Hi Internals,

as I recently worked with different compilers, and I noticed that we
always check for gcc by default. This means even your /usr/bin/cc is
_not_ gcc, PHP's buildsystem will use gcc if it's found. This is the
default behavior of the AC_PROG_CC macro.

In my opinion, I think if people install another C compiler and make
them their default compiler by putting the necessary path to cc first,
they would like to use cc instead of gcc. Maybe I'm wrong in that point,
but I consider 'cc' as the default C compiler on a system. We also have
the checks for both ICC and SunCC in our buildsystem and they are
handled well. Therefore I would suggest that we are checking for the cc
binary by default and than fallback to gcc. I'm aware that people
usually should use gcc as their default compiler, but if you
specifically installed another compiler you might have good reasons to
use it (because of the used architecture, or because you like to use
software you bought).

The implementation is straight forward as the AC_PROG_CC macro supports
this (http://www.gnu.org/software/libtool/manual/autoconf/C-Compiler.html):

Index: b/configure.in
--- a/configure.in      2008-11-07 00:28:53.047697316 +0100
+++ b/configure.in      2008-11-11 00:19:08.794287603 +0100
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
 dnl Checks for programs.


If there are no objections on this, I would like to commit this fix to
5.3 and 6.0.


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