In my code I use the Methods setPaddingTop and setPaddingBottom of the
Class PdfPCell to specify the space between the text to the border on
the top and the border on the bottom of the cell, but that doesn't
really work for me. There is more space to the top than to the

It seems to me that the line is higher than just the size of the
current font, what makes perfectly sense in most cases but
unfortunately not in mine.... How can I change the height of the line?
Or is there a better way to have the exact same space to the bottom
and the top in a cell?

This is the code:

public class Main
        public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
                Document document = new Document( );
                PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document,
                                new FileOutputStream("pdf/HelloWorld.pdf"));

                PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable( 1 );
                PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell( new Phrase( "Test." ) );
                cell.setUseBorderPadding( true );
                cell.setPaddingTop( 0 );
                cell.setPaddingBottom( 0 );
                table.addCell( cell );
                document.add( table );
                document.close( );

I hope you can help me and sorry for my bad english...


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