Joey Smith wrote:
This might be better served by taking it to php-general, because I don't
think you need to pin your question so hard to the behaviour of
array_walk(). Here's a quick example of (if I understood your question
correctly) how you might solve it using array_udiff_uassoc and 5.3's new
'closure' syntax (not required for this, but I do so enjoy using them!)

They are such an excellent addition to the language


function buildFilter($keys, $starts_with) {
   return function ($a, $b) use ($keys, $starts_with) {
      if (in_array($a, $keys)) return 0;
      foreach($starts_with as $value) if (strpos($a, $value)===0) return 0;
      return 1;

$foo = buildFilter($disable_full, $disable_start);

var_dump(array_udiff_uassoc($check_array, $disable_full, $disable_start, 
function () { return 0; }, $foo));

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