Re: [IceHorses] sidepull bridles??

2007-01-02 Thread Judy Ryder
Those who ride in them, which ones did you choose and why? What features do you think are important to have on a sidepull? I'm not leaning towards the kind that cross under the jowl/chin, but the kind that attach directly to rings on the sides. Things to consider when deciding on a

[IceHorses] Suggested New Show Class

2007-01-03 Thread Judy Ryder
Here's an interesting suggestion for a new show class: Judy

[IceHorses] Audio Horse Tips

2007-01-05 Thread Judy Ryder
Here's some tips and comments from Liz: Judy

[IceHorses] Impromptu Effort in Olalla May Have Saved Horse's Life

2007-01-05 Thread Judy Ryder,2403,BSUN_19088_5258638,00.html You may have to register (free) to view the article. Please feel free to forward. Judy

[IceHorses] Hotmail Bouncing Issues and Groups Outage on January 5

2007-01-05 Thread Judy Ryder
We've had reports that some Yahoo! Groups members with Hotmail and MSN mail accounts have been bouncing since approximately December 29, 2006. The error message many of you are reporting is 550 Command rejected for policy reasons. We are working with our contacts on the Hotmail team to

Re: [IceHorses] Renee's Icelandics - last one

2007-01-08 Thread Judy Ryder
Renee, I couldn't see any of the pics? How did you send them? I get individual e-mails, so I can usually see pics sent as an attachment. I sent them inserted in the email. Try sending them as attachments rather than inserts. Judy

[IceHorses] Working Equitation

2007-01-08 Thread Judy Ryder

[IceHorses] Charm's Bow

2007-01-08 Thread Judy Ryder
We're just starting to work with Charm on bowing. Here's her third attempt: She was really interested in eating the grass, but still responded when asked. Judy

[IceHorses] Cookie's Yawn

2007-01-09 Thread Judy Ryder
We took some short videos of Cookie yawning with the ASL sign for Y: Please feel free to forward. Judy

Re: [IceHorses] fancy schmancy halter for sale

2007-01-10 Thread Judy Ryder
I had forgotten I had this halter. A friend gave it to me thinking it might fit my horses. It's BIG! Looks like Charm needs a larger halter... probably not that size, tho! Ljufur had the same blue halter for ten years! I think it was a Double D halter. And most of the time, it was left

Re: [IceHorses] Very interesting book!

2007-01-10 Thread Judy Ryder
I'm wondering if anyone has tried the pasture method What is the pasture method? Judy

Re: [IceHorses] Re: Charm's Bow

2007-01-10 Thread Judy Ryder That is so cute. How do you do that? It takes a while, but then if you tally up the minutes here and there, it's only a very short amount of time in total! It starts way before the actual bow, I think. Building the relationship, working on trust. While

Re: [IceHorses] Very interesting book!

2007-01-10 Thread Judy Ryder
I've only read snippets so far but basically he says that wild horses spend over half their daily life eating on the move. This increases during the winter. Domestic horses tend to be stationary, even in pasture. Horses are natural browsers eating a little of this and that. Is this

Re: [IceHorses] Extremes and Breed Standard

2007-01-10 Thread Judy Ryder
Whenever I was looking for horses in Iceland I looked at the horse first, rather than whether it was evaluated or not. Always a good idea! (meaning that they have a specific testing standards that every horse in the breed is judged on) If the breed standard was permanent, and didn't

Re: [icehorses] Not again...

2007-01-10 Thread Judy Ryder
of world class ice-skating performances, gymnastics on ice, dare-devil acts, technical stunts and music. Great. Dare-devil acts. Technical stunts. Look at the wording - does that even make any pretense of horsemanship skill? Nope, just flash and glitz. If this were not sad, it would be

Re: [IceHorses] Holar now gait and shoeing

2007-01-10 Thread Judy Ryder
It pretty much should be. Little changes in shoeing should not make or break a horse's gait, it should not be so sensitive, a well gaited horse should not (will not) lose gait because of something the farrier did. Not within the normal realms of shoeing. i have no knowledge of farriery,

Re: [IceHorses] Holar now gait and shoeing

2007-01-10 Thread Judy Ryder
I believe barefoot is now allowed! Is that wrong? Nope. Isn't that just ridiculous? I've had my horses barefoot probably 99.5% of the time for about 16-18 years. Yet, they STILL require shoes for evaluations...?

Re: [IceHorses] Holar now gait and shoeing

2007-01-10 Thread Judy Ryder
I remember a few years ago that we often heard of people buying a horse and then a few months later the horse mysteriously stopped gaiting. So then there were trips back to the orginal trainer for 'tune-up's and things would go fine for a while and then the horse would stop gaiting

Re: [IceHorses] Can't see messages

2007-01-11 Thread Judy Ryder
I can't see my messages or postings. What is wrong? Lorraine I don't either. Apparently it has something to do with g-mail. That's what Eric (my computer wizard son) said. Explain what is happening? When did it start? Are you receiving messages? Are they blank? or just your own posts?

Re: [IceHorses] Gaited Clinics

2007-01-11 Thread Judy Ryder
conformation clincis for non-gaited horses and gaited horses different? Who has attended both? What were the differences? Conformation is similar, in general, and different for gait specificness. You can get tons of information from Dr. Deb's conformation video, but she doesn't speak to

Re: [IceHorses] You Tube

2007-01-11 Thread Judy Ryder
The movie looks pixilated and poorer quality than the one I took with my digital camera (Orri Friend). The server compresses the videos when they are too high in resolution. Another consideration did you use your zoom when you took this video? Judy

Re: [IceHorses] Holar now gait and shoeing

2007-01-11 Thread Judy Ryder
holar does teach farriery; gudmar learned it there, But not state-of-the-art farriery. It seems to be pretty much limited to horseshoeing. presumably one can learn state-of-the-art farriery at some more specialized place, or as an apprentice or somesuch, if one intends particularly to

Re: [IceHorses] Holar now gait and shoeing

2007-01-11 Thread Judy Ryder
For the most part, the iceland-style training works on forcing gait (for example, with the heavy contact), or obtaining gait mechanically, by manipulating shoes, angles, weights, concussion, etc. so you say. i did not, however, see this evident in the one shod-by-a-holar-alum horse i've

Re: [IceHorses] Holar now gait and shoeing

2007-01-11 Thread Judy Ryder
how's that for a bunch of speculating? Pretty good! [] Horseshoes with borium VERY HARD AND VERY SLICK surfaces -- glare ice and marble floors -- they aren't sharp enough to cut in, and thus i have to walk a bit more carefully on them. but mostly they keep me from slipping to the point

Re: [IceHorses] Long Mane

2007-01-11 Thread Judy Ryder
For those who love long manes, here's a Morgan. A few more pictures of Sonny. Judy attachment: Sonnynew5a.jpg

Re: [IceHorses] Gaiting At Liberty and Loose Rein

2007-01-11 Thread Judy Ryder
My gelding is a tolt machine-no shoes, no boots, and tolts best on a loose rein! He came with regular shoes. We reset them at the first trim then left him barefoot for the winter. He is tolting the same as he did with shoes. Great! It would be wonderful to see pictures of his tolt on a

[IceHorses] Energetic Training, Part 1

2007-01-12 Thread Judy Ryder
By Brandon Carpenter, Part 1 Training is a term we have been conditioned to accept as done through tasks and by using tools. This is true, but sometimes the tools we use, we cannot see, taste, hear, smell or physically touch. If we cannot see or touch the tool how can we use it? The sense we

Re: [IceHorses] Gaitedness at liberty VS. under saddle

2007-01-12 Thread Judy Ryder
I want to anlayze that trot and find out if there is something my naked eye isn't seeing. This is a good idea, Wanda. I'll try to get some videos, too. I'll be taking off for a week or so, so I'm not sure if I can do them before leaving. Judy

Re: [IceHorses] Do horses like grooming?

2007-01-12 Thread Judy Ryder
What does it mean when a horse moves away as soon as I start brushing, especially the chest area? I've tried a lighter touch and a stronger touch and my horse does not seem to like to be groomed. He has had chiro work and did not have any major issues. Ljufur had his preference for the

[IceHorses] Yahoo Groups Scheduled Maintenance

2007-01-12 Thread Judy Ryder
Yahoo! Groups will undergo scheduled maintenance on Monday, January 15, 2007, at 9 p.m. (Pacific time). We expect a brief service interruption. Some users may not be able to access for a 20 to 30 minute period from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. (Pacific time). Any groups messages

Re: [IceHorses] gaits at liberty

2007-01-12 Thread Judy Ryder
mother not and this is what we often are looking for.(can also tell you that the mother is 5 gaited with only 7 for trot Which back leg is which for the mare? Judy

Re: [IceHorses] Was Holar, now evalutions

2007-01-12 Thread Judy Ryder
Why do we continue to have such an expensive system to participate in? I think that's exactly it:) We don't HAVE to accept that system. Judy

[IceHorses] Gudmar's Interview

2007-01-12 Thread Judy Ryder
Gudmar's interview is here: Judy

Re: [IceHorses] Energetic Training, Part 2

2007-01-13 Thread Judy Ryder
By Brandon Carpenter, Part 1 This is Part 2: OK, we've recognized what we are doing; now how do we control it? This part is so simple it seems hard. Remember, earlier I said thoughts are things. If you think something, you make it so. You make it so in your imagination therefore your

Re: [IceHorses] Re: field trials / What Gait

2007-01-13 Thread Judy Ryder
what gait? here is a field trialer at the end coming past our trailer... Did you happen to switch to video mode? How fast was this horse going? Depending on speed, I would say between fox walk and fox trot. Judy

Re: [IceHorses] New at You Tube

2007-01-13 Thread Judy Ryder It's not coming up for me, Virginia. Maybe try to upload it on another site as well. or some other one. Judy

Re: [IceHorses] Alternative to USIHC / FEIF

2007-01-13 Thread Judy Ryder
I've resisted the idea of a separate national organization up until now, but I think it IS time we do something. Well, it's not like there isn't another organization already, but it's focus is about the same as the congress. It might be nice to have something that places emphasis on the horse,

Re: [IceHorses] New at You Tube

2007-01-13 Thread Judy Ryder I just checked and it came up for me. Still no load for me. I did get the one of Gat jumping! Judy

Re: [IceHorses] stjarni blur again...

2007-01-13 Thread Judy Ryder
i'm fairly sure the rider in the rear is me on stjarni at an actual trot? That has a more familiar look for a saddle rack, but hard to tell do you have the original version of that image? If you send it to me, I might be able to get a better closeup. Judy

Re: [IceHorses] Spakur

2007-01-13 Thread Judy Ryder
Cheryl sent this a couple of weeks ago. What do you think of this photo? This is a hard one! Cheryl had agreed to have the photo posted on the gaitedhorse list, and there were diverse responses, as I recall pace, rack, canter. My feeling leans towards canter / gallop as the hind legs would

Re: [IceHorses] Gudmar's Interview

2007-01-13 Thread Judy Ryder
One of the first things that was mentioned is that the Icelandic Horse is not a pony. this is a semantic argument. He gave the wrong information and it is misleading people and misrepresenting the breed. And it has another effect: How do you think he looks to American horsemen when he

[IceHorses] Animation of Pace

2007-01-14 Thread Judy Ryder Judy

[IceHorses] Beowulf and Grendel

2007-01-18 Thread Judy Ryder Judy

Re: [IceHorses] Christopher / Horse, Pony?

2007-01-18 Thread Judy Ryder
Since I am on my soapbox. They are called Icelandic HORSES only because they are horses not ponies.. Hi Christopher, could you explain how you come to the conclusion that the Icelandics are horses and not ponies? How do you, as an individual, define or separately categorize horses

[IceHorses] Eating 'Em

2007-01-19 Thread Judy Ryder
If Iceland has been eating their bad horses for a thousand years why are there still bad horses to be eaten? Has something gone wrong with the breeding program? Is the emphasis on the right things? Judy

[IceHorses] Re: Beowulf and Grendel

2007-01-19 Thread Judy Ryder Did anyone view this link? What was mentioned about the Icelandics? Judy

[IceHorses] Deja Vu

2007-01-19 Thread Judy Ryder
Judy will allow them to keep at it, so she must approve. It can't be both ways... we can't blame the list owner and claim there's censorship, and then complain because everyone gets to say what they want to say. Obviously, from the list guidelines that are posted biweekly, and from several

Re: [IceHorses] Re: At Liberty / Neckrope

2007-01-19 Thread Judy Ryder
It really would be lovely to have videos like that with Icelandics. Wasn't there one once with a man from Hungary (?) with his Icelandic? Honza? I think his horse is a Selle Francais Honza videos: or:

Re: [IceHorses] Gaiting At Liberty and Loose Rein

2007-01-19 Thread Judy Ryder
tinajoyce said: My gelding is a tolt machine-no shoes, no boots, and tolts best on a loose rein! He came with regular shoes. We reset them at the first trim then left him barefoot for the winter. He is tolting the same as he did with shoes. Great! It would be wonderful to see pictures of

Re: [IceHorses] Re: At Liberty / Neckrope

2007-01-19 Thread Judy Ryder
When the horse screams in the only way he knows... with body language to make us understand that something is wrong humans call it protest, stubborn, spoiled for the horse it is his voice. I would like a TShirt that says that. How 'bout this:

Re: [IceHorses] Centered Riding at Holar

2007-01-19 Thread Judy Ryder And who says they aren't listening to us! We can pat ourselves on the back for being good leaders towards good horsemanship and better riding skills for the horse! Judy

[IceHorses] Dorsal Supplement Pad

2007-01-19 Thread Judy Ryder Comments? Judy

[IceHorses] Display FreeWest Saddle

2007-01-19 Thread Judy Ryder
From Lori: I have a 16 brown leather FreeWest saddle, used for display only, that is for sale. If your interested, contact me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] ...Lori Baker Fhoenix Agent, Sensation Dealer

[IceHorses] Western Pony Cinches

2007-01-19 Thread Judy Ryder Judy

Re: [IceHorses] Driving Harness

2007-01-19 Thread Judy Ryder
knew for sure that Gusti's harness would work. Oh, my gosh! Our own list baby, all decked out in harness! Judy

[IceHorses] Savvy Tips

2007-01-28 Thread Judy Ryder
Some savvy tips: Judy

[IceHorses] Kinematics of the Spine

2007-01-28 Thread Judy Ryder
Abstract: At least three types of movement take place in the joint complexes of the equine thoracolumbar spine: dorsoventral flexion and extension, axial rotation and lateral bending. Using the standard right-handed Cartesian coordinate system, these movements may be defined as rotation about the

[IceHorses] Bucking Horses

2007-01-28 Thread Judy Ryder
Why do horses buck? From 100 Ways to Improve Your Horse's Behavior: Horses usually buck because they are: [] In pain, usually in the back but maybe elsewhere [] Afraid the rider is going to cause them pain or distress [] Not confirmed in going forwards reliably [] Over-fed and under-exercised

[IceHorses] Re: Iceland's Oldest Horse Dies

2007-01-28 Thread Judy Ryder
The average Icelandic horse lives for 30 winters I wonder if there's any statistical data to support this? Judy

[IceHorses] No Sale by Harold

2007-01-28 Thread Judy Ryder
Another poem by Harold: Please feel free to forward. Judy

[IceHorses] Sleipnir's Story

2007-01-29 Thread Judy Ryder
Hi Christine, did you get the messages I sent about the book? Judy

Re: [IceHorses] Re: Horse trader - SE

2007-01-30 Thread Judy Ryder
Does anyone on the list have a full blown SE case? I think Barbara has one that she controls with the Flybegone stuff. More info: Also spirulina is supposed to help the immune system: Judy

[IceHorses] Manure

2007-01-30 Thread Judy Ryder
The US Dept. of Environmental Protection has apparently decided that animal manure is causing water quality issues. In response, they have come up with some very heavy-handed proposed regulations. There are going to be two meetings in Ocala, FL to discuss the impact of these regulations on

[IceHorses] De-Spooking Clinic

2007-01-30 Thread Judy Ryder
From Donna: Hi all, What a blast today was. Instructor is very good and has a great sense of humor. Report on clinic to follow after tomorrow. Today's obstacles, while spooky for alot of horses, were mild compared to what comes tomorrow. Rumor is at some point when we walk over a teeter totter

[IceHorses] Harley / De-Spooking Clinic

2007-01-30 Thread Judy Ryder
A report by Donna: I wanted to share just how darn proud I am of Harley and how he handled the despooking clinic over the weekend. I'm always so hard on myself about our progress and wish he'd settle down and relax around other horses or stimulations. But after this weekend, I realized just how

[IceHorses] Horses Used for Horseback Riding in Iceland?

2007-01-30 Thread Judy Ryder
From a blog about a trip to Iceland: Not far from Gull Falls you can climb Langjokull glacier, or a bit farther on, Hofsjokull. Four-wheel-drive vehicles help as the interior is periodically overrun by rugged lava spotted with phosphorescent green lichen; amphibian buses easily cross seasonal

Re: [IceHorses] World Equestrain Games Freestyle Finals '06

2007-01-31 Thread Judy Ryder That was impressive to watch. I actually surprised myself by noticing the mistake made by the mare, and then having it confirmed by the commentator! Judy

Re: [IceHorses] Harley / De-Spooking Clinic, Day 2

2007-01-31 Thread Judy Ryder
Sunday, Day 2 - (long report-but check out video clip at end if you don't want to read everything) I arrived at my normal 1 hour early time and took advantage of the round pen. Harley is always very alert and snorting and looking around when we arrive anywhere. Even if it's a place we've been

Re: [IceHorses] My Alex

2007-01-31 Thread Judy Ryder
My daughter, Alex turned 11 yesterday! She's growing so fast! Beautiful! I remember her 10 year-old picture with the birthday cake. Judy

[IceHorses] Re: Posting

2007-01-31 Thread Judy Ryder
I wonder where the rest of the post I typed went to Sherrel, be sure to skip a few lines after the quoted text, putting your response below the quotes. It's easier to post when your email program is set to plain text. Go to Tools Options Send UNcheck the box that says Reply in same

Re: [IceHorses] Roka-what gait?

2007-01-31 Thread Judy Ryder
I haven't done much of this), and of course there's a canter in there (her favorite gait)! What do you think? Looks like lots of gaits in there! I downloaded the video and will try to grab some stills when I have some time. Judy

[IceHorses] British Open

2007-02-01 Thread Judy Ryder
Jean Francois Pignon will be at the British Open: Judy

[IceHorses] Dr. Phil's Response to Horse Riding as Exercise

2007-02-01 Thread Judy Ryder
Response to Dr. Phil's comment on horse ownership as exercise: At this time of year, after the holidays, ads for weight-loss programs saturate print media and the airwaves. Even TV talk shows devote time to The battle of the Bulge. I caught part of a Dr. Phil episode in which the prominent

Re: [IceHorses] Tie the head down

2007-02-02 Thread Judy Ryder What is going on in these pics? Is this a baby being trained, and what sort of tie down are they using on him/her? Can someone explain to me the importance of

Re: [IceHorses] need Icelandic pony headshots

2007-02-02 Thread Judy Ryder
Sorry I didn't put in a subject AND forgot to downsize the photos! Shame on me! Cherie, I didn't get anything from you on the list that didn't have a subject and had pictures attached! Judy

[IceHorses] Free Lunging With The Clicker

2007-02-02 Thread Judy Ryder
See this teaching-to-free-lunge video: Different objectives than what the horse, in the links Wanda provided, was subjected to. Judy

Re: [IceHorses] New Poll Suggestion

2007-02-03 Thread Judy Ryder
I would like a new poll for type of saddles we use. I ride in a torsion treeless and love it! Anyway, just a suggestion. ;) Great suggestion! You can login to YG and go to to create a poll. That should be fun! Judy

[IceHorses] End of Virtual Space

2007-02-03 Thread Judy Ryder Please feel free to forward. Judy

Re: [IceHorses] Stonewall training gaps

2007-02-03 Thread Judy Ryder
I had thought once you sacked a horse out you didnt have to do it again... I think many people think the same thing, but I don't believe that it's true. Sacking out is sort of like intense desensitization, which may not be consistently reliable in the future, compared to a horse learning

[IceHorses] Disengaging Hindquarters and Stepping Back

2007-02-03 Thread Judy Ryder
Both of my horses won't step backwards in the Porcupine game when I use the carrot stick, only when I use my fingers. How are you using the stick? Can you send a picture? or describe how you are using it? they both seem to think I want to lunge them when I try to disengage their

Re: [IceHorses] Disengaging Hindquarters and Stepping Back

2007-02-04 Thread Judy Ryder
they both seem to think I want to lunge them when I try to disengage their hindquarters. Same for this what is the situation when you are asking? How and where are they standing? The horses are standing facing me. I point to the left with my left hand, and foot, the rope is in my

Re: [IceHorses] Disengaging Hindquarters and Stepping Back

2007-02-04 Thread Judy Ryder
I'll try to get photos. I stand in front of my horse, rub the spot with my carrot stick, middle of chest under the neck area, then go through the phases and stand there waiting... When I try to get them to step back with the CS from the chest and they don't, I walk towards them and

Re: [IceHorses] Reasons Why No Reins

2007-02-04 Thread Judy Ryder
i just want to note that these horses are also blessed with spectacular riders, Yes! do you know of anyone teaching such in massachusetts or anywhere reasonably commutable from here? Check out any natural horsemanship trainer, or start PNH on your own (here with us as support). You can do

Re: [IceHorses] Disengaging Hindquarters and Stepping Back

2007-02-04 Thread Judy Ryder
The horses are standing facing me. I point to the left with my left hand, and foot, the rope is in my left hand--the horse doesn't move. I lift the stick which is in my right hand, the horse doesn't move, I throw the rope of the carrot stick over to the horse and off they go to the

Re: [IceHorses] Disengaging Hindquarters and Stepping Back

2007-02-04 Thread Judy Ryder
In asking for the stop, you'll drop that energy down to the ground. Slump your shoulders if you have to. Look down, if you have to. Let everything in your body melt. Oh, OK--I wasn't doing this at first and the horses went faster. When I 'gave up' trying to get them to stop I just

[IceHorses] Breed Maturity

2007-02-05 Thread Judy Ryder
Horses, in general, do not mature until the age of five, six, seven. Per Dr. Deb's article, scruffy range ponies (like our Icelandics), actually mature *earlier* than other breeds! That's not to say you should ride them or over work youngsters! More on fusion and maturity:

[IceHorses] Horse Play

2007-02-05 Thread Judy Ryder
An article by Barb Fenwick: Horse Play When is the last time you played with your horse? As kids with horses, my sisters, friends and I would play the usual cowboy games on horseback, and also games like hide and seek. We taught our ponies simple tricks and generally played with them a lot.

Re: [IceHorses] Grooming Horses Before Riding

2007-02-05 Thread Judy Ryder
esp. with his winter coat, i find a dog slicker brush invaluable with stjarni. it's great for getting out muddy tangles. i use it on the worst bits before i even curry, then curry, then hard brush, then dog brush again Good job! Don't forget the Coat King in preparation for spring

[IceHorses] Treating

2007-02-05 Thread Judy Ryder
A story from one of Buck Brannaman's books: A woman had been coming to his clinics for a while and was still really struggling with the concepts of release and seeing the try... she was not really making progress. He didn't see her for a while -- then she showed up at a clinic and was seeing

Re: [IceHorses] pictures of Scooter in 80 degrees

2007-02-05 Thread Judy Ryder
I finally took some new pictures of Scooter. Lorraine Is he yawning for treats? or just because he does it anyway? Judy

Re: [IceHorses] Scooter a little barnmate sour

2007-02-05 Thread Judy Ryder
When I ride Scooter away from his mate (Harley) he bucks a little and just wants to turn around. On the way back I have to hold him back or he would probably run back. My arms are tired. If I trailer away he is much better. Any tips? Lorraine You can try to help him by taking him

[IceHorses] Ulcers

2007-02-05 Thread Judy Ryder
The gaitedhorse list is having a thread on ulcers in horses. It's something to be aware of as stress can cause ulcers in the horse and also can be responsible for some bad behaviors. As the intensity of training and stress increase, so does the severity of gastric stomach ulcers. Horses of all

Re: [IceHorses] WI- EHV-1 ALERT !!

2007-02-05 Thread Judy Ryder Raven, thanks for keeping us updated on these types of articles. It is appreciated! Judy

Re: [IceHorses] It's Not Pretty

2007-02-05 Thread Judy Ryder
86 degreessigh. I'm almost missing southern CA today. Charm is so cute! She's really cute! Thanks! At the far end of the road, is an Arabian mare who lives alone. Occasionally we'll walk down there to say hello. I think Charm has only seen her maybe once before; mostly Cookie has

[IceHorses] SDS Lotion

2007-02-05 Thread Judy Ryder
Susan has SDS Lotion: Judy

[IceHorses] Benefits of CT

2007-02-06 Thread Judy Ryder
From the clickryder list: Just a little observation I made recently that might be of interest to others. I've recently been having some dressage lessons with an instructor, who is not a CT trainer. She rode Elmo to demonstrate to me the sort of muscle release she was looking for in the horse.

Re: [IceHorses] It's Not Pretty

2007-02-06 Thread Judy Ryder
Charm looks like she's doing really well. That's basically how we started training Gusti with ground driving, we just took him walking like that everywhere. It's fun to shape the young horse and expose them to different things. She's funny, as she likes to go out, and then does a few stops

[IceHorses] SE Study

2007-02-06 Thread Judy Ryder
SE Study, 2004: The objectives of the present study were to quantify the importance of systematic environmental and genetic influences on the prevalence and severity of summer eczema in Icelandic horses. In the context of this study, 490 Icelandic horses from 24 stud farms located in Lower

Re: [IceHorses] Re: MY confidence

2007-02-06 Thread Judy Ryder
instructor calls Orri a dominant bully who needs to be taught a lesson about who's the boss. I think that's why we have this list to get away from that type of thinking. It's a very old paradigm and very unfair to the horse. Even the wording is wrong: taught a lesson. To teach a

[IceHorses] SE

2007-02-06 Thread Judy Ryder
From an equine dermitology lecture:Culicoides Hypersensitivity: p 10 2 yrs is usually age of onset sometimes yearlings, usually some time in first two years of life. or within two years of moving into an area dorsal feeders - mane and tail involvement ventral feeders - ventral midline

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