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ada beberapa yang menarik :

The Infinity is a good-looking and well-made tablet, though I'll admit to
being partial to the Nexus 7, which feels more... home-y. The Infinity is
also quite slick, and threatened to slip out of my hands a few times, but
in fairness the tablet's build quality makes me think that a fall would
hurt the floor more than the tablet.

I've been really into *Planet Earth* recently, and watching it in 1080p on
the Infinity was pretty mind-blowing. The screen also has a really nice
brightness range: it gets dim enough that it won't burn your retinas in a
dark room, but also bright enough to be usable outdoors (the + in IPS+ is
all about brightness). The screen is well-laminated to the glass, so it
feels really close to your finger — that makes everything more immersive,
and makes it feel more responsive as well.

Unfortunately, no manufacturer seems especially interested in improving its
speakers. Like too many tablets, the Infinity has a single, anemic,
backfiring mono speaker, which gets drowned out by even a low-powered fan

There's a 25Wh battery inside the Transformer Pad Infinity, plus another
19Wh in the keyboard dock. The two pieces together lasted me a solid six
days of regular use — tweeting periodically throughout the day, watching a
good chunk of the third season of*The West Wing*, doing some work every
once in a while, and streaming lots of music.

Best regards,

Alvin Kurniawan @MBA

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