Title: 404 Not Found

Subject: [MPACUK] The 15 Point Plan That Can Change The Muslim World
Date: Mon, 23 May 2005 13:52:40 +0100

Mon - May 23 2005



MPACUK has now set up a team to help Mosques improve. We have a vision of the Mosques of the future, if you want to join the 'mpacuk mosque program team', change your local Mosque, or simply see our vision of the future..read on.

Zionists Move Closer To Cutting Off MPACUK.ORG

Once again, MPACUK finds itself in the Jewish Chronicle, but this time we have been raised into the pages of the Leader section... and all because of our victory in unseating Lorna Fitzsimmons, the Labour Friends of Israel member who voted for the war on Iraq despite having 20,000 Muslim constituents. (translated = not a servant of the people who voted for her). The following is from last week's JC Leader...read on

Letters From Non Muslims Flood In

Thursday, 19 May 2005

Ever since the 'Operation Muslim Vote' documentary was aired by channel 4, MPACUK have been inundadated by letters from the public. The documentary showed a side of the Muslim community that is unknown to the wider population, who too often see Muslims portrayed as extremists.

Thanks to this brilliant documentary, many non-Muslims (and Muslims) have written in expressing their support for our cause. This just goes to show that the media can play a vital role in bringing the two communities together. We hope our Muslim readers will see the warm comments of the non-Muslim community here on our site and re-assess any negative opinion of them that we may hold. We also hope Muslims will make a concerted effort to reach out to our non Muslim neighbours so people of all backgrounds may come to know the Muslim community for what we really are - a people simply fighting for justice, often deliberately misunderstood, and yes like all communities too often flawed. Read ON


Detailed Proof On The Zionists Origins Of The Iraq War

While the neoconservatives were the driving force behind the American invasion of Iraq and the consequent efforts to bring about regime change throughout the Middle East, the idea for such a war did not originate with American neocon thinkers but rather in Israel. An obvious linkage exists between the war position of the neocons and what has long been a strategy of the Israeli Right and, to a lesser extent, of the Israeli mainstream.

The idea of a Middle East war had been bandied about in Israel for many years as a means of enhancing Israeli security. War would serve two purposes. It would enhance Israel's external security by weakening and splintering Israel's neighbors. Moreover, such a war and the consequent weakening of Israel's external enemies could help resolve the internal Palestinian demographic problem, since the Palestinian resistance has derived material and moral support from Israel's neighboring states. Read the full report

THe Mosque Leader Who Proved He Was A Traitor In His Own Words

Wednesday, 18 May 2005

Ibrahim Master, chairman of the Lancashire Council of Mosques

“I have been a Labour Party member for 20 years and the contact we have had with Mr Straw has resulted in many improvements for Muslims in Blackburn where there are 30-odd mosques. We do not want to burn our bridges and ruin the work of 20 years just because of what is happening in Iraq and Palestine .....read on


A Spy Story

Is Anyone Safe?

Dirty Tactics Against Boycott

Zionist Lobby Neutralises FOSIS

Don’t be a couch potato!  

(Thank Channel 4 After Scores Of Complaints)

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