Jacques Brouwers wrote:
> Hi All,
> For the last 2 days I have some mail stuck in the queue, with operation
> timed out.  The domains are=20
> qwest.net
> electritek.com
> yrmc.org
> monster.com
> legacylabel.com
> i.e. (connect to mpls-vmail.inet.qwest.net[]: Operation
> timed out)
> If I send mail to one of these users from gmail it goes right thru.
> They are not all in the same domain but I notice that all the IP
> addresses start with 63 which my subnet also starts with (I really do
> not think this is the trouble though, just a coincidence).  Maybe I made
> it on some black list or something, even though dnsstuff shows me as
> clean.

Most likely your are being blocked by their firewall.  You'll have to 
contact the admin to ask why.


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