On Apr 30, Matt Warnock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Here are the messages I get right before the error; and before that, almost
> all of the messages are "FLUSHING SQLData...":
>  * TOO MANY DATA (3 items), SPLITTING (run #1)...
>  * FLUSHING SQLData...
>  * TOO MANY DATA (1 items), SPLITTING (run #9)...
> WARNING recursion level exceded trying to flush data
> WARNING this batch of data is lost.
>     if counter % self.flushEvery == 0:
> ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero

Ahhh... the guilty pleasure of being right! ;-)

The real problem here (beside a planning/programming error on my side ;-)
is that for some reason too many batch operations on your MySQL fail,
and so the data is splitted in two to reduce the amount of data passed
to the server in a single batch.

Maybe your MySQL server has the max_allowed_packet set to value
too low; try at least 8M or 16M.

If you just want to get rid of the exception (but you'll lose some
data!) you can modify line 1418, from:
  if fname == 'plot.list.gz': sqldata.flushEvery = 1000
  if fname == 'plot.list.gz': sqldata.flushEvery = 3000

and/or set, at line 78, MAX_RECURSION to a lower value (maybe 6 or 7).

If possible, try to check the configuration of your server, and
let me know if you fix this problem.  Thanks!

PS: I really don't understand why your messages are bounced by the
mailing list; there is nothing in the imdbpy-devel-owner list and
you're correctly subscribed to the list.
Moreover, the "Diagnostic-Code: smtp;  550 Sender verify failed"
sounds like "the mail server at sourceforge.net doesn't like/trust
your mail server - no, not at all". :-)
I fear I can do nothing about it.

Thanks again!
Davide Alberani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [PGP KeyID: 0x465BFD47]

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