My Journey to Islam - Jennifer Fayed                       There comes a 
time in peoples’ lives that you are compelled to think, why am I here what is 
my purpose in this life. These were my thoughts during summer of 2001. I had 
been married to my first husband for about 3 years. The marriage was going 
downhill. There was no ambition in my former husband, and with two children 
barely old enough to take care of themselves finding out I was pregnant; I 
started to ponder my purpose in this earth. 

  Yes, I was a wife a mother a daughter; however, the same thought came passing 
through my mind there has to be a reason for my existence. My family had 
recently moved to the Dominican Republic I felt abandoned. Abandoned you might 
ask, she’s married with children how can she feel abandoned? I was 21 years old 
and my parents were the base of who I was who I strived to be. They were my 
  I was sleeping, when I got a frantic call from my former mother-in-law 
screaming “there was a plane crash a plane crash in downtown Manhattan” 
confused I said “what, what are you talking about!” I turned on the television 
only to find out that the second tower of the world trade center was being hit 
by the second aircraft. I was shocked! Who could’ve done this, who was capable 
of such atrocity? I was in disbelief on what I saw on the news. Was this real I 
kept thinking to myself, it was must be a movie please, please tell me this was 
a movie. I had just been in the world trade center the day before. I saw this 
as some proof that it wasn’t my time to die and I hadn’t completed my purpose 
in this life. I didn’t know what purpose, but it wasn’t my time. There was 
chaos in New York City that day; little did I know this day among other events 
in my life would only be the beginning of drastic changes that were about to 
  Soon after the attacks of September 11th I went to Dominican Republic to 
visit my parents. I was about a month pregnant and no soul other than my 
mother-in-law, my former husband and I knew about the pregnancy. How was I 
going to break the news to my parents I mean I got pregnant with my first child 
out of wedlock and soon married as to make things right. So here I was pregnant 
with my third baby and I thought well at least I can think things through while 
being in the Caribbean. I left on American Airlines flight 587. This was the 
first time I was in an airplane so soon after the attacks of the world trade 
center. The security in the airport was intense, and people in the airplane 
kept praying some even during the whole flight. I started to laugh within 
myself. If we’re going to die well then it’s our fate. I kept thinking about my 
pregnancy. I didn’t want this pregnancy it was unplanned and a third mouth to 
feed I could barely support two children let alone three. I was
 so confused. I spent time with my family trying to tell them about the baby. I 
couldn’t bear to tell them that there first born daughter was yet again going 
to bring another major disappointment to them; therefore, I decided well I’ll 
terminate the pregnancy and no one has to even know I’m pregnant. Easy 
solution, I thought to myself but at the same time I came from a strong 
Christian family and to even fathom having an abortion was a sin and taboo. 
After my quick trip to the Caribbean I went back to New York and finally called 
Planned Parenthood to set-up the appointment to terminate the pregnancy. I 
asked them if I could take the abortion pill and I was devastated to find out 
that I would have to go through a full abortion because my window for the 
abortion pill was one week past the time to end the pregnancy with a pill. I 
was so depressed; I thought to myself oh my God their going to rip this baby 
out of my womb. What am I doing? 
  I really didn’t know if I could go through with it; as a result, I decided to 
pray to God not using the rosary or going to church but for the first time I 
was going to pray directly to him like a friend, someone who I felt had to help 
me it was my last resort. I cried while I continuously supplicated, oh God 
please I don’t know what to do I want this baby, but my marriage is on the 
rocks and we don’t have money to bring another baby into the world. I will put 
my full trust in you my Lord, please if it’s your will for me to have this baby 
then I will accept that and if it’s your will to end the pregnancy I will 
accept that too. I emptied my sorrows unto a God, a God that I worshipped my 
own way not the way I was taught to do. A God; one that to me had no partners 
and no son but just a being that I knew created me. I was at my wits end 
thinking about the pregnancy and just went through my usual daily routine. A 
few days past, I was watching television when a program was
 interrupted by a special report. I said oh no not another attack what happened 
next blew me away. I soon found out another plane had crashed, this time in 
Queens where I am originally from in New York. I was so worried I thought it 
must have been brought down by one of these terrorists yet again. I was 
astonished when they mentioned the flight number and its destination. It was 
American Airlines flight 587; yes the flight that I was on but only a week ago 
and it was headed to the Dominican Republic. I got chills up my spine. 
  I was numb all over thinking that this could’ve been me on this flight at 
this time. I saw this as a message from God that he was trying to tell me 
something. This wasn’t the first time in less then a month that I came close to 
death. I thought to myself God is trying to tell me something. A week after 
that supplication I started to have cramps, these cramps were different from 
the usual first trimester cramping. I brushed it off like no big deal. As the 
weekend continued the cramping got more severe and then I started to have 
bleeding. I was so frightened was I having a miscarriage? I hurried to the 
hospital and they put me on strict bed rest. I went home that evening and 
stayed in bed the cramping got better. Once asleep there was this shocking pain 
and with this pain I felt that something came out. I didn’t know what to do; I 
went to the bathroom only to discover a piece of round flesh on the pad. I was 
devastated. I never saw anything like this I lost my baby I was
 two months pregnant. I went back to the hospital and they confirmed to me that 
yes I had a miscarriage and they were sorry for my loss. The next day was the 
day of my abortion appointment October 15, 2001.
  I had the miscarriage just a day before this appointment. They called me from 
Planned Parenthood and asked me why I missed the appointment. I told them that 
I had a miscarriage a day before. It was so surreal, was it a miracle from God, 
did God answer my prayer, and what did he have in store for me. I felt that God 
was telling me that my life was going to change. How was it about to change? I 
had no idea but I did know that I couldn’t stay married any longer to someone 
who didn’t want to work and had no ambition in life. So I made a conscious 
decision toward getting my degree and taking steps to divorce my first husband.
  I saw how badly Muslims were being treated in New York. The aggression that 
played out so soon after the September 11 attacks, every other day there was a 
report on the news about a Muslim hate crime. It was horrible; I would 
literally see people walking on the opposite side of side walks if they even 
thought a person was a Muslim. Muslim businesses were empty people refused to 
buy from them. People would yell out horrible things to them in the street, “Go 
to your country, Terrorist, Taliban!! Why are people saying these things to 
innocent people? I agree the people who did this were horrible people, but why 
blame people who didn’t have anything to do with the attacks. It felt like a 
witch hunt. I was curious about what these people really stood for my interest 
grew larger everyday. I soon enrolled in college and I would meet Muslims and 
anxiously ask them questions about Islam. Why do you wear a scarf? What do you 
believe in? Who is this Mohammed who you always talk
 about? Some had answers but on the most part people didn’t know how to answer 
me. Most of the Muslim girls I did know didn’t wear the scarf and would say 
it’s a choice and I’m not that knowledgeable about Islam. I felt that no one 
was able to give me answers so I turned to the internet for answers. There I 
found out about Islam.
  I couldn’t believe that God (Allah) had sent another prophet after Jesus 
(pbuh). I knew God couldn’t have put me and everyone on this earth without 
answers to our many questions. Why we are here? Why do people say God is three 
when in fact it only confirmed what I personally had believed in since I was 
fourteen years old that God was one with no partners. I was seeking the truth 
to my questions and Islam answered all of them. This was amazing prophet 
Mohammed (pbuh) was the last prophet the last one God had sent to reveal is 
final message unto us. His favor upon us was done. Then I decided to do more 
research on this Mohammed (pbuh) was he a real person did he actually exist? To 
my surprise he was a real person and not only was he our messenger but his 
whole life had been documented. I was stunned, this was my religion I thought, 
the faith I have been searching for many years and it’s called Islam. I 
attended my first Ramadan that fall of 2002. 
Jennifer Fayed   
  The mosque was full of people. It wasn’t like a diocese in that generally one 
kind of race or nationality attends a specific church. The mosque had people of 
all different spectrums of the rainbow. They were all so friendly and kept 
saying salaam walakium, at the time I didn’t know what that meant but I would 
just nod in embarrassment. It was time to perform the salah (prayer); this was 
my first time ever to pray like the Muslims. I had no idea what they were doing 
but a friend of mine at the time just told me “do what they do” so that’s 
exactly what I did. I would mumble what I thought they were saying and perform 
the prostrations not knowing the significance or reason for it. I did enjoy it. 
I was amazed that all the Muslims face the Kabah in Mecca, Saudi Arabia at the 
same time for every prayer no matter what part of the world they come from. We 
didn’t have this in Christianity, not at all. The Muslims had an unspoken code 
that unified them to Allah the Most High. I
 wore a scarf that day in respect to them. I didn’t know how the women would 
put the scarf on so I bought a two piece scarf that I just slid on. I felt so 
wonderful and warm inside when I wore the scarf. I could walk the streets 
without men looking at me as a sexual object. I did get stares, but that didn’t 
bother me at all. After that day in the mosque I made a conscious decision to 
wear hijab all the time. People kept emphasizing to me that I didn’t have to 
wear hijab because I wasn’t Muslim. I would just comment that it’s my decision 
and it’s none of their business. When I wore hijab there was this feeling of 
security, warmth in my heart and soul that I was pleasing my Lord. I didn’t 
care about the stares or the negative remarks. I felt in my heart that I wasn’t 
doing enough to worship Allah. I was fasting some days during that Ramadan. 
Then I started to ponder how I would tell this to my family.
  I had told my father that I was reading about a religion that comes from the 
east, all he told me was “it’s good to gain knowledge in different cultures and 
religions” I think that one flew by his head by a long shot. When my mother 
arrived from the Dominican Republic I was seriously considering declaring my 
shahada. I just didn’t know how I would tell all of my family especially my mom 
considering she was so critical of me. I was wearing hijab already so I didn’t 
feel good taking it off just to please her because my duty was to Allah then my 
parents. As a result, I decided to get it passed my younger sister Catherine. 
She and I are five years apart but I thought to tell her first as to see what 
might be the response of my parents. I called her and said, “Hey Catherine I 
did something” She wasn’t shock as I usually did things that were out of the 
norm. She told me “What did you do this time Jennifer?” I bluntly told her that 
I was considering becoming a Muslim and that I
 already wore the headscarf. She went ballistic in laughter. She told me that 
now I had definitely done it and that my parents would kill me figuratively, 
and that she couldn’t believe that I was one of those terrorists. 
  She quickly followed with you’re my sister and I love you no matter what 
religion you become but that our parents would probably go into an attack of 
some sort. The funniest thing though was that telling my younger sister you can 
only expect some form of sibling rivalry. She soon remarked “Don’t tell mom and 
dad without me being there so I can see you go down with a laugh”. I knew she 
was joking, and to my surprise I couldn’t believe how mature she had become 
during that year. As you can expect, I told my parents and my dad took it well 
I guess most men would if it means that their daughters would cover their 
bodies. My mother on the other hand, was furious and shocked. She kept trying 
to convince me that I was in the wrong and that Islam wasn’t the right 
religion. The thing that bothered her the most was that I was wearing hijab. It 
took them about two weeks to calm down with the whole idea that I was changing 
my religion. They soon accepted me after that, however my mom
 kept persisting that this was only a phase and that I would come to my senses. 
One week later, I had made my decision to declare my shahada. 
  I woke up on the first Friday of January with the feeling that this was the 
day, this was the day I was going to say my shahada. I was going to make my 
declaration that there is no true god (deity) but God (Allah) and Mohammed is 
the Messenger (Prophet) of God. I took my shower and jumped on the train and 
went to the mosque to make my declaration. I saw the sheik and told him I want 
to make my shahada today. He looked at me with a smirk and said “Are you sure, 
is this what you really want to do?” I was so excited I told him “Yes, Yes, 
this is my decision” and so that day all my fellow brothers and sisters in 
Islam joined with me to witness my reversion to Islam. All and all I felt 
normal that day so many people congratulated me on my reversion and told me if 
I needed anything they would help me. I felt so lucky; here I was with a new 
family a nation of people from all different parts of the world. On that Friday 
night I went to sleep. My first night as a Muslim I thought,
 later that evening around fajr time I had the most beautiful dream a blessed 
  I was in a valley, full of beautiful green grass and gorgeous hills nothing I 
have ever seen in this life, and I was walking there towards a man. The person 
came towards me also, he was dressed in a white galabiya his face was like 
light not a humanly face but bright like the sun. I felt so warm and safe. He 
held my hand and we walked together to a big round rock which he sat on and I 
sat on the grass. He then told me “Welcome to Islam”. When I woke up I had this 
wonderful feeling in my heart. I thought this was the Prophet may the blessings 
of Allah be upon him. He came to welcome me to Islam. I later found out that it 
wasn’t Prophet Mohammed (pbuh), but it was one of Allah’s (swt) angels who had 
welcomed me into the fold of Islam for angels don’t have a human face but it is 
blurred. I felt so special from that day forward. An angel, an angel of Allah 
came to greet me to Allah’s religion my religion the faith that I so eagerly 
craved from a young age, Islam the one true
  Jennifer Fayed is an aspiring writer living in North Carolina, USA. She has a 
degree in business marketing and is an active member of the Muslimah Writers 
Alliance. Read more of her writings at 

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