"د. سعيد" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
To: بحبك يا فلسطين <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: "د. سعيد" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2005 12:40:45 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: [bangla_vision] US Administrations Bonded With Zionism

US Administrations Bonded With Zionism

Ibrahim Ebeid


March 20, 2005

The US Administrations whether Democratic or Republican, with no exception, have always been fervent supporters of "Israel" and have always considered this illegal entity as their strategic ally. "Israel" shares the same ideas as the United States in conquering other nations, evicting the indigenous people from their land, and annihilating the majority of the population to establish their state on that land.

When I was a young man there was no "Israel", Palestine was under the British Mandate. The majority of the population was Arab despite the rush of the organized Zionist immigration, supported and encouraged by the Mandate Authority and the Western Allies. The Anglo Saxons that are occupying Iraq nowadays were the driving force behind expelling the Palestinians from their land and establishing this entity in 1948.

Hundreds of thousands of Palestinian families were expelled and thousands were slaughtered. My family was one of the thousands who were expelled from Jaffa. I remember vividly, it happened in 1948, to be specific on April 13, two days before the establishment of the Zionist entity while the British were still there.

The American Presidents along with their religious guides are always enchanted with Zionism and its racist ideology. Each one since the creation of the racist entity, “Israel” is destined to show unfledged support and allegiance to Zionism and to "Israel".

Just listen to the 700 Club of Pat Robertson or to Jerry Falwell and others, you will reach a conclusion that they are blinded by Zionism and their hate to Arabs and Muslims is very powerful and unmatched. Their followers are dominated by false ideas and falsehood. This Fanaticism brought George W. Bush to the White House for a second term and to a certain degree it plays a remarkable role in US politics.

Sadly, every President gladly commits himself to working with the Congress to help "Israel" financially, economically and militarily to keep it repressive and aggressive in order to suppress the Palestinians who defend their historic rights to Palestine.

Former President Clinton, in a speech to the Zionist Knesset (Parliament) said "I am committed to working with our Congress to maintain the current levels of military and economic assistance. We have taken concrete steps to strengthen Israel's qualitative edge. The U.S.-"Israel" Science and Technology Commission, unprecedented Israeli access to the U.S. high-technology market, and acquisition of advanced computers -- all these keep "Israel" in the forefront of global advances and
competitive and global markets."

Advancement and modern technology is forbidden to the Arab nation. When Iraq was able to develop its economy and was able to break the barrier of modern technology was brutally attacked and occupied. Its economy is destroyed; its scientists are in jail or being assassinated by the thugs of occupation. Even women scientists who worked hard in agriculture and farming were put in jails in the harshest conditions. Huda Saleh Ammash is a notable example, she is sick with cancer and still in jail for no reason other than to be a committed scientist for the advancement of her country and her people.

The Arab countries are not allowed to advance nor they receive any financial, military or economic assistance on the same level of "Israel" An Arab State must stay weak but the Zionist entity must stay strong and aggressive. It is allowed to violate UN Resolutions for "self defense" and the victims, the Palestinians and Arabs are not allowed to defend themselves against the terror of Zionism, and they are considered terrorists by the US Administrations.

Clinton said to the Zionist Knesset "I have also taken steps to enhance Israel's military and your capacity to address possible threats not only to yourselves, but to the region. F-15 aircraft are being provided, and F-16s transferred out of U.S. stocks. We work closely with you to develop the Arrow missile, to protect against the threat of ballistic missiles." (See link above)

Clinton formed a bond with his pastor when he visited the gravely ill cleric.

He promised him to be loyal to "Israel". He told his pastor that he might be come one day President of the United States, and then the ill Pastor told him "If you abandon Israel, God will never forgive you." He said "it is God's will that Israel, the biblical home of the people of Israel, continue forever and ever". (See link above)

It amazes me how these presidents of the most “advanced democracy” in the world are able to twist the facts and distort history. It is very strange how they ignore the fact that Palestine is Arab since time immemorial and the Palestinians have the right to liberate their land and establish the democratic state on the entire land of Palestine.

The Arab regimes that accepted the Bush “Freedom and Democracy” are traitors to the Arab cause, they have chosen to be on the side of the enemy against their people.

Recognizing the Zionist entity and normalizing relation with this illegal state means relinquishing the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people and the Arab nation to their own land. These rulers who recognized "Israel" have accepted the criminal usurpation of Palestine and have renounced the Right of Return.

We hope that the international community, and the anti war movements understand that Zionism and US Imperialism are one and the same. They are the reason behind the trouble and insecurity in the World. To be a peace loving movement and a progressive organization you have to take a very clear stand against Zionism and imperialism. You have to be on the side of the liberation movements in the World especially in Iraq and Palestine. The Palestinian State must be on the entire historic land of Palestine, from the river to the sea. Iraq must be liberated and its legal government and institutions must be restored.

لو تحركت الشمس من الشمال الى اليمين
لو تخلت الأهرام عن حجرها المتين
لو عاد كل صهيوني الى بطن أمه جنين
لن نتنازل عن شبر واحد من أرض فلسطين

بحبك يا فلسطين

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(Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim]

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, "Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all."
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah]

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