As Salam Alaikum wa Rehmathullah,

And those who disbelieve are allies of one another, (and) if you 
(Muslims of the whole world collectively) do not do so [i.e. become 
allies, as one united block under one Khalifah to make victorious 
Allah's religion of Islamic Monotheism], there will be Fitnah (wars, 
battles, polytheism) and oppression on the earth, and a great 
mischief and corruption (appearance of polytheism) Al-Anfal 73.

The pride we take in being the best of People chosen for the benefit 
of mankind (3:110) and for having been blessed with a Deen that 
Allah has perfected and completed His favour upon us by giving it to 
us (Al-Maidah 3) is entirely justified, but just like how power 
without responsibility is more harmful than beneficial, so too our 
Deen that comes to us with a promise of Jannah but does not exclude 
us from being severely tested and held accountable for not living up 
to the responsibility reposed on us by the Creator, both in this 
World and the Hereafter.

We are singularly a people on whom lies the onus of disproving the 
present day accepted norms, practices and values. We bear the burden 
of proving how Islam is perfect and the only religion acceptable to 
Allah SWT. Anything even slightly in conflict with the Quran is 
completely unacceptable to us. We have the unenviable responsibility 
of standing by the Commands of Allah even at the cost of being 
labelled dogmatic, intolerant, violent and all the other titles that 
are heaped upon us. 

I believe there is a need for us to stop and reflect why it is so? 
It is easy for us to feel victimised and develop a siege mentality. 
We feel so frustrated at the unfairness of it all and as a result 
fight back with all our might in an effort to dispel the wrong 
notions people have about our great religion. Of late there are more 
and more from amongst us who are taking to writing, organising 
seminars and creating platforms for inter-faith dialogue and a lot 
more. One has to say this is good and I am sure it is also helping 
some what in offsetting the stereo typing of the Muslims. Awareness 
about Islam is growing by the day and statistics show there are more 
and more people embracing Islam. Amazingly this is happening at a 
time when Islam is at its weakest and is generally perceived as a 
backward and violent religion. The question is how can this 
contradiction be reconciled?

I believe we have to understand that for any answer, one first needs 
to have a question and as a Muslim Nation, we have never felt the 
need to question ourselves. We are rarely willing to look inward and 
certainly unwilling to give the benefit of doubt to others for their 
erroneous perceptions about Islam and Muslims. The best of our 
efforts today are directed towards explaining how we are not any of 
those things that they perceive us to be, rather the need is for us 
to show why we are none of those things people associate with us.

When we say, we are the best of people, we argue that it is so 
because Allah has said so, whereas the need is for us to demonstrate 
our superiority by emitting an Islamic character that is based on 
honesty, integrity, truthfulness, uprightness and trustworthiness.

When we say, Islam is a religion perfected by Allah, hence the best 
religion; we again make the point that Allah has said so, whereas 
the need is for us to show the enormous benefit there is for the 
World from Islam.

It should not be difficult for us to understand that it is in human 
nature to adopt and accept something only if he/she finds there is 
something in it for him/her that is superior to what she already 
has. There are certainly those who will find Islam superior simply 
because it is logical and answers the contradictions they find in 
their own Scriptures. 

In this age of communication and Information, there are more and 
more people who have suddenly become aware of Islam as a religion 
that is different and somehow compelling for others to learn more 
about it. Unfortunately the how of Islam being a superior religion 
has become a cause for more and more people embracing Islam but at 
the same time leaving a larger number of otherwise unconcerned 
people with a hostile attitude towards it. Conversely had the why of 
Islam being a superior religion been a cause for people to embrace 
Islam, then the results would have been different. There would have 
been a larger number of people embracing Islam and even those who 
did not would certainly not have had ill will or dislike for Islam.

I plead with my brethren Ummah to recognise this contradiction and 
focus their efforts more and more towards correcting this anomaly by 
building a Society that is based on Islamic values. A system that 
demonstrates Universal Islamic Brotherhood and a mechanism that 
prevents one from benefiting at the expense of other; rather it 
looks at equity in the distribution of wealth. It takes away the 
capitalistic mindset of survival of the fittest; rather it 
demonstrates the right for all to survive. 

We have to show to the World that Islam is democratic in essence 
without subscribing to the farce that is practiced in the name of 
democracy today. We have to show Islamic democracy on the principle 
of governance of the Leaders, by the leaders, for the people unlike 
democracy of the people, for the people and by the people.

We have to demonstrate a non-interest based banking system that can 
work and more importantly helps to spread peace and goodwill in the 
Society, unlike discontent, crime and degradation of human values 

When we say we are the best of people, we explain how but are unable 
to demonstrate why because we don't have anything to show that is 
visibly evident. Most of our Institutions are in shambles. Our 
Islamic Scholars (Ulema) depend on Sadaqa and Zakat to run their 
Madrasas or even their households.  

There is an absolutely urgent need for us to articulate the role of 
a Muslim Woman in the society today. While there is no denying the 
immense rights and benefits Islam has given to Muslim Women, there 
is a need to not lose sight of the fact that it is a Woman who makes 
a Home and that is her primary duty and responsibility. Similarly a 
Muslim Man has to awaken to his rights and duties as a Provider. 
Only the amalgamation of the two will bring harmony and peace in a 
Society that is bedevilled by materialistic instincts and Mammon 
(the money god) as its presiding deity.

Finally in the context of Unity of the Ummah under a single Khalifa, 
it has been mentioned in Tafsir At – Tabari "That if you do not do 
what We (Allah) have ordered you to do, [i.e. all of you (Muslims of 
the whole world) do not become allies as one united block to make 
Allah's religion Islam) victorious, there will be a great Fitnah 
(polytheism, wars, battles, killing, robbing, a great mischief, 
corruption.)]. And it is Fitnah to have many Khalifahs.

I know it is not possible to have one Khalfah overnight, but the 
urgency of putting in motion a process that envisages a model 
Islamic system in all segments of Islamic Society cannot be over 
emphasised. May Allah SWT give us all the wisdom to imbibe all that 
pleases Him and reject all that that He is displeased with. Aameen.

The Quran Says: "Verily! Those who believe not in the Ayat (proofs, 
evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) of Allah, 
Allah will not guide them and theirs will be a painful torment". Al –
 Nahl 104

Jazak Allahu Khairan

Syed Adil


{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom 
(i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue 
with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone 
astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy 

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in 
His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites 
(men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I 
am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if 
Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of 
camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, "Whoever 
calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who 
follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all." 
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 



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