dear all,

coLinux is a Linux kernel that runs under Windows. Check out the screenshots. 
the developers ran knoppix under WIndows. the FAQs are even more interesting. 
they mention how you can tweak any distribution to run under Windows, natively. 
Also mentions how you can boot into windows, and then run a gnu-linux
distro sitting on another
partition on your hard disk.
also mentions how the linux running under windows, will behave like
another pc. so you could
run a web-server under the gnulinux, and get windows to access it. hehehehehe

did i say its muft and mukt, under the GPL?

i would love to see Rahul Chopra of LFY-fame carry this as a lead story in LFY. 
i am sure he would also personally know a lot of people who would love
to run this kind of
a solution on their personal laptops and desktops in office, where
work demands windows, while
desire demands gnulinux. :-)

if anyone has tested and used this, would be great to see this demo-ed
at the next meet.
i think '7steps...' should mention this as step 3. however, i have no
idea how easy/difficult this may be to install under windoze.

the second thing worth mentioning is:
a GPL-version of an operating system like WinNT4.

officially: "ReactOS is an Open Source effort to develop a quality
operating system that is compatible with Windows NT applications and

ReactOS is licensed under the GNU General Public License."

so we have heard that M$ purchased VMWare. good.
we can get along with ReactOS and coLinux.
until we learn to just use gnuLinux altogether.


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