GB’s Famous Quote 
  “Either You Are With Us OR Against Us”
  “If You Are WITH Us We Will Turn a BLIND EYE to All Your Human Rights Abuses, 
Corruption, Nepotism, Amassing of WMDs etc. But If You Are AGAINST Us We Will 
Work to Bring You DOWN By HOOK or By CROOK Even Though You May Be a Just Ruler” 
– AB
  Al Jazeera Producer Sentenced Over Torture Video
  by Rob Corder on Thursday, 03 May 2007
  An Al Jazeera television producer has been sentenced to six months in jail, 
or a fine of $1,760 for her role in creating a program that exposed torture 
techniques being used the Egyptian police. Howayda Taha has been on bail and 
did not attend the court hearing in Cairo. Al Jazeera's Egypt office said it 
would support her appeal of the verdict.
  She will not be jailed while that appeal is heard. In court, Taha was found 
guilty of damaging the country's supreme interests and possessing fabricated 
video material that would damage Egypt's reputation, with intent to broadcast 
  She was arrested in January when it emerged that she and her team were 
collating feature material including recordings of genuine torture incidents 
and reconstructions of torture incidents using actors.
  Back in January, Reporters Without Borders, a pressure group that supports 
press freedom around the world, condemned the decision to initiate trial 
proceedings against Al-Jazeera TV producer.
  "We are deeply concerned about the number of journalists and bloggers who are 
being brought before the courts in Egypt," the organisation said at the time. 
"Like so many other journalists, Taha is paying a high price for denouncing the 
abusive practices of a regime that is unable to shake off its old authoritarian 
  AB – [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                                        
  First They Came for the EXTREMIST, FUNDAMENTALIST & MODERATE Muslims. And I 
DIDN’T Speak Out Because I Wasn't An Extremist, Fundamentalist or a Moderate 
Muslim. Then FINALLY They Came for Me the NON-PRACTICING Muslim And NO Muslims 
Were Left to Speak Out for ME. 

Pinpoint customers who are looking for what you sell. 

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