From: fahmina hussain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 17 Apr 2005 00:54:42 -0700 (PDT)
Subject:  Thoughts On Modesty

Thoughts On Modesty

'Every religion has its characteristic, and the characteristic of Islam is 

This statement made some 1400 years ago by the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is just 
as relevant today as it was then. The Prophet (pbuh) lived in turbulent times, 
when slavery, debauchery, drunkenness and sexual abuse was rife; when poor 
women could be maltreated without redress and wealthy women could live totally 
without morals if they wished, without much criticism. When the Prophet (pbuh) 
was a teenage boy he was one of the founder members of a society of Knights of 
Justice created by his uncle, determined to bring protection and fair dealing 
to the weak and insecure. He, and those of like mind, were loved and admired 
for their nobility, years before the revelation of Islam. The revelations, when 
they came, encouraged and exhorted them to show others that compassion, 
generosity, courage, modesty and patient faith were the right way to live.

Modesty is such a 'quiet' characteristic, that perhaps nobody thinks about it 
very much. What are modest people like? They are self-effacing, and humble; 
they do not wish to draw too much attention to themselves. They feel 
embarrassed when they are given praise, and genuinely do not really feel they 
have done all that much to deserve it, for everything they do is their no more 
than their duty and their delight, in serving God. They would hate to be picked 
out for praise above their fellows, or pushed forward into the limelight, shown 
off, or made to perform 'party pieces' for the applause of others. Modesty also 
implies a personal and physical shyness and reticence, as opposed to a wish to 
flaunt themselves for their physical charms. In this day and age, when it seems 
to be taken for granted that young women wish to walk down the streets of town 
wearing garments that cover little more than their underwear does, and when 
everything seems geared up to a lifestyle that encourages
 females to make themselves as sexually attractive as possible, and to feel 
failures if they are not turning heads, women who are not like that, and do not 
wish to be, are regarded by some as being rather odd.

It is an unfortunate sort of discrimination, for in actual fact very large 
numbers of girls and women are naturally modest, and do not wish to flaunt 
themselves at all, and feel no sense of distress or loss if they are not 
arousing male desires or interested glances. Wearing hijab, or becoming a 
'covered lady', is one of the odd problems facing girls and women who convert 
to Islam and who then decide to alter their style of clothing, and/or wear a 
head-veil. Ironically, genuinely shy and modest women can feel really uneasy 
and 'forced into the arena of public scrutiny' when they change old habits; 
putting on hijab can cause people who know you to stare, or wonder why you 
suddenly think yourself to be 'better' or 'more holy' than them, or to bring 
out remarks about how well they know what you are really like; or to wonder why 
you are seeking to 'dress up in fancy dress', or pretending to be an Arab or a 
Pakistani or whatever. Muslim women who take the further step of covering their
 faces often face a similar reaction from Muslim women who don't.

This is not something that male Muslims know very much about. There is no 
equivalent requirement for a man as regards his clothing, or head-covering, or 
face-covering. I suppose something similar would be for a convert man to feel 
it was a good thing required by Allah to turn up at the office or go to the 
garage or factory in an Arab long white dress, and put a bag over his head. Yet 
there are rules in Islam for male modesty. I have winced in horror on a plane 
coming home from Damascus in which all the male passengers were Muslims except 
a couple of western tourists who wore shirts open to the waist (sweat, 
chest-hair and all), and shorts, and were quite oblivious to (or not bothered 
by) the reaction of distaste from those all around them. In fact, male Muslims 
are also expected to dress modestly, in clean clothing that covers them and 
does not emphasize their sexuality.

Needless to say, it is not only modest clothing that is required, but also 
modest behavior - not the Dickensian Uriah-Heepish sort of crawling humility, 
but the genuine desire to do good for no reason other than to please Allah, 
seeking no reward, or thanks, or public notice. The cover-up clothing of Muslim 
women is not intended as a punishment or an endurance test, but as a wish to 
appear graceful and feminine without encouraging any sexual advances. 'Covered 
ladies' are not necessarily innocent youngsters, virgins about to be sacrificed 
in marriage, but may be mothers of half a dozen children, perhaps married 
several times. There is no false modesty intended. But they are giving certain 
specific messages: firstly, that their faith is Islam and they have chosen to 
submit to the will of God in every aspect of their lives; and secondly, that 
they wish to be appreciated for their characters and good deeds, and not for 
whether or not they happen to be pretty or slim or sexy.

Modesty also implies simplicity, and lack of desire for ostentation. A woman 
could be completely covered, but in some gaudy material, shrieking color, and 
also dripping with jewellery, gold and pearls. That's one sort of ostentation. 
Or she might be the only woman in her community who chooses to be head to toe 
in black - that might well be genuine piety, but it could also be a form of 
ostentation too. Allah will judge the lady not on her clothes at all, but on 
her motives, her niyyah, and the quality of her life and what she does with it. 
Of course, the covered clothing can be quite a sacrifice - notably when the 
temperature soars and one must find garments in pure cotton, and not wear short 
sleeves, and if wearing the veil one must remember that a large amount of 
body-heat escapes through the head, and one can end up feeling quite faint and 
uncomfortable. There is always a lot of controversy about the extent of a 
woman's hijab in Islam. Some women cover absolutely everything, others
 interpret it to mean 'modest dress according to the society in which one 
lives' and even dispense with the head-veil. Hijab certainly means that a woman 
should not be showing her cleavage, or wearing a garment that is transparent 
and reveals her underwear, or one that is tight and clinging. My husband, 
coming from Pakistan, was horrified to note that old ladies in the UK brazenly 
went round showing their legs to all and sundry - to him, any skirt above the 
ankle was a mini-skirt.

The compulsory aspect of hijab to a Muslim woman is modesty - how this is 
interpreted in clothing styles is not compulsory at all, and is left to the 
piety and taste of the individual. Modesty and simplicity, and trust in Allah 
go hand in hand. I had a friend in Jordan a few years ago, a straightforward 
Muslim man who had asked me to bring him the present of a pair of denim jeans 
from the UK. When I also gave him a shirt to go with it, he was almost 
offended. What did I bring him a shirt for? He already had two. He promptly 
gave one shirt away to someone less fortunate than himself. I will never forget 
the lesson of his attitude. It was one of my key experiences in bringing me 
into Islam. I learned another lesson from him, too. A button came off, and I 
volunteered to sew it on for him. This earned a small rebuke, for it would 
deprive of employment the poor man down the street who earned his living by 
such things as sewing on buttons. One cannot help but compare the practice of 
 on that very simple and modest level to the fanaticism and squabbles and 
outright corruption that has marred the beauty of Islam in more comfortable and 
affluent surroundings.

Modesty goes hand in hand with value. When men and women are modest, they are 
in fact valuable people, and without any thought of self-aggrandizement, 
realize their value. The values of modesty and genuine humility are God-given, 
and those who possess those characteristics are blessed indeed. Moreover, they 
are lights shining in the darkness, giving an example of hope and goodness to 
others. A truly modest person makes the raucous pomposity and arrogance of 
others show up; a truly simple-living person makes nonsense of the ephemeral 
wealth-and-status-seeking ambitions of those who do not realize there is more 
to life than just this level of existence. A truly pure person reveals the 
tawdriness of lust and lasciviousness and the selfish dangers of unbridled 
sexuality. May God bless us, and fill our hearts with love and compassion, and 
direct our lives along a path that will enable us to bring help, hope, 
serenity, shelter and peace to others, and a means of rescue and healing to 
 already hurt and damaged by callousness, cruelty and abuse. Amen.

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{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom 
(i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue 
with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone 
astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} 
(Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in 
His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites 
(men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I 
am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if 
Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of 
camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, "Whoever 
calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who 
follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all." 
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 

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