Nachdem ja der JOIN-Server wieder geht, hier nochmal eine E-Mail von mir...


perhaps is useful for other, too:

I've created in C a tool called "ipv6calc" to manipulate IPv6 addresses,
more information is available here:

Source is available here:
An RPM can be built using "rpm -ta ..."

The feature of the rather old tool "ip6_int" to create a reverse dot 
separated nibble string out of a normal IPv6 address is also built-in.

Any suggestions for other features to include are welcome, the fastest way 
is sending diff-files ;-)

Hope this helps,

BTW: for my set of initscript users:
At are new 
network-functions-ipv6 files available, which uses "ipv6calc" for 
"duplicate address detection" and "address exists tests". Beta testers are 
welcome, please report problems.

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