I agree with Joel.
I have implemented the 3-D Secure protocol and worked with Web Services but I do not see any improvement by using it.
If anyone is interested in using new technologies, please see ebXML as the future goal.


Destinatarios:        "'Anders Rundgren'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, internet-payments <>
Asunto:        RE: MasterCard's scrapping of SPA in favor of 3D Secure

Hi Anders,

I would be interested to know what you mean by 'web services paradigm'.  Do
you mean SOAP/WSDL/UDDI?

I don't agree with you that web services (however you define it) provides
more 'extensibility, robustness, extreme low-cost, compliance with the B2B
world, etc. etc., market acceptance' than the current 3-D Secure protocol.

I have implemented the 3-D Secure protocol and used web services and I would
say from my experience that web services do not give more of the attributes
that you have described.  I think web services is just a bit of a buzz word
at the moment.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not against web services, I just
don't think that they deliver all that you are saying they can.

This is a great article arguing that an XML/HTTP/URI protocol can be better
than a fully-fledged 'web service'.  The 3-D Secure Protocol fits fairly
closely with the XML/HTTP/URI model - I would say it is just XML/HTTP

The only feature you have mentioned which may be true is that web services
using WSDL could be faster for web developers to integrate and hence
cheaper.  Web services only become easier to integrate once developer tools
and languages support web services though.

Joel Hockey
QSIPayments, Inc

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Anders Rundgren [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, June 28, 2002 1:22 AM
> To: internet-payments
> Subject: MasterCard's scrapping of SPA in favor of 3D Secure
> Dear Payment-professionals,
> According to several sources, MasterCard have embraced VISA's
> 3D Secure as the future path.  Personally, I think 3D Secure will be
> replaced by Web Services-based systems as it is not exploiting the
> "Web Service paradigm".  That, assuming that roll-out stays at
> current speed.
> What does Web Services offer for payment systems you may
> rightfully ask?
> Well, extensibility, robustness, extremely low-cost technology,
> compliance with the B2B-world etc. etc.  In a nut-shell:
> Market acceptance.
> Do banks need low-cost technology?  No, but the merchants do.
> Anders Rundgren
> +46 70 - 627 74 37

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