Convention Malang) 2017
Sep 25-28 September 2017


Iuran tahunan Rp.250.000,- (profesional) dan Rp.100.000,- (mahasiswa)
Pembayaran iuran anggota ditujukan ke:
Bank Mandiri Cab. Wisma Alia Jakarta (a/n IAGI)
No. Rek: 123 0085005314
Bank BCA KCP. Manara Mulia (A/n: Shinta Damayanti)
No. Rekening: 255-1088580

DISCLAIMER: IAGI disclaims all warranties with regard to information
posted on its mailing lists, whether posted by IAGI or others.
In no event shall IAGI or its members be liable for any, including but not limited
to direct or indirect damages, or damages of any kind whatsoever, resulting
from loss of use, data or profits, arising out of or in connection with the use of
any information posted on IAGI mailing list.

Attachment: Data Anggota dan Bukti Transfer Iuran IAGI 2017 - Setiawan.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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