Re: [PHP-DEV] Grafts, Traits, horizontal reuse

2009-04-18 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
The question here is how to handle property accesses, in particular accesses to unspecified properties. I actually would expect to have a lookup mechanism which first looks in the trait, and if the property is not found there, its going to the object. I expect this behavior, because it is

Re: [PHP-DEV] Grafts, Traits, horizontal reuse

2009-04-18 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
trait Counter { var $value; public function inc() { $this-value++; } ... } trait Color { var $hue; var $saturation; var $value; public function getRGB() { /* ... */} ... } class MyClass { use Counter, Color; } Ok, you could argue that you than will have to refactor your

Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Is it true that short_open_tag is deprecated in PHP 6?

2009-04-14 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Hi, A vote in support of short tags, although last time I checked they were not removed in PHP6 (and I hate to see this brought up once more). On top of that, the supposed XML conflict argument is not fully thought through, since full PHP tags are not XML compliant either: ?php echo ?; ? In

Re: [PHP-DEV] User namespaces and PHP classes

2009-03-31 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Hi, Try this: use PDO; Regards, Stan Vassilev - Hello, I've been writing in the last days a web application on PHP 5.3 (beta1 although RC was released) cause of all the goodies it brings, specially the

Re: [PHP-DEV] Enhanced __CLASS__ constant

2009-01-22 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Why not just enhance get_class() function to accept the object itself (not only the instance)? This means: - No new keyword - No magic Foo::__MIRACLEHERE__ - No 50 pages documentation to help user Hi, You can't do this. get_class(SomeClass) would attempt to pass constant named SomeClass

Re: [PHP-DEV] Enhanced __CLASS__ constant

2009-01-21 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Especially in namespaced code it should be very useful to have something returning fully qualified name as string. It can be operator, but I think introducing new keyword is bad way, or it can be realized using well known magic constant in new context: Example: function factory($class) {

Re: [PHP-DEV] New function proposal: spl_object_id

2009-01-20 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Hi, I had a talk with Marcus, and he has agreed on this proposed solution: 1) SPL generates a pseudo-random session id/mask (for the current request, do not confuse with $_SESSION), which consists of 32 random bytes/characters. 2) The object is and the handler pointer are used to create a

Re: [PHP-DEV] Tip for 5.3: exceptions in __toString and __autoload

2008-12-27 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Hi, With __autoload you can throw an exception as long as you define the class requested. If you don't, the fatal error from the fact the class isn't there is triggered before the exception and you never see it. A clutch would be eval-ing an empty class with the same name right before you

Re: [PHP-DEV] Undefined constants producing E_NOTICE

2008-12-20 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Hi Kuba, For the moment some unexpected behaviour caused by use of undefined constant may be hard to fix with low error reporting level. So don't use a low error reporting level. Moreover, treating an undefined constant as a string does not make sense. I know that PHP is intended to be a

Re: [PHP-DEV] json_encode()

2008-12-16 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
1. Document the fact that if you want to strictly conform to the JSON spec and be sure your json_encode output will work in various JSON parsers, you have to pass it a PHP array or object. +1 Regards, Stan Vassilev -- PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List To

Re: [PHP-DEV] json_encode()

2008-12-15 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Hi, JSON allows extensions. I can not understand why this is not an extension that makes sense: json_encode($var, $allowScalar = false); In PHP outputting of JS literals is a common action, so all you'll achieve by completely removing this option, is forcing people to go from this: echo

Re: [PHP-DEV] Removing basic types from our JSON parser

2008-12-13 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
var foo = ?=json_encode($my_string)?; ... (yes, they maybe heared somewhere that JSON is *not* javascript, I told 'em too). JSON is a strict subset of JavaScript, and the above scenario is something I also do often. Since PHP generates web pages, any time I need to generate a JS literal

Re: [PHP-DEV] array_key_exists BC break

2008-11-21 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Hi! Hmm, I really think we should simply maintain BC 100% but using the new BC 100% makes little sense - why usort can accept object but sort can't? And functions like next/prev are useless with many types of objects. Especialy think this through for the next bigger release (presumably PHP

[PHP-DEV] Proposal for nameof functionality without new keyword...

2008-11-21 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Hi, Earlier I proposed this construct which fell on deaf ears, maybe since it means a new keyword nameof: namespace Foo\Bar; class Baz {} $name = nameof Baz; // 'Foo\Bar\Baz' The same expansion to FQN happens for imports/aliases with use XXX. I want to suggest an alternative approach which

Re: [PHP-DEV] array_key_exists BC break

2008-11-21 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Hi! As a PHP user who'd want to migrate to 5.3 sooner than later, and uses those heavily, I'd rather not see BC breaks in a point release, even though just like you I see some WTF-s in the old behaviour. You heavily use natsort on objects? What for? If natsort covered the entirety of this

Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Namespace resolution rules has been changed?

2008-11-17 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Zend_Acl == Zend_Acl_Resource_Interface, Zend_Acl_Role_Interface, Zend_Acl_Role_Registry, Zend_Acl_Assert_Registry... Regard, Stan Vassilev Stan, ZF doesn't use namespaces yet. This is not namespaced code. Namespaced code requires different convention

Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Namespace resolution rules has been changed?

2008-11-15 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Hi Marcin, Stan also requested this, so it should be considered as a possibility. Personally, I would rather not introduce this land mine. It requires the user to do an implicit prepending of namespace name (foo) to bar in the use statement as well as a translation of A, which could fast lead

Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Namespace resolution rules has been changed?

2008-11-15 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Are you aware of __NAMESPACE__? Also, if you are using a lot of external namespace names, you might consider simply defining constants: namespace foo\bar\baz; const ns = __NAMESPACE__; then you can simply do use foo\bar\baz; $name = baz\ns; I don't see a huge pressing need for nameof since

Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Namespace resolution rules has been changed?

2008-11-15 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Why? I have developed framework using PHP namespaces and studied Zend Framework source codes and result is: if we use the new resolution rules (1), than in nearly all cases developers must prefix class names with \, only in few cases prefix is not required. Why? Because usually classes in more

Re: [PHP-DEV] register globals - PHP6 still replaces . in variables from outside

2008-11-12 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 03:57, Stan Vassilev | FM [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I don't see it would work with something like import_request_variables() unless thats removed or extract(), which is some of the reasons for this replacement feature afair. There was never a need for the replacement

Re: [PHP-DEV] register globals - PHP6 still replaces . in variables from outside

2008-11-11 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
I don't see it would work with something like import_request_variables() unless thats removed or extract(), which is some of the reasons for this replacement feature afair. There was never a need for the replacement to occur for the GPC superglobals. If import_request_variables() needs it,

Re: [PHP-DEV] Request for Comments: Horizontal Reuse for PHP

2008-11-11 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
class Helloworld { public function sayHello() { print HELLO; } } category HelloworldExtras on Helloworld { public function sayWorld() { print World; } } $h = new Helloworld; $h-sayWorld(); // print WORLD This is extremely beneficial for lightweight extension of classes without

Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Namespace resolution rules has been changed?

2008-11-10 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
I understand this new behaviour is same as using relative paths, but there is a common best practise to not make dependencies form topper namespaces to deeper ones. So it is rare to have class Company\Software\Base extending Company\Software\Web\Forms\Control (i.e. Base extends

Re: [PHP-DEV] An optimization idea

2008-11-10 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
I just ran a quick benchmark on this and I'm not seeing a significant real world change for Facebook's codebase. (definitely less than 1%) This was a pretty small test, without a lot of code execution, so I could see other applications doing better. I'm pretty neutral on this one, it's not

Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Namespace resolution rules has been changed?

2008-11-10 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Or Zend Framework source code. There is no class extending class from subpackage (class Zend_View extends Zend_View_Abstract is not subpackage, viz * *In PHP nothing bubbles, hence this doesn't work.

Re: [PHP-DEV] An optimization idea

2008-11-10 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
This wouldn't really help with the case here of if ($array1 == $array2)... though right? (not to say it's not good, just making sure I understand ;-) ). Yes I'm talking about speeding up scenarios full of hash lookups in general. It sounds like this would only work if the array contents

Re: [PHP-DEV] An optimization idea

2008-11-10 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Since nobody else has chimed in with the obvious (to me, anyways): I've worked with some code that uses disgustingly huge (512Mb) arrays, largest implementation was a single 2.5 Gb array (before we took the offending programmer into a room and had a... chat). I'd be interested in seeing

Re: [PHP-DEV] Call it: allow reserved words in a class or not?

2008-11-07 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
What about adding a function that behaves like __autoload, but with respect to namespace wildcards? Something like: Hi, Ok so first: 1) We can't implement wildcards since a wildcard needs to be expanded to a set of concrete classes at runtime for it to make sense, and we don't know what

Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Case sensitivity

2008-11-07 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
As another example, anyone with half a brain and more than 10 minutes experience with the internals of PHP knows that it'd be ridiculous to suggest that PHP's array type be re-written to act like Java or .NET. The fact that it is ridiculous is implicit, we all know it, it doesn't need to be

Re: [PHP-DEV] Call it: allow reserved words in a class or not?

2008-11-07 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Sounds like an idea for custom extension, but I doubt this would work as a general approach. It limits dynamic nature of php, so won't be suitable for all cases Did you see this extension? Just two points: 1) It doesn't need to be suitable for all cases,

Re: [PHP-DEV] [PATCH] bracketed namespace declarations

2008-11-07 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
?php use blah\blah; $f = new blah; namespace one { use foo\bar as blah; $a = new blah; } // what is this? blah::hi(); ? Technically, you could argue that blah::hi() should resolve to blah\blah::hi(), but it is very difficult to track and figure out what blah means by eye. Thus, in the patch

Re: [PHP-DEV] [PATCH] bracketed namespace declarations

2008-11-07 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Sorry for the second email, I just forgot to mention something regarding how use statements apply from global scope to namespace x {}. The best way regarding realworld usage and existing state of the art would be to take into account the use statements in the scope above and apply the use

Re: [PHP-DEV] [PATCH] bracketed namespace declarations

2008-11-07 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Hi, Ok so I had a quick chat with greg and reread his proposal and it's actually a sound proposal. My original concern was that if we don't implement proper subset of namespace scopes we'll have difficulty extending PHP in the future to support function-local use declarations etc.

Re: [PHP-DEV] Call it: allow reserved words in a class or not?

2008-11-06 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Hi, Watching my thread devolve into a blamefest wasn't the intention. I just wanted a clear answer if something's done about it or not. To everyone participating in the thread: guys it's NOT trivial in the current situation. To the parser, a separate string matching a keyword is the token

[PHP-DEV] Case sensitivity

2008-11-06 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
NOTE: Continuing from thread Call it: allow reserved words in a class or not?: As much as I'd love to see more case-sensitivity, I'm afraid it would break quite a lot of existing apps, according to Google Code. -JD It's worse

Re: [PHP-DEV] Call it: allow reserved words in a class or not?

2008-11-06 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Hi! As you know, with the new convention, the parser will not encounter T_STRING Zend\Validate\Interface but rather: With namespaces, class name would not be Zend\Validate\Interface. Having namespaces, it would make much more sense to make last component a descriptive name, so you won't

Re: [PHP-DEV] array_key_exists BC break

2008-11-06 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
So allowing passing objects to array stuff using HASH_OF can lead to unexpected behavior. Dropping the old behavior makes this clear ... but is bad for stuff like ArrayObject. I'm not sure whether we should add special rules for a single class though .. johannes The exception should be made

Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Namespace Resolution

2008-11-05 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Here is a reason why we would limit this to international functions only: - @Stas but note that global user-space fallback for function means run-time resolution (which may be ok, but slower - no caching resolution in bytecode cache) Hi, Not true: you can't resolve it at compile time with

Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Namespace Resolution

2008-11-05 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Here are some reasons why we felt that functions/constants should fallback: - most namespace users will be using classes and not functions This is a self-fulfilling prophecy, the more you open a gap between classes and functions, the more people will stick with the richer functionality since

Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Namespace Resolution

2008-11-05 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
- people expect direct access to the vast number of php functions/ constants Do you know rule 1 in #phpc? This is one of those cases. People want :: and not backslash. People want global stuff to resolve in their namespace (how does this make any sense? the very idea of a namespace is to

[PHP-DEV] Call it: allow reserved words in a class or not?

2008-11-05 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Hi, I just wanted a clarification on this. Currently many of us have class names such as: Zend_Validate_Interface Foo_Utils_Array ...and so on. This works fine as it's just a single T_STRING. As you know, with the new convention, the parser will not encounter T_STRING

Re: [PHP-DEV] namespace separator and whining

2008-11-04 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Note that I say try internal because the only purpose behind allowing this is to make it easier to use PHP's built-in functionality. Any userspace stuff should be specifically \prefixed or imported via use. And (yes) we need import for functions. Greg P.S. my mail server has been down for

[PHP-DEV] Proposal for new construct: nameof

2008-10-29 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Hi, With namespaces and use we'll be introducing a new kind of discrepancy between a string reference to a function, and the short use-enhanced name for the same function. This becomes very painful, when I want to load a function before I run it. Today I would do (due to lack of function

Re: [PHP-DEV] Clarifying the resolution rules

2008-10-28 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
History has shown us that breaking code (e.g. PHP4 - PHP5) slows adoption of new versions. Bad example as PHP4 5 broke existing code. No existing code has namespaces in it. Anyway: A yet another compromise is possible as the lesser evil: Resolution for classes: namespace

Re: [PHP-DEV] Adding pecl/http to core

2008-10-28 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
I've not seen plenty of Class::singleton() myself, getInstance is an accepted standard in all languages, including the PHP code I wrote, and I've had experience with. Regards, Stan Vassilev -- PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Clarifying the resolution rules

2008-10-28 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
We are going to ignore the inherit problems that calling file_get_contents(__FILE__); would cause... Also, I disagree with a PHP namespace. the looseness of the language is one of its strong points. Some things should be made strict, I agree, bit it start with a php namespace and where does it

Re: [PHP-DEV] alpha2 scheduled

2008-10-28 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
an semisolution would be an php.ini variable like NAMSPACE_SEPARATOR=:: so if you have an issue with your classes can be reset to \ or whatever with ini_set You're always welcome to change the separator in the PHP source code, compile that and use your fork as you please. The source code is

Re: [PHP-DEV] array_key_exists BC break

2008-10-28 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
I would say no for 5.3. But for 6 it would be fantastic to have all array-related operations supporting ArrayAccess interface, where possible. +1 for this. Hi, cu, Lars Just making sure but: I think the BC break should be fixed. It's breaking actual code out there. The practice of passing

[PHP-DEV] Clarifying the resolution rules

2008-10-27 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Hi, Now that we have a separator, it's time to clarify what happened to the resolution order for functions and classes, which if I read Greg's messages, is still not clearly defined. 1) I think we've established that autoloading + fallback for classes is unworkable, as it either causes

Re: [PHP-DEV] namespace separator and whining

2008-10-27 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
It doesn't take a lot to kill an application if using internal class causes __autoload to run for a non-existing user class. Neither caches not optimizations can avoid that, as you can't have something cached which doesn't exist. In my autoloader for example, an existing user class is

Re: [PHP-DEV] /endnamespacediscussion

2008-10-26 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Hi, I want to thank you all for opting for the technically sound, clear and performant solution. Of course some users will never understand the precise reasons :: was avoided, but it's something we'll have to live with, given some past design choices in PHP. Regarding foo\tbar turning into

Re: [PHP-DEV] Destructor Order

2008-10-22 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 5:03 AM, Ryan Panning [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I've been wondering, is such a thing even possible? Is there a good way to implement an object destruct order? Here are my thoughts: In the class definition, specify what level of destruction the objects should be on. How,

Re: [PHP-DEV] Destructor Order

2008-10-22 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Hi, Naturally this line: $this-addObject($this, $priority); was meant to be: $destructManager-addObject($this, $priority); ... Regards, Stan Vassilev -- PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] [PATCH] Allow unsetting headers previously set usingheader()

2008-10-22 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
That isn't very intuitive. I would think it was a typo when reading such code and fix the header line... I'd suggest explicit header_remove(Vary); Agreed, a specific function with a clear name sounds better. Christian, can you update the patch? - thanks! johannes I suggest

Re: [PHP-DEV] Namespace issues

2008-10-21 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Hi, Guys, this is like junior school in here. Let me put some things in perspective: 1) The location of backslash on foreign keyboard is entirely irrelevant for the choice of namespace separator. Why? You already use this *every day* to escape characters in your strings and regular

Re: [PHP-DEV] my last attempt at sanity with namespaces

2008-10-17 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Regarding internal class resolving, it seems logical but will slow down resolution within namespaces. But I doubt this is much of an issue as it doesn't affect those not using namespaces. I don't think that makes sense to say it doesn't affect people not using namespaces when talking about

Re: [PHP-DEV] namespaces and alpha3

2008-10-16 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Hi! What would happen if we give the namespace implementation a chance to mature is that it can be delivered as a fully-fledged language element rather than a partially-fledged and potentially flawed one. What do you mean by chance to mature? Only chance for it to mature is people actually

Re: [PHP-DEV] solving the namespace conflict issues betweenfunction/staticmethod class constant/ns constant

2008-09-29 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Hi, I think we need string concatenation here and there ;) Regards, Stan Vassilev - Original Message - From: Arvids Godjuks To: Stan Vassilev | FM Cc: PHP Internals List Sent: Monday, September 29, 2008 9:19 AM Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] solving the namespace conflict

Re: [PHP-DEV] solving the namespace conflict issues betweenfunction/staticmethod class constant/ns constant

2008-09-29 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
String concatenation woun't be affected, because you can't concatenate class definitions like in my example. To concatenate you should use variables or strings/numbers. So I don't see any complications with that. MyNameSpace.SomeClass::_getInstance()-SomeDBClass-Query(); You're

Re: [PHP-DEV] solving the namespace conflict issues betweenfunction/staticmethod class constant/ns constant

2008-09-28 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Hi, The second highest vote was :::, but there was strong objection to this as well from some. The problem, I still believe, is that we are focused on having the same:::stupid:::operator:::between:::everything. The truth is that in source files, there is a clear boundary between namespace

Re: [PHP-DEV] namespace issues

2008-09-24 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Hi, 1. and 2. are great. I'm happy to see this done. But for 3. I think that's throwing the baby with the bathwater. Since now global classes inside namespaces will need the use ::Foo; or ::Foo..., I hope you can give a fresh look at my original idea that both functions and classes require

Re: [PHP-DEV] PHP Suspendable requests for Apache

2008-09-14 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
On Sun, Sep 14, 2008 at 5:33 PM, Rustam Abdullaev [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi, Is anyone working on a suspendable request support in PHP when used as a module in Apache? Suspendable requests are great for supporting Server Push technology, but are currently only supported in Jetty and Tomcat.

Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Scoping of use statements and a strategy for 5.3/6.0 release of namespace

2008-09-12 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Hi Stan, I realized I missed 2 of your points, response below: Hi, Thanks for your work on resolving these issues. My comments about use/namespace being a hack regards just the syntax, I was wrong about the scoping of use, but also having namespace act as a scope without the scope syntax


2008-09-12 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Hi, I'm in favor of this patch for simple reason that the nothing before the first namespace limitation is more of a WTF than a sound design prevented to limit an actual problem. We have multiple namespaces per file, so having some of the file in the global namespace (i.e. == no namespace)


2008-09-12 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Hi, I just figured a problem related to this. We have multiple namespaces per file so we can merge multiple files together. We have no way to break out to global space after a namespace, and even with this patch, no *code* can exist before a namespace. So this means we can only merge files

[PHP-DEV] Scoping of use statements and a strategy for 5.3/6.0 release of namespace

2008-09-11 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Hi, Multiple namespaces per file were introduced to allow certain workflows in PEAR and frameworks like Symphony which can combine multiple classes and namespaces in a single package. They work like this: namespace X; ... namespace Y; ... The problem is, no one thought of scoping use

Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Scoping of use statements and a strategy for 5.3/6.0 release of namespace

2008-09-11 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Stan Vassilev | FM wrote: Hi, Multiple namespaces per file were introduced to allow certain workflows in PEAR and frameworks like Symphony which can combine multiple classes and namespaces in a single package. They work like this: namespace X; ... namespace Y; ... The problem is, no one

Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: towards a 5.3 release

2008-09-08 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Hi, I suppose since I use autoload and classes I belong to the first group. Thing is, we still do care about performance. I currenly use underscores as some other programmers do, to fake namespaced identifiers, and from my tests and this discussion so far I'm convinced the namespaces as

Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: towards a 5.3 release

2008-09-08 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Hi! So I'd say, make it explicit and remove the vague moment. Do I understand right that you advocate having to use ::Exception each time you need the internal class? As I said: I heard lots of objections how ugly it is to prepend everything with :: (not that this is the only possibly

Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: towards a 5.3 release

2008-09-08 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
As you said before - how is it any different from just being able to call escape(foo) or display(foo); It's a matter of taste. To me that is not anymore of a meaningful name - just a different syntax and not one your average wordpress user would know how to handle. Well, if it's just a matter

Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: towards a 5.3 release

2008-09-08 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Hi! And I'd ask - who wants to do new DB::mysql when they can just do mysql? I do. Because this way I don't have to worry my mysql would clash with someone other's mysql, and I can have all DB related stuff under one roof. It can't clash if you don't use someone other's mysql namespace, or

Re: [PHP-DEV] Suggestion to increase the max_input_nesting_level

2008-09-08 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Hi, He means recursion depth, not input nesting depth. 5.3 had a proposed fast function call algorithm which would avoid the stack limit and allow deeper recursion, was this accepted and how does it affect the limit of 100 nested calls? Regards, Stan Vassilev Hi! Currently I'm working

Re: [PHP-DEV] ini-parsing, double quotes, windows in 5.3

2008-09-05 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
On 04.09.2008 23:08, Stan Vassilev | FM wrote: There won't be any bug reports, if the ini parser detects improper backslash usage (i.e., using a backslash with a following character which doesn't form correct escape combination) and stops with informative and descriptive message explaining

Re: [PHP-DEV] ini-parsing, double quotes, windows in 5.3

2008-09-05 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
On 05.09.2008 14:57, Stan Vassilev | FM wrote: I read it. \D in the same string isn't a legal escaped combination and this is where the user will be warned. Nope. This is perfectly legal, too. # php -r 'var_dump(\W\H\A\T?);' string(9) \W\H\A\T? Hi, If you'll treat the INI parsing exactly

Re: [PHP-DEV] ini-parsing, double quotes, windows in 5.3

2008-09-04 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
I have to agree, this kind of change would be very frustrating for Win32 users, even though the solution is that simple. Nobody reads update guides or installation instructions, they're used to write path like that and they'll continue to do it, so we'll have much more bug reports after the

Re: [PHP-DEV] Inconsistencies in 5.3

2008-08-14 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
For better or worse 99% of the code I write runs on systems without an opcode cache 99% of the time so that's what I optimize for. That it is apparently impossible to optimize for both opcode caching and non-opcode caching environments at the same time (the former hates conditional include,

Re: [PHP-DEV] New string functions: str_startswith() and str_endswith()

2008-07-21 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
)=='.php')) I just don't see that this is solving any real painpoint. -Rasmus Stan Vassilev | FM wrote: Hi, Actually starts with and ends with is a very common case. I see your concerns, but I can see instantly quite a lot of places in my code where I'd use those. And I bet it'll be faster too

Re: [PHP-DEV] New string functions: str_startswith() and str_endswith()

2008-07-20 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Hi, Actually starts with and ends with is a very common case. I see your concerns, but I can see instantly quite a lot of places in my code where I'd use those. And I bet it'll be faster too. Many of the string functions can be replicated with one-liners using other string functions, same

Re: [PHP-DEV] How bad would it be to say/enforce that namespacing can only apply to classes and not normal functions?

2008-06-26 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
How bad would it be to say that namespacing can only apply to classes and not normal functions? Lame, very lame. It would make them unusable for many distributed projects that are not 100% OOP. Wordpress comes to mind. My own Phorum as well. I agree, namespaces need to work for all

Re: [PHP-DEV] Alternative to multiple namespaces per file

2008-06-01 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Hi, I'm a user-space developer. And while indeed not doing anything is annoying enough that I've started learning the internals of PHP, I'm not at the point where I can confidently submit namespace patches myself. And let's face it, they'll be ignored. I would think those with the karma

[PHP-DEV] Alternative to multiple namespaces per file

2008-05-31 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Hi, I suppose this has been discussed before, so I'll not repeat reasons unless requested, but I just want to offer a possible feature to mitigate the impact of one namespace per file, which doesn't have controversial syntax and hopefully less difficulties in the implementation: class

Re: [PHP-DEV] Alternative to multiple namespaces per file

2008-05-31 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
I'm trying to to address 1) in this thread. Regards, Stan Vassilev - Original Message - From: James Dempster To: Stan Vassilev | FM Cc: Sent: Saturday, May 31, 2008 3:43 PM Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] Alternative to multiple namespaces per file what I

Re: [PHP-DEV] Alternative to multiple namespaces per file

2008-05-31 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Hi, Your suggestion seems ok too, anything is better than *no functioning way at all to do it*. Regards, Stan Vassilev - Original Message - From: James Dempster To: Stan Vassilev | FM Cc: Sent: Saturday, May 31, 2008 4:02 PM Subject: Re: [PHP

Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC: allow_call_pass_by_reference

2008-05-28 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Hi, There are three purposes: 1) At call time, nothing significes what is the caller passing, the syntax is the same for passing reference or passing value, so it's prone to confusion. You're passing something which *may* or *may not* be modified if taken as a reference. Quick, is the

Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC: allow_call_pass_by_reference

2008-05-22 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Hi, There is a use case for the function allowing *explicitly* call-time pass by reference, because the function works both ways in subtly different ways. I have some libraries where I had to have variations of the functions like AbcByRefr() and Abc(), because of this inflexibility. In a

Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC: allow_call_pass_by_reference

2008-05-22 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Hi, Actually PHP ignores default values on parameters followed by required ones. You can't fetch the default value even via Reflection. This is easily detected at compile time so I wonder why the compiler doesn't warn. Regards, Stan Vassilev what stops you from declaring: function

Re: [PHP-DEV] Getting Default Values via reflection.

2008-05-22 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Hi, Please notice that I said followed by required ones. function foo($a = null, $b) {} The above definition is allowed and the compiler won't complain, but actually that = null is completely lost, including in Reflection. Regards, Stan Vassilev 2008/5/22 Stan Vassilev | FM [EMAIL

Re: [PHP-DEV] magic quotes finale

2008-05-22 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Hi, Just making sure I understood it well. Get isn't deprecated (good), set is (good), but what happens if I try to set magic quotes runtime *off* if it was *on* from the config. I couldn't see anything about the PHP config setting being ignored/removed or throwing error in the RFC. For

Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: 5.3 Namespace resolution rules suggestions

2008-05-16 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Hi, I'd like to nudge the discussion back to issues with the resolution rules that we're discovering :) The actual char(s) used can only be mildly annoying to some (at worst), compared. Can we please agree on those (or explain why you'd not): 1) functions, constants and classes should use

Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: 5.3 Namespace resolution rules suggestions

2008-05-16 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Hi, No, not necessarily. Functions, constants and classes have different traditional usage patterns in PHP, and as such may have resolution rules that follow these patterns. I don't say we should look for making them different, but if necessary, we should use rules that benefit the most

Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: 5.3 Namespace resolution rules suggestions

2008-05-16 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
internal or user. But in namespace context I'll have to do something along the lines of: if (function_exists('json_encode')) { $encoded = json_encode($raw); } else { $encoded = ::json_encode($raw); } What this code is supposed to do? If it's supposed to call namespace's json_encode in

[PHP-DEV] 5.3 Namespace resolution rules suggestions

2008-05-14 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Hi, I'm looking at the current namespace resolution rules here: Something that bothers me is that for the first time in PHP we introduce a hard difference in how internal functions and user functions are resolved/called: ::foo(); //