(My apologies in advance if this ends up posting twice, I inadvertently sent
this the first time from an email address not subscribed to the list)

I have a CYRUS v2.0.14-NAMESPACE server running on Mac OS X and I'm trying
to get sieve functioning.  I did a 'standard' install of CYRUS (i.e.. No
reference about sieve).

CYRUS is up and running (over a month now) and sieve is up and running.  I
can telnet to the sieve port on the server and get the following response:

"IMPLEMENTATION" "Cyrus timsieved v1.0.0"
"SIEVE" "fileinto reject envelope vacation imapflags notify subaddress

However if I try to run "sieveshell", I receive the following error:

Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) at /usr/local/bin/sieveshell
line 149.
unable to connect to server:  at /usr/local/bin/sieveshell line 149.

Looking thru old posts, I saw reference to someone else having a similar
problem.  They installed websieve and bypassed sieveshell. I gave that a
shot too, but I'm running into problems there upon authentication, I get the

System Error: IMAP::Sieve [ Login incorrect while connecting to localhost ]:
NO ("SASL" "no mechanism available") "Authentication error"

Any ideas on what my problems might be?  Any suggestions?


Jon Mc.

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