Action Alert #528: CAIR Reminds Hajj Pilgrims of Their Legal Rights
(WASHINGTON, D.C., 12/4/07) - CAIR today urged American Muslims taking part in 
this year's Hajj to be aware of their rights when leaving from or returning to 
the United States.

Because of past allegations of "flying while Muslim" airport profiling 
incidents, CAIR is advising those going on pilgrimage to be aware of their 
civil and legal rights as airline passengers and citizens. CAIR is also 
offering a toll-free hotline (1-800-784-7526) for anyone who believes their 
rights were violated.

In its "Your Rights and Responsibilities as an American Muslim" pocket guide, 
CAIR states:

"As an airline passenger, you are entitled to courteous, respectful and 
non-stigmatizing treatment by airline and security personnel. You have the 
right to complain about treatment that you believe is discriminatory. If you 
believe you have been treated in a discriminatory manner, immediately:

* Ask for the names and ID numbers of all persons involved in the incident. Be 
sure to write this information down.
* Ask to speak to a supervisor.
* Ask if you have been singled out because of your name, looks, dress, race, 
ethnicity, faith, or national origin.
* Ask witnesses to give you their names and contact information.
* Write down a statement of facts immediately after the incident. Be sure to 
include the flight number, the flight date, and the name of the airline.

Contact CAIR to file a report. If you are leaving the country, leave a detailed 
message, with the information above at 202-488-8787."

SEE: Your Rights and Responsibilities as an American Muslim

Last week, Transportation Security Administration (TSA) issued a travel 
advisory highlighting the significance of Hajj.

SEE: Hajj Travel Information


1. Any pilgrims who believe their constitutional rights have been violated 
should call CAIR's "Hajji Hotline" at 1-800-784-7526.

2. Those going on Hajj should also print out an incident report form from and keep it handy for the return trip 
to the United States. CAIR's Civil Rights Department can also be reached by 
e-mailing: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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