Sorry about that :-(.  We recently switched our forums on our website and they 
haven't been well adopted yet.  The mailing list is the best place for support 
right now.  Are you using iFolder from OES or the open version?  

>>> Kevin Updegrove <> 7/20/2009 9:55 AM >>>

Hi Brent,

I hope you won't find this too much of an intrusion but, I wanted to express my 
appreciation for resurrecting the iFolder project.  Unfortunately, the forums 
do not appear to be active at all and I'm receiving little to no help at 
#ifolder on freenode.

My company has been a long time Novell shop.  Recently, Management has dictated 
that we will move to Active Directory.  Although I was looking forward to the 
transition to Linux, I don't get much of a say.  That said, we would like to 
continue to use iFolder and have chosen the openSUSE route.  I've been able to 
setup everything and it's working to a point.  The AD tree is being read but, 
it's not getting all the users.  There does not seem to be any rhyme or reason 
to what is being missed.  Users are picked up in all OUs from the root of the 
tree but, not all of them.  Also, the Administration page does not refresh the 
data when a user is added or changed.  I have to delete the cache in 
../simias/CollectionFiles and re-run the simias-server-setup script.

I've spent two weeks trying to track down an answer and I've decided to reach 
out to you in desperation.  I hope that you will be able to assist or at least 
point me to an active user group who might be able to help.

Thank You,

Kevin Updegrove
NBTY, Inc.
Server Engineer
O: (631) 200-6014
ifolder-dev mailing list

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