In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Inews Daily
Tuesday 28th February 2006 - 29th Muharram 1427
Iraqi Sunni, Shia hold joint prayers
Iraqi Shia cleric Muqtada al-Sadr and the Sunni leadership in the southern city of Basra have held joint Sunni-Shia prayers in a show of unity following last week's bomb attack on a Shia shrine. The joint prayers were held at the Grand Basra Mosque yesterday. In a speech after the prayers al-Sadr urged Iraqis to avoid civil discord and blamed the US occupation for the wave of sectarian attacks sparked by the bombing of the al-Askari shrine in the city of Samarra. He also urged his followers to resist the occupation 'by acts not by words'. Meanwhile, Shaikh Jawad al-Khalisi, a revered Shia scholar, sent a delegation to visit and help clean and reconstruct Sunni mosques that have been attacked after the Samarra blast.
UN watchdog refuses to give Iran clean bill of health
The head of the world's nuclear watchdog declared last night that he could not give Iran's nuclear programme a clean bill of health, blaming Tehran for frustrating almost three years of inspections and detective work by experts from the International Atomic Energy Agency. The verdict delivered by Mohamed ElBaradei, the head of the IAEA, set the scene for a diplomatic battle next week in Vienna when the IAEA's 35-strong board is to take the longrunning dispute to the UN security council in New York.
EU 'grants' funds to Palestinian Authority
The European Union has agreed to give $143 million in urgent aid for the Palestinian Authority before a government led by Hamas takes office. Announcing the grant, the French foreign minister said the aid funds were required to avoid 'economic chaos'. Earlier an international envoy warned that the Palestinian Authority faced financial collapse within two weeks because Israel has stopped reimbursing millions of dollars in customs duties. Some 140,000 people are on the Palestinian Authority payroll, including 58,000 security personnel.
Lahoud sees foreign plot to oust him
Lebanese President Emile Lahoud, has accused 'foreign powers allied to Israel' of planning to oust him in favour of the country's main anti-Syrian coalition which has been calling on him to quit. In a letter to a Lebanese daily newspaper published yesterday, Lahoud launched his most scathing attack against the parliamentary coalition led by Saad al-Hariri, the majority leader. An unnamed presidential palace official had previously singled out France as one force supporting the anti-Syrian coalition to impeach the president. Syria ended its 29-year military presence in Lebanon in April.
Five people killed in Saudi raids
Saudi security forces yesterday killed five 'militants' sought for a daring attempt to blow up car bombs inside a huge oil-processing complex - an al-Qaida-claimed attack that made oil prices jump by more than $2. In two simultaneous raids at dawn, security forces confronted the five at a house in eastern Riyadh and detained a sixth at an undisclosed location in the same part of the city. The men were killed in what officials described as a "fierce" but brief gun battle. The security forces suffered no casualties.
Somali interim parliament meets
Somalia's interim parliament has held a session inside the war-torn country for the first time. It is the 14th attempt to restore central government to Somalia, whose last national president was overthrown by militias in 1991, ushering in an era of anarchy. It was also the first parliamentary session since a meeting in neighbouring Kenya last year ended with lawmakers brawling, throwing chairs and smashing ballot boxes. The parliament met in Baidoa as it was considered a neutral site by both factions in the divided government. Conflict and famine have killed hundreds of thousands in Somalia
US Muslims fight halal meat scam
Muslims in the US are willing to pay a premium for halal, and across the country halal foods - and their look-alikes - are popping up in grocery store meat cases, on carryout menus and in fast food drive-throughs. Some vendors blend regular meat with a little halal meat to justify Muslim-friendly labels and higher prices. Others simply lie, preying on Muslims' trust and devotion. But legislators say creating laws could put state governments in the touchy position of interpreting religious rules.
Russia deceiving world on Chechnya’
Europe must not by duped by Russian claims that Moscow is fighting a war against terror in Chechnya and turn a blind eye to abuses committed in the rebel province, lawmakers participating in a conference in Lithuania said yesterday. "Russia is busy deceiving the world by saying that the war in Chechnya is a war against terrorism. The truth is that Russia is carrying out a determined policy to annihilate the Chechen people," a Lithuanian lawmaker told a press conference. The seminar on Chechnya was held to mark the 62nd anniversary of what Chechens call Deportation Day. On February 23, 1944, almost half a million Chechens were forcibly moved to central Asia, on orders from then Soviet leader Josef Stalin.
Pope says ‘embryo’ and ‘human adult’ alike in God’s eyes
Pope Benedict XVI said on Monday that God makes no distinction between a human embryo and a child or adult. The Pope made his comments while hosting a Vatican-organised scientific conference on the status of the human embryo. "God’s love doesn’t make the distinction between the embryo inside its mother, the child, the youth, the mature adult or the elderly person," said the pope. The pontiff’s statement reaffirmed the Catholic church’s official position that "all human life is sacred and inviolable, from conception to its natural end."
Iran unveils plan for pro-Palestinian conference
Iran has unveiled plans on Monday to host a conference on the Palestinian-Zionist conflict and more controversial discussion of the Holocaust. The "International Conference on al-Quds and support of the rights of Palestinian people" will be held from April 14-16, the chief organiser told reporters. Iran’s anti-Zionist government has held such gatherings before - with groups such as Hamas and Islamic Jihad taking part - drawing accusations in the US and Israeli press that Iran hosts "terrorist summits". Earlier this month, Iran also vowed to fund a new Palestinian government headed by Hamas saying, "Iran will, along with other Islamic and non-Islamic nations, pay its share in helping Hamas."
Pakistani tribal rebels bomb key gas pipes
Suspected tribal militants blew up two key gas pipelines in Pakistan, cutting the supply to four power plants and sparking a blaze that melted a main railway track, officials said yesterday. No injuries were reported in the blast in central Punjab province late Sunday, which had targeted pipes bringing gas from the insurgency-hit southwestern province of Baluchistan. The ruptured pipelines supply a US and British-owned thermal power station at Kot Addu as well as three other smaller plants in Punjab. The tribal militants of Baluchistan have repeatedly attacked gas pipes, railway lines and government targets to press their demands for more autonomy and a bigger share of profits from the impoverished region’s vast oil and gas reserves.
Army threatens to storm Afghan jail after two-day standoff
A standoff between security forces and hundreds of rioting inmates at Afghanistan’s main jail dragged into a second day yesterday, with the army threatening to storm a seized cell block if negotiations failed.
With more than seven dead and 38 injured, the prisoners have not been given food since the riot erupted late Saturday at the dilapidated Pul-e-Charkhi prison on the outskirts of Kabul. Security forces had closed the gate into the complex to hold back prisoners who appeared to have armed themselves with makeshift weapons including steel bedposts and shards of glass, witnesses inside the jail said. Negotiations between the prisoners and government officials started early Monday.
Arab League chief says cartoons part of anti-Islam battle
Arab League Secretary General Amr Mussa yesterday considered the Prophet Mohammed’s cartoons as part of a 'battle against Islam' rather than a symptom of conflict among civilizations, and urged Arab parliamentarians to put pressure on the UN to come up with a 'strict' solution to this problem. The cartoons, considered by Muslims as sacrilegious to the Holy Prophet, drew sharp reactions throughout the Islamic world. Statement of a UN legislation that bans offences to prophets was high on the agenda of the two-day APU meeting.

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{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.}
(Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim]

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, "Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all."
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah]

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