How I Came to Islam
By Abdul Malik Hamidullah
Field Artillery Officer in the U.S. Army
My father was a Jew and my mother a not very religious Christian. With this mix 
I started and ended up taking first communion in the Catholic Church.  I do not 
remember attending church regularly as a child. However, I do remember that 
once when I was very young (perhaps seven or eight years old) having a powerful 
experience in a Catholic church, a feeling that I was suddenly very light; a 
feeling that I was being lifted. Although I was too young to have burdens, it 
was a feeling that the "burden of the world" was being lifted from me. This was 
my first profoundly spiritual experience. As one of my earliest memories it 
remains with me to this day.
As a teenager, I was really into the psychedelic sixties and all that came with 
it. I looked for a deeper meaning in the lyrics of the Beatles, Cat Stevens, 
and the Moody Blues. I read metaphysical books, some philosophy, Carlos 
Castaneda, and more. I attended a Baptist church, and was even baptized one 
afternoon when I felt that powerful feeling again. I started reading the Bible 
in earnest and found myself reading only the 'red-ink-words' of Christ (as). 
Still, the people and the religion seemed to be lacking something that I knew 
was out there somewhere. 
I continued to read and search. I practiced yoga, joined an ashram of Sikhs, 
read the Guru Granth Sahib; I married a Muslim woman that wasn't practicing 
Islam and began living in an ashram. Even though her father prayed five times a 
day, her parents did not teach her. [Hence, she too was always searching for 
the straight path.] This was a good thing for me. Otherwise, we would not have 
married and I would not have been placed in the life situations that I have 
found myself in that eventually led me to Islam. At any rate, we soon left the 
ashram. Soon I went to India, practiced Krya yoga, and joined SRF (Self 
Realization Fellowship). Still I always had this feeling that something was 
missing. I continued to study Taoism, and Buddhism and other religious 
During much of this period, I was a Field Artillery Officer in the U.S. Army. 
After Desert Storm, and a few days in Iraq fighting the ground war, I attended 
a military school in Pakistan for a year.  Of course, most of my classmates 
were Pakistani Muslims, and several were from other countries: Malaysia, 
Brunei, Syria, and Bangladesh, to name but a few. I became a close friend with 
two officers that were not what we would consider very good examples of Muslims 
[they smoked and drank on occasion!] However, despite their shortcomings, I was 
very impressed with them. And there were several Pakistani Muslims that 
impressed me even more. They were devoted; they had strength and dignity, 
humility and kindness, and many more traits that I had rarely seen in others in 
my travels. And certainly I had never seen so many people at one time with so 
many fine qualities.  I decided that it must be their religion that had made 
them this way.
I read some about Islam and discovered the logic and simplicity that I had 
looked for in other dogmas. I was really struck by the fact that al-Qur'an was 
still in the original unchanged form [If there is a King James Version, then 
I'd like to see the version published before that?!] And that ANYONE could read 
Hadith and learn what the Holy Prophet [PBUH] would have we Muslims do.  One 
does not have to have a Pope, a priest, or a monk tells you what to do; there 
is no guesswork; it's all right there! Hence, towards the end of my year in 
Pakistan, I told two of my close friends that I would like to become a Muslim. 
They were astounded. Nonetheless, they met with two more of our friends that 
were following the Sunnah a bit more closely than they had been, and we 
arranged for me to say Asshadu anlaa ilaaha ilAllah...  Four of us met, I 
became a Muslim, and was taught how make salah. I thank Allah for that glorious 
day and the days that led up to it.
There is a lot more to this, but the bottom-line is that: It was the kindness, 
humility, and excellent manners of Muslims, coupled with the system of 
straightforward Islamic ideals and way of life, which appealed most to my 
reason and my heart. This is why I am a Muslim now. 
And yes, now my wife also practices Islam, as does our grown daughter. Even my 
mother has become a Muslimah! Al hamdu lilLah!

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