From: "Adam Hanieh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 18 May 2007 09:40:40 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Nidah] CAIA Response to B'nai Brith Attack

        -- CAIA Response to B'nai Brith Attack -- Please forward widely

** Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid Urges B’nai Brith to Embrace Human
Rights for All **

May 18, 2007

The Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid was surprised to see a press
release issued by B’nai Brith Canada (dated 17 May 2007) characterizing
the national campaign to boycott Chapters Indigo bookstores as a
"misguided attempt to delegitimize the Jewish State of Israel and its

The boycott of the Chapters Indigo book chain was launched at the end of
2006 by the Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid in response to the
establishment of the 'Heseg Foundation for Lone Soldiers' by the book
chain's majority owners. Heseg distributes scholarships and support to
former ‘lone soldiers’ - individuals with no family in Israel who choose
to serve in the Israeli military. As Israeli soldiers, they are
responsible for enforcing the occupation of Palestinian land and numerous
well-documented human rights abuses.

CAIA notes that B’nai Brith purports to be the “Jewish community’s
foremost human rights agency”. It is surprising indeed, that their embrace
of “human rights” extends to a defence of the Israeli military – an
organization that has been noted by almost every human rights organization
on the planet as responsible for egregious and decades long violations of
human rights. CAIA poses a simple question to B’nai Brith: exactly what
would the Israeli military have to do to warrant their condemnation for
human rights abuses?

B’nai Brith’s attempt to sanitize Heseg and the support given by the
majority owners of Chapters Indigo to this foundation confounds the basic
principles of human rights. CAIA notes, according to the Jerusalem Post on
22 November 2006, that at a ceremony honoring a Lone Soldier killed during
Israel’s attacks on Lebanon “Levine's platoon commander handed Levine's
firearm to Canadian business duo and philanthropists Gerry Schwartz and
Heather Reisman, the financial backers of the Heseg project.” Israel’s
invasion of Lebanon killed over 1000 Lebanese civilians and attempted to
reduce the country to rubble. What kind of “philanthropic” activity sees
the owners of a book chain awarded a gun used in the attempted destruction
of a country? Is B’nai Brith concerned with the fact that Heseg’s board of
advisors includes Doron Almog, former head of Israeli forces in the Gaza
Strip who was in charge of Israeli military command when a one-ton bomb
was dropped on a house in Gaza killing 14 civilians, including nine
children - an individual for which a warrant for suspicion of war crimes
was issued in Britain? Or that other high-ranking Israeli military
personnel serve on the board of advisors to this ‘philanthropic’

Furthermore, it is ironic that B’nai Brith – a supposed human rights
organization – decries attempts to “delegitimize the Jewish State of
Israel”. This week, Palestinians commemorate the 59th anniversary of Al
Nakba (the catastrophe) that saw the expulsion of three-quarters of the
Palestinian population from their land in 1948. At least 20% of Israel’s
population is non-Jewish. CAIA is opposed to any state that defines itself
on the basis of one ethnicity or religion. We wholeheartedly support the
right of all Israeli citizens to full equality regardless of their
religion, ethnicity or nationality. It is for this reason that we are part
of a global campaign against Israeli apartheid that includes boycott,
divestment, and sanctions in the manner of the campaign that helped
isolate and end South African apartheid.

We challenge B’nai Brith to publicly announce their support for the human
rights of all people, including Palestinians, and join us in the campaign
to boycott Israeli apartheid. First and foremost, B'nai Brith should
endorse the national day of action against Chapters Indigo that will be
happening outside bookstores across the country on June 9th. More
information can be found at



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