I'm using iText 2.1.4 to create a PDF that I send to a printing house 
that use CMYK (they create 4 plates). The images I have in the PDF are 
in format .tif with CMYK colorspace. The problem is that it seems that 
iText is converting the images to RGB or something because the blacks 
are not black when it goes to print. If I check the PDF in Adobe (with 
Pitstop plugin) the blacks are converted to 84.7%C, 78.9% M, 60.3% Y, 
85.4% K, but what I want is just 100% K (black) and the rest 0%. The 
fonts I use are embedded and they are perfectly 100% K.

I have the same problem with line separators, they are 100% black in RGB 
but gets a mishmash of CMYK values like the images.

I create the images with:
Image img = Image.getInstance("image.tif");

I create the line separators with:
LineSeparator separator = new LineSeparator(1f, 100f, Color.BLACK, 
Element.ALIGN_LEFT, 0);
cell.addElement(separator); // add separator

I have read that RGB #000000 does not resolve to CMYK 0,0,0,100%, but 
like 75%,68%,67%,90%. If that is true how do I specify in iText to use 
just 100% K? The CMYKColor seems to just translate to a RGB Color. I 
tried to use CMYKColor.BLACK and CMYKColor(0,0,0,1) in the LineSeparator 
but with the same end result.

Any help appreciated.

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