
I agree completely that we need better method to express knowledge
than simply rules and decision trees. First Order Logic is one step
beyond that and AI has provided us with a whole subbranch devoted to
the representation of knowledge. The issue is not only how to do it
but how to find efficient ways of doing it. While decision trees are
very efficient to do simple things they are not so great to discover
and represent higher-level structured knowledge.

ETS has some advantages here but there are two problems that need to
be addressed.
First is the need for efficient implementation of the minimal
transformation cost calculations and the second is an efficient
implementation of the search for the best substitutes that should
allow to discover class structures.

We have once worked on algorithmic complexity (or Levin's complexity)
that in principle could discover the simplest program solving a given
task but in practice it couldn't do much being NP hard. Is there any
progress in this direction?

Wlodek Duch
Dept. of Computer Methods, N. Copernicus University

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