The Muslim International Newsletter
-- from Dr. Amir Ali -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 From: TSidd96472
 Sent: Thu, 20 Oct 2005 07:20:16 -0400
  In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent. The Merciful
 [Shamim A Siddiqi, New York]
  This morning [October 19, 2005] our beloved Br. Atasi recited Surah Bani Israel [also called Al-Isra] in Fajr prayers. When he reached to Verse # 4: "We decreed for the Children of Israel in the Scripture [Al-Kitab]: Ye verily will create corruption on the earth twice, and ye will become great tyrants". It immediately occurred to my mind, "why two times only?" What about the "Jewish Conspiracies for the last two hundred years? What about the demolition of Ottoman Empire or Khilfah? What about the "creation" of the State of Israel? What about "The Protocol of Elders" and their dream of controlling the world? I could not reconcile for a while that why Allah (SWT) has mentioned transgression committed by Jews on earth only for two times and why He ignored their "conspiracies" and mischief that they are constantly committing for the last two thousand years after their Second overthrown from Palestine in 78 AD at the hands of Romans? I, then, realized that Allah (SWT) gives only correct statement and whatever is in the Qur'an is nothing but truth. It is our lack of understanding and imperfect vision about the development of world events and the "obscured period" that are beyond the sight of our mortal eyes and limited knowledge.

It dawned on my imagination that Allah has clearly stated in the Qur'an in Verse # 112 of Al-Imran: "Ignominy shall overshadow them wherever they may be, save [when they bond themselves again] in a bond with Allah and a bond with men for they have earned the burden of
Allah's condemnation and are overshadowed by humiliation" [The Message of the Qur'an by M. Asad]

The revival of Jewish condition as laid down by Allah is very clear and understandable. Jewish people could not meet the first one at all as they opposed the emergence of Islam tooth and nail from the very outset and perhaps it is continuing to this date. The automatic question arises how they got the upper hand in world politics and got a tiny state in the heart of the Muslim land planted. Naturally the answer is clear. They resorted to the second option as stated in the above quoted verse: to get the support of "others" and for that they manipulated the politics - political, fiscal and educational nerve centers of the West, the Christian world and brought it, by hook or by crook, under their control.

At the first place, the Jewish people enjoyed enormous protection in every Muslim State from Baghdad to Cordoba. They were the finance ministers and exchequers of accounts of the Caliphs of time at many places. Under Ottoman Caliphate entire finances were controlled and governed by them, resulting only in enormous debt. So they were happy but torpedoed the Caliphate and ruined its economy. This was their "reward" in return for Muslim's hospitality.

In the Western societies of Europe they were hated like anything and forced to live in Ghettoes. They worked more intelligently. Here in the predominant Christian societies, Jewish people adopted a different strategy and ultimately succeeded at all fronts. They introduced secret associations, societies and clubs like "Free Masons" and "Lion Clubs", spread their branches throughout the Muslim and the non-Muslim world in Asia, Europe and America, enticed the Christians and Muslims both to be their card-holder members , carrying a lot of prestige, favor, benefits and facilities, especially while traveling abroad. The top notch of each society was made its member. [The writer too was offered its membership in EP but I thankfully declined]. Its strength lies in its secrecy, method of enrolment, the oath of allegiance and who is its "Master"?

These associations and Clubs played instrumental in "enslaving" the Christian world and Jews gradually master-minded all the nerves centers of Europe and America. Ayub Khan in Pakistan was the member of Free Mason. So were Sikander Mirza and many more who hijacked Pakistan's ideology before Islam could play its part as a "political entity". Kamal Ata Turk, Anwar Pasha and many more were the men of Freemason and destroyed the Khilfah in May 1923 and forced Sultan Abdul Hamid Khan to abdicate the thrown and die in oblivion. It is very difficult to know what game they are playing in the world through these secret agencies of Jews. The annual gathering of world's Top business and political executives at Divas in Switzerland is being arranged by a Jewish businessman. Each participant has to pay $25,000/- as it fee. Just see
who is heading the World Bank today? Who is dominating the Whitehouse and Pentagon? President Bush is only acting as their "mouth-piece."

I am just trying to show that through intelligent manipulation of world nerve centers. Jewish people have managed to control the West and so feeling very comfortable as no politician in Europe and America can dare to oppose Jewish vested interests and lose its position overnight.
They dominate the leading media means: audio, video and print; educational campuses, Banks and entertainment industry. We will have to give the credit where it is due. They have maneuvered the world position to their favor by struggling hard during the last two hundred
years at least and now reaping its harvest. So they may be the chief instigators of world events, especially where their interest is involved. This is in short the condition of the people whom Allah has termed as "Maghdoob" Their game is very simple and they want to protect their integrity, race and culture at all cost. But the creation of the State of Israel is the game plan of the people of "Al-Dalleen" especially the Christian world: the British, the Russian and the Americans.

The Christian World, getting rid of their "religion" through Reformation Movements in every country of Europe, gaining enormous strength in power through industrial revolution and extraordinary development in the means of transport and communication was determined to expand its influence in the world. Ottoman Empire was their stumbling block which was unfortunately blind to these forces of progress at its door and succumbed to their treacheries, perpetual wars and skirmishes, plunders and encroachments by pounding on different wings of the Empire in Europe, Asia and Africa. British-Russian-French-German-Dutch countries gradually dismantled the Caliphate. Leaving Turkey aside, they distributed the rest of the "Empire" within themselves and became its Protectorate. They not only occupied the Muslim lands in Middle East, India, Central Asia, and Africa but the virgin land of America and Latin America too. They plundered the wealth of each occupied land, in the name of "colonization", in two ways: by getting their raw products at cheapest price and dumping their finished products at abnormally high prices. Thus, these so-called "civilized" Christian countries whose forerunners
were the Christian Missionaries in each country were and are, in fact, extremely dangerous for the "universal peace and security" and they are now multiplying their game in the name of Globalization of trade and commerce

The entire universal crisis that we see today around the world, especially in the Muslim world, is the creation of Christian world who “hate" Islam and Muslims as per their old tradition of Crusaders. They are bent upon to subjugate it by coining different false pleas, concocted war slogans, inventing preemptive war-phobia, dirty slogans of "Clash of civilization”, mockery of importing freedom and democracy to Muslim world while supporting the despotic rulers in each country, all in the name of "War on Terrorism". The leadership both of Church and political Institutions are responsible for this mess and, therefore, must be blamed totally for the insecurity of human race. Jews are somewhere only instrumental when their interest is in jeopardy.

The foregoing elaboration of world events categorically proves that the leadership of the world is in the hands of Christians and not Jews. Christian leadership readily "agreed" to create a homeland for the Jews in Palestine which was then a British Protectorate. Where Jews are assembling from different corners of the world. Equally, the Christiana are sure about the Second Coming of Jesus (peace be upon him) who as the saying of Rasulullah (S) goes will lead the Muslims, kill the Imposter and the Jews will be eliminated. [Christians will thus get rid of the Jews totally unmindful of the fact that it would also be the end of Christianity as a faith] So, it is the game plan. Both are exploiting each other but the Jews have no upper hand in this clash of
interest. Christian world is dominating and the Jews are getting only a bit of support from them due to their "nuisance" value that they have been able to acquire and accumulate for working hard in their body politics for decades together. It, thus, explains why Allah (SWT) has mentioned only the two transgressions [Fasad] of Jews through human history as the sponsors and the perpetrators of the current "universal crisis of peace and security" are the Christians, the "Al-Dalleen".

May Allah give us Tawfeeq in understanding the Qur'an and its inherent message!

Shamim Siddiqi
Website: October 19/20, 2005

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{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.}
(Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim]

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, "Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all."
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah]

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