[id-android] Wti :How To Watch DVD’s On Your Android With Subtitles

2011-07-12 Terurut Topik Defriando Riza
Buat yg mau ngoprek2 dvd di robot ijo..cekidot If you own an Android phone which can handle 720p movies, and want to be able to watch some of your DVD’s on your phone but not sure of the best way to do this, check out XDA forum member

Re: [id-android] Wti :How To Watch DVD’s On Your Android With Subtitles

2011-07-12 Terurut Topik Joni Wong
Kalau sy, biasanya Lebih gampang yang saya lakukan skrg ini :) ,Donlot film2 720p (Hd lhoo) versi hemat (600-800mb) dan biasanya file berbentuk .mkv,stlh selesai donlot tgl cr subtiltlenya,dan yang mkv film tadi yang terdonlot tgl dirubah ke .mp4 dgn bantuan software subler (kebetulan via mac