[ISN] ATT leaks sensitive info in NSA suit

2006-05-29 Thread InfoSec News
http://news.com.com/AT38T+leaks+sensitive+info+in+NSA+suit/2100-1028_3-6077353.html By Declan McCullagh Staff Writer, CNET News.com May 26, 2006 Lawyers for ATT accidentally released sensitive information while defending a lawsuit that accuses the company of facilitating a government

[ISN] DOD: China fielding cyberattack units

2006-05-29 Thread InfoSec News
http://www.fcw.com/article94650-05-25-06-Web By Josh Rogin May 25, 2006 China is stepping up its information warfare and computer network attack capabilities, according to a Defense Department report released this week. The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) is developing information

[ISN] IT expert preaches importance of security

2006-05-29 Thread InfoSec News
http://www.thetriangle.org/media/storage/paper689/news/2006/05/26/SciTech/It.Expert.Preaches.Importance.Of.Security-2014305.shtml By: Kaushal Toprani 5/26/06 Why do cars have brakes? is a question Scott Laliberte, a director at Protiviti Independent Risk Consulting, often asks his new clients.

[ISN] Three Mile Island guard playing video game fails to see inspector

2006-05-29 Thread InfoSec News
http://www.usatoday.com/tech/gaming/2006-05-29-nuclear-guard-game_x.htm By Deborah Yao The Associated Press 5/29/2006 PHILADELPHIA - A security guard at the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant was so absorbed in playing a hand-held video game that he failed to see an inspector approach during

[ISN] Feds lift security role of AusCERT

2006-05-29 Thread InfoSec News
http://australianit.news.com.au/articles/0,7204,19296902%5E15319%5E%5Enbv%5E15306,00.html James Riley The Australian MAY 30, 2006 COMPUTER security outfit AusCERT will hire additional staff after being handed an expanded role in helping protect critical federal government IT infrastructure.

[ISN] WestJet apologizes to Air Canada for web snooping

2006-05-29 Thread InfoSec News
http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20060529/westjet_apology_060529/20060529?hub=CTVNewsAt11 CTV.ca News Staff May. 29 2006 WestJet Airlines says it's sorry that members of its management team covertly accessed a confidential Air Canada website, and has agreed pay $15.5 million

[ISN] Sourcefire Turns Failed Deal Into an Opportunity

2006-05-29 Thread InfoSec News
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/05/29/AR2006052900824.html By Dina ElBoghdady Washington Post Staff Writer May 30, 2006 Network security firm Sourcefire Inc. enthusiastically agreed to sell itself for $225 million in October, watched the deal crumble in March, then