Abdul Wahid Osman Belal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Date: Fri, 22 Apr 2005 06:36:11 +0500
From: "Abdul Wahid Osman Belal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"Jordan Times" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
"Arab News" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
"Saudi Gazette" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Subject: Fw: [Tmflist] Pesach Pilgrimage and March to the Temple Mount

-------Original Message-------
Date: 04/21/05 19:57:45
Subject: [Tmflist] Pesach Pilgrimage and March to the Temple Mount
Pesach Pilgrimage and March to the Temple Mount
by the Temple Mount Faithful Movement on 26/04./05

On the 3rd day of Pesach, Tuesday 17 Nissan 5765, 26th April 2005, at 9:30 AM the Temple Mount Faithful Movement will make a pilgrimage and march to the Temple Mount. In this way we shall fulfil the commandment which G–d gave to Israel and renew the exciting event that our forefathers did when the Temple existed and families went up by foot to Jerusalem from the 4 corners of the land to make a pilgrimage, to bring the omer offering to the G–d of Israel and to make the Pesach sacrifice. It was one of the highlights of the people of Israel that now the Temple Mount Faithful Movement has renewed as an opening for the soon rebuilding of the Temple and the renewing of all the commandments that are connected to the worship to the G–d of Israel in His holy house.

This most holy and important event will take place at a very critical time of redemption in Israel. No pressure which comes on Israel in these days from its enemies or nations all over the world, including that which comes from the EU and President George Bush, to stop the godly process of the redemption of Israel can prevent the G–d and people of Israel and the Temple Mount Faithful Movement from fulfilling this godly end-time event.

The march of the Temple Mount Faithful Movement to the Temple Mount with the omer offering on this Pesach will be another important stage in this godly process and a message to the enemies of the G–d and people of Israel and all the world. We continue, together with the Almighty G–d of Israel, to complete His end-time vision to replant His chosen people, Israel, in the holy land of Israel that He gave them in an eternal covenant, to rebuild His holy Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and to send Maschiach ben David to complete the redemption of Israel and to open the door for the redemption of all the world so that His Word in Isaiah will be fulfilled in our lifetime.
The word that Isaiah the son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem. And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established on the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow to it. And many people shall go and say, Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths; for from Zion shall go forth Torah, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. And he shall judge among the nations, and shall decide for many people; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, nor shall they learn war any more. O house of Jacob, come, and let us walk in the light of the Lord.” (Isaiah 2:1-5)

This godly and exciting Pesach event will start in the morning when the Faithful will march with many of their followers, Israelis and friends from outside Israel, to the Temple Mount through the western gate of the Temple Mount while 2 priests will blow on silver trumpets which we reconstructed to be used in the Third Temple. This will be a renewing of the commandment of G–d to blow with silver trumpets on the Temple Mount at the festivals fo Israel. We shall pray our Pesach prayers. We shall carry the omer with us as an offering to the G–d of Israel exactly as He commanded in Leviticus.
And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, Speak to the people of Israel, and say to them, When you come to the land which I give to you, and shall reap its harvest, then you shall bring a sheaf of the first fruits of your harvest to the priest; And he shall wave the sheaf before the Lord, to be accepted for you;” (Leviticus 23:9-11a)

The omer will be cut from the fields of Israel as our forefathers did and will be brought to the Temple Mount as they did as a love offering to our beloved G–d of Israel. We shall also carry with us earth which will be taken from Gush Katif in the Gaza Strip and northern Samaria from where Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, with the backing of President Bush, is intending going to sinfully and as a revolt against the G–d of Israel carry out what they call the “disengagement”. G–d commanded the people of Israel to never divide the land which He gave them in an eternal covenant and not to give any part of it to anyone especially not to a most cruel enemy, the so-called “Palestinians”, Arabs which never existed as a nation with this name and never lived in the land of Israel or any other place in the world. This act is evil in the eyes in the G–d of Israel. He will never accept it and as He said in the prophetic Word, He will judge those who divide His land.
For, behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring back the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem, I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will enter into judgment with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and have divided my land.” (Joel 4:1,2)

We shall carry this earth from these areas to demonstrate the anger and disagreement of the G–d of Israel and His obedient followers from the Temple Mount Faithful Movement with this anti-godly, sinful and false act. At the same time, we shall demonstrate the unity of these areas with all the other parts of the land of Israel around G–d and His holy mountain as one piece which cannot be divided.

We shall call on Sharon to immediately cancel his disengagement plans, to strongly hold all the parts of the holy land of Israel, to remove the evil enemies, “Palestinians’, from the land of Israel that they desecrate and where they kill the children of G–d in it by terror and hostility, back to the countries from where they came in the early 20th Century with the one goal of destroying Israel. We shall call on him not to listen to or obey the pressure of President Bush to divide the land of Israel and to establish a “Palestinian” state in it and to reject any other pressure that comes from all over the world and to obey only the G–d of Israel, the Almighty G–d Who promised to stand with His people, Israel, and not to allow anyone in the world to touch them. The earth that we shall carry will be spread on the Temple Mount and will strongly symbolise this clear godly message to the leadership of Israel and all the world.

Another godly message to Ariel Sharon will be demonstrated by the Faithful Movement on the Temple Mount. This message which the G–d of Israel shared with His people more than 3300 years ago on the way of the children of Israel rom Egypt to the promised land will remind him that nobody can take the land or any part of it and not even have a desire for the hoy land of Israel when the people of Israel will consecrate the Temple Mount to be the holy hill of G–d and the place of His holy Temple where He will dwell among His people and when they will go up to the mountain 3 times a year to meet the G–d of Israel - “For I will cast out the nations before you, and enlarge your borders; nor shall any man desire your land, when you shall go up to appear before the Lord your God thrice in the year.” (Exodus 34:24) “And let them make me a temple; that I may dwell among them.” (Exodus 25:8)

Gershon Salomon will call on President Bush, who on other occasions declared himself to be a friend o Israel, to immediately stop his pressure on Israel and not to bring his country, which is a close friend of Israel, under the anger and judgement of G–d. He will tell him that we do not obey anyone, not even the leader of the largest physical power of the world at this time, but only our beloved Almighty G–d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

After this part of this godly event we shall march around the walls and gates of the Temple Mount. We shall circle them like Joshua did at Jericho and blow on shofars with the great prayer that as G–d did at Jericho He will do here on the Temple Mount so that all the walls of hostility around the Temple Mount and all over the land of Israel will fall and G–d will judge all the enemies of today as in the time of Joshua.

We shall carry with us the godly flags of Israel and the Temple and our hearts, love and prayer will be concentrated on the beloved G–d of Israel. We are shure that He will march together with us on this special day and event.
Everyone in Israel or from outside who is in Jerusalem on this day is welcome to take part in this event and in the campaign of the Temple Mount Faithful Movement to bring about in our lifetime all G–d’s end-time plans for Israel and all the world as He expects of all of us. Blessed will be those who hear this end-time call of G–d and answer it with all their heart, activities and devotion.

In G–d we trust.
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