In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

9/11 :  From Abu Ghraib to Guantanamo

How long the silence? How long the roll call of those whose life we have ended? How may flowers, how many wreaths, how many tears and rivers of blood?


Barbarism :  “One soldier cut off a baby's head with a knife” - Guess Who?

I'll give you a hint: You don't want to know.

Operating largely on their own and only passingly accountable to a chain of command that rarely ventured into the jungles and paddies, these soldiers ruthlessly murdered hundreds of unarmed men, women and children. One soldier cut off a baby's head with a knife. Victims' ears were regularly sliced off, collected and fashioned into necklaces which some soldiers proudly wore. Other victims were scalped. Some were tortured. Teeth were kicked out to retrieve the gold from fillings.

Still can't figure out who did it?

Virtually all of the civilian deaths were reported as "Viet Cong," even though, oddly, no weapons were ever found and none were ever reported. No officer in command ever questioned this glaring disparity.

That's right - US soldiers.


Does a State of War Give Bush a Right to Commit War Crimes?

Right-wing columnist Charles Krauthammer has weighed in against the Supreme Court's latest ruling in Hamdan, claiming that the Court erred in barring President Bush from denying Guantanamo detainees the protections of the Third Geneva Convention.


Could Bush Be Prosecuted for War Crimes?

A Nuremberg chief prosecutor says there is a case for trying Bush for the 'supreme crime against humanity, an illegal war of aggression against a sovereign nation.'


Anti-Arab Racism in the USA

Where it Comes From and What it Means for Politics Today


AMERICA AND ISRAEL: A Troubling Alliance

(Text of a Council for the National Interest Foundation ad that appeared in the New York Times on July 2nd, 2006)

READ IT ONLINE AT (Text format):




Israel’s aggression destroys any semblance of civic order

I cannot think of anything in recent times to compare with the Israeli terror tactics against the people of Gaza where the mightiest military nation in the region picks on the poorest, weakest and most vulnerable of peoples and pounds them and their infrastructure by night and day with bombs, artillery and tank shells.


Aggression Under False Pretenses

The current Gaza invasion is only the latest effort to destroy the results of fair and free elections held early this year. It is the explosive follow-up to a five-month campaign of economic and diplomatic warfare directed by the United States and Israel.


Israeli Blood-sport in Gaza

A father carries his baby son, wrapped in the Palestinian flag, after he died from wounds sustained in an Israeli missile strike in Rafah town in the southern Gaza Strip. Another 50 civilians have been bumped-off in gangland-style hits authorized by the Knesset’s newest Mafia Don, Ehud Olmert. Olmert has put the carnage and destruction into high-gear eliciting criticism from his very own daughter who protested in front of her father’s home with signs that said, “Stop the Killing”


Palestinian injuries suggest Israel is using chemical weapons in Gaza

The Palestinian ministry of health revealed on Monday that the Israeli army has used a new type of explosive in its offensive on the Gaza Strip. These explosives contain toxics and radioactive materials which burn and tear the victim's body from the inside and leave long term deformations.


Jewish state's army murders 3 boys playing football in Gaza

IOF Continue to Target Civilians in the Gaza Strip: 3 Children Killed and another Seriously Injured in an Air Raid on Beit Hanoun

Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) killed 3 Palestinian children and seriously injured a fourth one yesterday evening (10 July 2006) in Beit Hanoun, when an IOF plane fired a rocket at them. This crime comes within the context of the open war against Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip since the capture of the Israeli soldier on 25 June 2006. It is part of the chain of collective punishment, targeting civilians, and destroying civilian property and infrastructure. With the death of these children, the number of Palestinian casualties in the Gaza Strip since the start of the Israeli military operation rises to 51 dead, including 26 civilians, and 140 injured. There are 7 children and a woman among the dead; and the majority of the injured are civilians.


Six Human Rights Groups to Israeli High Court: Renew Fuel Supply to Gaza and Open the Crossings for Food, Equipment and Humanitarian Supplies
Today, July 11, 2006, six human rights groups petitioned the Israeli High Court demanding that the crossings in Gaza be opened to allow for the steady and regular supply of fuel, food, medicine, and equipment, including spare parts needed to operate generators.


Four Palestinians die at Rafah border awaiting entry into Gaza

Four Palestinians have died in recent days awaiting entry into the Gaza Strip on the Egyptian side of the Rafah border crossing,


Israeli Occupation Forces readies 'massive' Gaza incursion

Israeli Occupation Forces were gearing up Tuesday afternoon for a planned massive incursion into the Gaza Strip.


Israeli MP: Meshal is a Dead Man

During a Monday evening Channel 1 TV interview, MK (Labor) Danny Yatom stated that Hamas politburo leader Khaled Meshal is marked for death, and the “long arm of Israel” will eventually reach him as well


Israeli army faulted in soldier's capture

The head of an inquiry investigating how Palestinian militants captured an Israeli soldier said Monday that despite warnings of a planned attack, Israeli forces reacted slowly to the raid and failed to note the soldier was missing for nearly 90 minutes.


Closing In on the Niger Uranium Hoax

On January 28, 2003, George W. Bush delivered his State of the Union address, wherein he uttered 16 fateful words: "The British government," he averred, "has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa."

Fateful, because this assertion turned out to have been based not on mistaken intelligence, or wrongly interpreted data, but on an outright fabrication: the now-infamous Niger uranium forgeries.


With war in Iraq, Bush is trading blood for oil

Why are there so many in Iraq willing to die to bring us harm? Could it be our foreign policies that exploit their resources and establish military bases in 120 countries? Perhaps they see us as a bully trying to police the world, forcing our government, religion and way of life on them


Lawrence Kaplan gives up on Iraq

You could summarize what Kaplan is saying as, Our guns and our money and ideas are no match for their history and their hate.

And that -- phrased different ways or from different perspectives -- was the conservative realist line of opposition to the whole enterprise -- the arguments Kaplan and his compatriots villified and slurred for literally years.


Ex-GI accused in attack had 'anti-social personality disorder'

You know, the sort of person who is easily talked into picking up a gun and killing total strangers.

The military is in a hot rush to dump the blame for this on Green, but what about the other guys who helped him plan and carry out the crime?


Attacks Across Iraq Kill at Least 47 in bloody day of U.S. occupation

The U.S. military said three bombs exploded, including two suicide bombers wearing explosives vests, followed by another bomb. It said 15 local nationals and an Iraqi policeman were killed and four Iraqis were wounded


Rape revenge video

THE Iraqi branch of al-Qaeda has put a video on the internet showing the mutilated bodies of two US soldiers executed to "avenge" the rape of a young Iraqi woman.,20281,19756147-5001027,00.html


Iraq will ask UN Security Council to lift legal immunity for Coalition forces

The government of Iraq plans to ask the UN Security Council to lift Coalition troops' immunity from Iraqi law, Human Rights Minister Wijdan Michael said Monday.


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Monday, 10 July 2006
  • Resistance attack on US patrol in Abu Ghurayb leaves troops reported dead.
  • Iraqi President Saddam Husayn letter (full text): tells US show “trial” he will not attend session on 10 July, saying the verdict has already been decided by US.
  • Official Baath Party Statement on Sunday’s Shi‘i sectarian rampage: “Keep your guns trained on the occupation and its stooges, don’t respond to sectarianism with sectarian logic!” (full text)
  • Resistance car bomb blasts US Consulate motorcade in Kirkuk Monday.
  •  Al-Fallujah, Resistance sharpshooter kills Iraqi puppet “National Guard” soldier.
  • Resistance fighters repulse Shi‘i sectarian attack on Sunni mosque in ad-Durah.
  • Mysterious bomb blasts Arab Market on ar-Rashid street in Baghdad.
  •  Resistance fires rockets, mortar shells at Shi‘i sectarian and puppet security force headquarters in Sab‘ al-Bur west of Baghdad.
  • Resistance mortars pound puppet “National Guard” Sectarian Jaysh al-Mahdi headquarters in al-Mada’in.
  •  Resistance bomb blasts US column north of al-Yusufiyah.
  • Resistance car bomb blasts US Consulate motorcade in Kirkuk Monday.
  • Resistance car bomb targets pro-American Kurdish separatist headquarters in Kirkuk.


67 Killed As Islamists Claim Victory in Somalia

Abdi Hassan Awale Qeydiid, Somalia's last secular warlord in the capital Mogadishu, has surrendered to Islamic militants after a two-day battle that left at least 67 dead, militants said.


The Truth About The USA, Drugs and Afghanistan

Amongst the major reasons given by the West when invading Afghanistan shortly after 9/11 was the connection between drugs and terrorism.

The truth is that since the invasion of Afghanistan's the opium production has skyrocketed. Although the Taliban had virtually stamped out poppy production, the country now accounts for two-third of the world's heroin.


60 Afghan civilians dead in US air strikes

"The aircraft pounded three villages namely Deh Jauze, Sarosah and Kakrak, 12 km away from Trinkot, the provincial capital of Uruzgan, early on Monday. The strikes lasted from 1:00 am to 4:00 am," said Abdul Khaliq, a provincial official.


Afghan children robbed of education

More than 200 schools have been attacked since early last year and according to Human Rights Watch the attacks have left entire districts without schools, teachers and educational aid groups.

But, but, but....we're succeeding magnificently in developing a strong central government that can prevent this, aren't we?

Obviously, not.


Mamas, Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Soldiers

War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.


Militarism and the Corporate Welfare State

One need only examine the history of this nation to recognize the familiar patterns of conquest and oppression. The occupation of Iraq is the continuation of the policies that created the institution of slavery, following the genocide of the Indians. The military, far from being a defender of peace and freedom, has evolved into an extension of the corporate welfare state.


Nationalize the US Defense Industry: Public Good Should Trump Private Greed

“Converting the companies to publicly-controlled, nonprofit status would introduce a key change: it would reduce the entities’ impetus for aggressive lobbying and campaign contributions. Chartering the defense contractors at the federal level would in effect allow Congress to ban such activities outright, thereby controlling an industry that is now a driving force rather than a servant of foreign policy objectives."


Bill Gallagher: Joseph Wilson's Continuing Fight

Among his many other crimes, Bush deserves impeachment for that naked string of lies to the American people and his coverup of the leak scandal we now know he initiated. His co-conspirator was, of course, Dick Cheney.


The cyber security spy ring

If the suspicions being expressed by Indian intelligence agents are true, the US may now be in possession of information on India’s war plans for the army, navy and air force.,0008.htm


4 Minute Video: LA Police Brutality

Police using unnecessary force against anti-MinuteMan demonstrators


US judge to rule on legality of warrantless wiretaps

A federal judge heard arguments in a suit arguing that US President George W. Bush overstepped his authority when he authorized the use of warrantless wiretaps on Americans.;_ylt=AlQaONeI2ekZr5ijwPG6dlCtOrgF;_ylu=X3oDMTA3MXN1bHE0BHNlYwN0bWE


Vermont judge rejects U.S. Supreme Court search ruling

A Vermont District Court judge has rejected a recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling on the power of police to search a private home, concluding that the state offers greater protections in such cases.


Officers arrest men for videotaping them

Undercover officers with the New Mexico Department of Public Safety that were out Saturday night trying to bust drunks leaving bars arrested three men for videotaping them.


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